• Agriculture Committee – All-Bill Summary 2018

    All bills passed by the Legislature and sent to the Governor for her signature during the 2018 session. 

    HF 2281 – Fish confinement feeding operations
    HF 2422
    – Noxious weed update bill
    HF 2407
    – Lake pesticides
    HF 2408
    Sale of eggs by grocery stores 


    HF 2281 amends the animal agriculture compliance act to assign an equivalency factor of .00006 to fish weighing less than 25 grams. Fish weighing more than 25 grams retain assignment of .001.


    HF 2407 creates a new civil penalty for applying pesticides in natural lakes without a license.


    HF 2408 codifies the Women, Infants & Children (WIC) benefit that grocery stores maintain a sufficient inventory of conventional eggs.


    HF 2422 allows the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship to add a weed to the list of noxious weeds without legislative approval. The bill also creates a state weed commissioner.

  • Governor: Reveal the numbers behind Medicaid savings claims

    For Immediate Release: May 29, 2018


    DES MOINES – Senator Pam Jochum of Dubuque has accepted Governor Reynolds’ offer to provide the numbers behind alleged Medicaid savings of hundreds of millions dollars.

    “This is not about the politics, it’s about the numbers and Iowa families,” said Jochum, a legislative leader on health care issues. “That’s why I have accepted Governor Reynolds’s offer to meet with Medicaid Director Mike Randol and go over the numbers.  This meeting should, of course, be open to the public and news media.  Iowans have a right to know where and how their tax money is being spent.  We are talking about hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars, the financial survival of the state’s health care providers, and the lives of 600,000 Iowans and their families.”

    Republican claims about the financial impact of Medicaid privatization have varied dramatically.*  When the Des Moines Register filed an open records  request for the facts, the Reynolds Administration released a one-page letter that was also sent to Senator Jochum.  The Register was offered more information, but only on “background.”

    “If money has been saved, I want to know how that happened,” said Jochum.  “Did for-profit Medicaid suddenly improve the health of Iowans with serious health care challenges? My best guess is that  most of the ‘savings’ came from failing to pay Iowa health care providers and forcing Iowa families to accept lower quality care.”

    The Republican budget approved during the 2018 session did not include a firm estimate of the cost of Iowa Medicaid for the coming year.

    “We all know for-profit Medicaid has been a disaster for Iowa families and health care providers,” said Jochum.  “I believe it has also been a disaster for the state budget.  Governor Reynolds, I look forward to a public review of the hundreds of millions of dollars Iowa has spent on privatized Medicaid and the reforms that will start fixing Iowa’s Medicaid mess.”


    * Reynolds Administration Claims Regarding Privatized Medicaid Costs

    Claimed Savings Date Source
    $232  million by FY 18 January 2015 Branstad/Reynolds Administration
    $47.1 million for FY 18 December 2017 Reynolds Administration
    $140.9 million (either annually OR  cumulatively) May 2018 Reynolds Administration



  • Remembering those who made the ultimate sacrifice

    As Memorial Day approaches, we salute all who wore the uniform and remember that freedom comes at a cost. Those who’ve sacrificed their lives are Iowa’s patriots. We can’t forget that their service was for us, whether they were family, friends or fellow citizens we never knew.

    Iowa’s tradition of military service stretches back to the Civil War, in which we had the highest percentage of our population fighting. Iowans’ commitment to serve our country has remained strong. That’s why veterans make up a higher proportion of our state’s current population than they do for the nation as a whole.

    This Memorial Day, there are many ways to pay tribute to those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Fly the flag, take a walk through the cemetery or visit a local monument. No matter where we are, we can all join in the National Moment of Remembrance observed across the country at 3 p.m. on May 28.

    The Iowa Veterans Cemetery, a State owned-and-operated cemetery constructed with federal funds, is completing its 10th year of operation. On Memorial Day, the cemetery hosts a ceremony, raises an Avenue of Flags, and places 110 flags along a center ring road and leading to a Fallen Heroes Monument.

    The cemetery is a special place to visit any time you want to learn more about Iowans’ sacrifices for our freedoms. Visitors regularly stop, groups tour the facilities, and many community ceremonies and volunteer efforts take place on the grounds. Maintained by the Iowa Department of Veterans Affairs, the Iowa Veterans Cemetery is located 10 miles west of Des Moines along I-80 near Van Meter.


    World War I Honor Roll now open

    On Memorial Day weekend, the State Historical Society will open a new traveling display that honors more than 4,000 Iowans who died a century ago during World War I.

    The display features thousands of names and photos from Iowa families who lost loved ones during the war. The society sent out a call in 2017 to shore up the official records during the war’s 100th anniversary. The new exhibit is the result of that research – and a tribute to a generation of Iowans who sacrificed their lives to the cause of freedom.

    The “World War I Honor Roll” is currently at the State Historical Museum in Des Moines. It will remain there for several months before traveling to other locations around the state. Follow along on Facebook or check the website calendar for future locations as they become available.


    Ask Congress to maintain public school funding for military families

    Congress is currently considering legislation to redirect public school funding to a voucher program for military-connected students (S. 2517/H.R. 5199). This would divert hundreds of millions of dollars from public schools, circumvent state and local oversight of education, and jeopardize accountability for academic achievement.

    With 80 percent of military-connected students attending public schools, many organizations have voiced opposition to the legislation, including the National School Boards Association, the National Association of Federally Impacted Schools, the National Military Family Association, and the Military Officers Association of America.

    The U.S. Senate is expected to vote on S. 2517 soon. You can speak up for the vast majority of military connected students by calling Senator Grassley and Senator Ernst at 833-480-1637. Ask them to oppose the bill.


    Aspen Dental’s Day of Service on June 9

    Hundreds of Aspen Dental offices are opening their doors exclusively to veterans during their annual Day of Service on Saturday, June 9. Known as the Healthy Mouth Movement, the service was launched in 2014 to provide free dental care to veterans in need. An estimated 211,540 veterans live in Iowa, and most don’t receive dental benefits through the Veterans Administration. Interested veterans should call 1-844-AspenHMM (1-844-277-3646) to see about scheduling an appointment at a participating Aspen Dental.


    Museums offer free visits for military families

    Just because school is letting out doesn’t mean learning has to stop. Museums nationwide take part in the Blue Star Museums program, which gives active-duty military families free admission throughout the summer. Find a Blue Star Museum to visit at www.arts.gov/national/blue-star-museums. Museums that want to participate can learn more and register for Blue Star status at https://apps.nea.gov/bluestarsignup/mainpage.aspx.

  • Jochum to Auditor Mosiman: Open “special investigation” into claims of Iowa Medicaid savings

    DES MOINES — Senator Pam Jochum of Dubuque has formally asked Mary Mosiman, the Auditor of the State of Iowa, to “audit the Iowa Medicaid program and the private managed care companies to document and determine the amount of ‘savings’ generated by privatizing the Iowa Medicaid program.”

    “Auditor Mosiman has said her unofficial office motto is, ‘In God We Trust…Everyone Else We Audit,’ said Jochum.  “That’s exactly the attitude we should all take to the suspect claims being made about Iowa’s disastrous Medicaid privatization.”

    Senator Jochum said Auditor Mosiman’s office should subpoena documents from the Reynolds Administration and from private companies to determine if “Iowans are really saving money by paying out of state, for-profit insurance companies to care for our most vulnerable.”

    In her letter to Mosiman, Senator Jochum noted that she had earlier asked the Reynolds Administration to provide the calculations related to Medicaid savings.  She described the response–single sheet of paper claiming almost a half billion dollars in savings—as “inadequate.”

    Senator Pam Jochum has represented Dubuque in the Iowa House and then the Iowa Senate by 1993. From 2013 to 2016, she served as the President of the Iowa Senate.

    – End –


    Text of Senator Jochum’s letter to Auditor Mosiman:


    May 22, 2018


    Mary Mosiman
    Auditor of State
    State of Iowa
    Capitol Building
    Des Moines, IA  50319


    Auditor Mosiman,

    I am writing today to officially request that you and your office audit the Iowa Medicaid program and the private managed care companies to document and determine the amount of “savings” generated by privatizing the Iowa Medicaid program.

    You serve as the “Taxpayers’ Watchdog.”  The amount of savings predicted and reported by the Iowa Department of Human Services has continually changed.  Iowans deserve a better answer.  Iowans deserve to know if their taxpayer funds are being used in the most efficient way.

    Your office should subpoena the necessary documentation from the Department of Human Services and the private companies to determine if Iowans are really saving money by paying out of state, for-profit insurance companies to care for our most vulnerable.

    I recently asked the Department of Human Services to show me the calculations related to Medicaid savings and I received the attached inadequate response.  It is time for you and your office to open a special investigation so Iowans can be assured their taxpayer funds are being used effectively and efficiently.

    Thank you for your attention to this matter.


    State Senator Pam Jochum

  • Senate Dem Leader’s 2018 session closing remarks

    By Iowa Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen

    As we wrap up the 2018 Legislative session, I want to thank my Democratic colleagues for the honor of leading our team as the Senate Democratic Leader.

    I also want to give a shout out to the retirees for their service: Senator Bertrand and Senator Chelgren.  We’re looking forward to giving Senators Rozenboom, Brown, C. Johnson, Lofgren and Breitbach the ability to sit on the same side of the aisle with your caucus next year.

    To our Democratic colleagues who are retiring: Senator Dvorsky, Senator McCoy, and the legendary Senator Wall Horn – we will truly miss having the three of you on our team.

    I also want to take a moment to ask the chamber to join me in showing our appreciation to our smart, talented, caring and hard-working caucus staffs – from both the Democratic and Republican caucuses.

    Thank you to the Secretary of the Senate and his staff, the Senate pages and all the hard-working staff at the Legislative Services Agencies.

    Let’s give all of them a round of applause.

    Mr. President, Mr. Majority Leader, all of my Senate Colleagues, and to all of the Iowans we represent: During my opening day address of this session, I said that Iowans want their leaders to work together, to lead with civility, and to make good things happen for the people of our state.

    Senate Democrats listened to the people they serve and responded by offering real solutions to real problems.  With very few exceptions, those ideas fell on deaf ears.

    Senate Republicans leaders said their agenda was simple: “KICK THE DOOR IN!”

    Unfortunately, Iowans are already feeling the consequences of having the door kicked in on them.

    The Republican-controlled legislature and Governor Reynolds did a lot of bad things to good people this session.

    Iowans believe we should be investing in education and job training – that is how we can help each other get ahead in life.

    Instead, you kicked the door in on our school children, college students, educators and Iowans seeking job training to advance their careers.

    This year, Republicans cut funding to community colleges and state universities, making it harder for Iowa families to afford sending their kids to college.

    Businesses have been telling us that Iowa has a skilled worker shortage.  Yet, Republicans failed to adequately support apprenticeship and job-training programs that can help Iowans advance their careers and bring home a bigger paycheck to support their families.


    Republicans kicked the door in on our seniors and retirees.

    Republicans made choices with the state budget.  And those choices resulted in damaging consequences.

    When you made a decision to underfund programs for our seniors, you turned your back on taking great care of our older population – helping them stay connected to their communities and helping them live happy, healthy, and safe lives in their homes for as long as possible.

    Instead, you alarmed tens of thousands of retirees who were worried because you were working with out-of-state interests to dismantle or weaken the retirement security of Iowans.

    Our parents and grandparents living in nursing homes are still stuck with your oversight by telephone – when many of them cannot even hear well enough to talk on the phone.

    You did nothing to protect seniors from financial exploitation, neglect and abuse or help families struggling to find caregivers for the people they love.


    Republicans kicked the door in on Iowa workers and job creators in our small towns.

    Instead of boosting support for Iowa entrepreneurs creating solar jobs in small towns, we saw you threaten the very programs that helped them get their local businesses off the ground.

    We have bright young people who could put our state on the map in the tech sector, but Republicans did nothing to help them get their businesses rolling.

    We could have worked together to increase our commitments to the renewable energy sector that is fueling our economy and creating jobs in small towns across our state.


    Republicans kicked the door in on Iowan’s health care.

    Republicans helped Governor Reynolds sell out Iowa’s health care to Wall Street companies.

    What did Iowans get?

    Less care and Iowa health care providers struggling to get paid.

    Republicans took control of women’s health care with dangerous policies that hurt Iowa women and girls.  Additionally, it will hurt our state’s reputation and ability to attract new businesses, families and millennials who want to live and work in a state that values women.


    Republicans kicked the door in on balancing the state budget.

    There is a reason why Republicans couldn’t balance the budget the past two years.

    Republicans made a choice – an active decision to sell off Iowa tax dollars at fire sale prices to out-of-state corporations and millionaires.

    You’ve ripped off hard-working Iowans who will be stuck with the consequences of your deliberate actions.

    This year, like last year, we saw Republican leaders putting cover-ups and cronyism ahead of doing what was right.

    First, we saw the entire Senate Republican caucus continue to follow the bad decisions of their leadership who chose to fire Kirsten Anderson just hours after she turned in a complaint of sexual harassment.  It wasn’t until the Waveland Tap video surfaced and one of your leaders kicked the door in on himself that your caucus finally took any meaningful, bipartisan action on improving the work environment in the Iowa Senate.

    Iowa taxpayers were outraged that they were stuck footing the bill for the $1.75 million lawsuit and paying the salaries and benefits of the perpetrator and retaliators for years.  It is still shocking to know that the only person fired in the scandal was the victim – Kirsten Anderson.

    Second, Senate Republicans made an active decision to protect Governor Reynolds by ensuring the results of the investigation of her long-time friend and former Iowa Finance Director will not be completed until after the gubernatorial election.  Iowans.

    Colleagues, we can do better!


    I am in the Iowa Senate because I love Iowans!

    They are caring, hard-working people.  They deserve leaders who are focused less on kicking in doors, and more on taking care of them.

    It is time to put Iowans first again.

    It’s time to invest in our people and our state’s future by

    • making our schools number one again
    • ensuring Iowans have access to good paying jobs no matter where they live
    • putting Iowans back in charge of our health care instead of turning it over to Wall Street companies and politicians.

    Iowans – thank you for making your voices heard this legislative session.  Democrats love you and we look forward to working with you to ensure bluer skies are ahead for state – and a much bluer Iowa Senate.








  • Senate Dem Leader on passage of GOP tax scheme

    Iowa Senate News Release
    For Immediate Release:  May 5, 2018 

    Read the Senate Democrats Analysis of Sf 2417, the final 2018 GOP tax plan

    “Republicans passed a tax giveaway bill today that gives most of the benefits to out-of-state companies and millionaires.  It’s a bad deal for most Iowans. It will raise property taxes on families, seniors and small businesses, and it will result in cuts to health care, job creation, education and other critical services.

    “Senate Democrats came into the 2018 session promising to support tax reform that would:

    1. Make the tax system fairer for working families and small businesses
    2. Make Iowa businesses more competitive
    3. Take into account our current budget crisis
    4. Tackle corporate tax giveaways, the fastest growing part of the state budget

    “By every measure, the tax plan unveiled in the 11th hour of the 2018 session and passed by the Senate today fails every one of those tests. That’s because the bill is filled with giveaways to millionaires, wealthy corporations and people who don’t even live in Iowa.”

    -end –

  • 2018 End-of-Session Report

    The Democratic plan for 2018 calls for Putting Iowans First

    • Investing in public schools & preventing more school closures
    • Keeping job training & college affordable for all Iowans
    • Making child care more affordable for working parents & those training for better jobs
    • Raising wages for Iowans
    • Increasing use of renewable energy & fuels
    • Revitalizing rural Iowa with good jobs & a great quality of life
    • Examining tax breaks for big, out-of-state corporations that put the state budget in the red & don’t create Iowa jobs
    • Requiring the Senate GOP to pay for their $1.75 million sexual harassment suit instead of taxpayers
    • Ending privatized Medicaid, especially for our most vulnerable Iowans
    • Keeping health care affordable & accessible for all Iowans
    • Fixing & investing in Iowa’s mental health system
    • Cleaning up the corruption & cronyism in state government

     Gov. Reynolds & Republican lawmakers: Misplaced priorities & mismanagement

    • Instituting the most restrictive abortion ban in the country (SF 359)
    • Slashing investment in skilled worker initiatives (SF 2117, HF 2493)
    • Making record-low investments in public schools (HF 2230)
    • Sending more money to out‐of‐state, for‐profit online schools (SF 475)
    • Raising tuition & reducing opportunities with millions in mid‐year cuts to community colleges & state universities (SF 2117)
    • Allowing unregulated health care plans that can deny people based on pre‐existing conditions (SF 2349)
    • Reducing services at county courthouses with mid‐year cuts (SF 2117)
    • Cutting $4.3 million from an already strapped Department of Human Services (SF 2117)
    • Eliminating protections in current gun ownership laws (HJR 2009)
    • Banning sanctuary cities even though Iowa doesn’t have any (SF 481)
    • Putting Iowans’ safety at risk with lower inspection standards (HF 2297)
    • Cutting energy efficiency programs & discriminating against renewable energy options (SF 2311)
    • Passing a huge tax giveaway that overwhelmingly benefits corporations & the wealthy (SF 2417)
    • Failing to extend funding for school infrastructure & providing more than $100 million in property tax relief with SAVE (HF 2481)
    • Failing to take advantage of industrial help as a promising agricultural commodity (SF 2398)
    • Allowing doctors to give incomplete information to pregnant women (SF 2418)


    Several bipartisan bills were approved

    • Requiring ignition interlocks & no temporary license restrictions for OWIs (HF 2338)
    • Ensuring health care coverage for telemedicine services (HF 2305)
    • Expanding mental health services for complex needs (HF 2456)
    • Expanding Move Over law to make the roads safer (HF 2304)
    • Expanding consumer security freezes to protect credit (SF 2177)
    • Expanding Safe Haven laws (SF 360)
    • Helping more veterans by expanding the Veterans Trust Fund (SF 2366)
    • Creating security plans for all Iowa schools (SF 2364)
    • Prohibiting shaming of students who can’t pay for their lunch (HF 2467)
    • Protecting student athletes with new concussion protocols (HF 2442)
    • Requiring suicide prevention training for school employees (SF 2113)
    • Cracking down on electronic forms of identity theft (HF 2199)
    • Licensing for genetic counselors (SF 2228) & autism counselors (SF 192)
    • Enhancing funding for EMS transportation (HF 2285) & 911 HF 2254)
    • Establishing Future Ready plan to train more skilled workers (HF 2458)
    • Expanding work background checks for those with access to personal info (HF 2321, HF 637)
    • Cracking down on electronic eavesdropping (HF 2392)
    • Expanding help through Crime Victims Compensation Fund (SF 2165)
    • Giving schools (HF 2441) & communities (SF 2258) flexibility with certain funding to meet local needs
    • Improving teaching for those with dyslexia (SF 2360)
    • Approving a plan to start combatting Iowa’s opioid crisis (HF 2377)
    • Providing sharing incentives for schools to improve efficiency & save money (HF 633)
    • Protecting the privacy of student data (HF 2354)
    • Taking a first step toward fairer funding for rural schools with high transportation costs (SF 455)


    Good news: These GOP bills failed

    • Raising property taxes & reducing local services by ending the state’s property tax backfill for local governments & school districts (SF 2420)
    • Shifting $200 million from public schools to private & home schools through vouchers (SF 2091)
    • Eliminating the Iowa Department of Public Health (HF 2017)
    • Reinstating the death penalty (SF 335)
    • Instituting political discrimination for university faculty (SF 288)
    • Intimidating abortion providers to limit health care choices for women (SF 26)
    • Ending retirement security for public employees, including teachers, fire fighter, & police officers (IPERS, PORS & 411) (SF 45)
    • Defining abortion as murder, even in cases of rape or incest (SF 54)
    • Putting Bible literacy classes in public schools (HF 2031)
    • Removing gender identity protections from Iowa Civil Rights Code (HF 2164)
    • Making Iowa Supreme Court Justices part‐time & paying them like lawmakers (HF 2036)
    • Giving Iowans a “license to discriminate” against fellow citizens who are different from them (SF 2338)
    • Creating new requirements & drug testing for recipients of Medicaid, FIP & SNAP, while limiting food items (SF 2370)
    • Requiring a super‐majority vote for Iowa Supreme Court decisions (SF 2282)
    • Ending state accreditation for community colleges (SF 2272)
    • Extending school bus riding times for K-12 students (SF 2137)
  • Senate Dem Leader on Reynolds signing extreme abortion restrictions

    May 4, 2018

    “This new law is another dangerous example of politicians dictating health care decisions for Iowa women.

    “In the past two years, Governor Reynolds and other the Republican-controlled Legislature have made our state more dangerous for Iowa women. Instead of improving health care access for women, Governor Reynolds and the Republican-controlled Legislature have pushed through policies that put more women at risk, including:

    • Making it harder for women to prevent pregnancies by gutting Iowa’s highly successful family planning program.
    • Supporting a privatized Medicaid system — which serves nearly half of all pregnant moms — that isn’t paying bills for providers across our state.
    • Prohibiting many of the state’s most highly qualified providers from participating in their GOP Family Planning program while the families of Republican legislators could see whomever they chose under their taxpayer funded health insurance program.
    • Cutting home visits for at-risk newborn babies and their mothers.

    “This new law is extreme because it restricts the  freedom of Iowa women and girls to care for their bodies, and it forces motherhood on Iowa women.

    “This new law is dangerous.

    “This new law is unconstitutional.”


    Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen spoke against SF 359, the nation’s most extreme anti-woman law during debate on May 2, 2018.

  • What’s it like to be a Senate page?

    By 2018 Senate Page Tali Tesar

    My name is Tali Tesar. I’m an 18-year-old high school senior from Clear Lake, and I recently had the wonderful opportunity to serve as a page for the 2018 Iowa Senate session.

    I have always been interested in politics, so I was thrilled when I discovered there is a way to get involved at a young age. I believe that it’s important to gain real-world experience in a career field before deciding to go into it, whether through a job shadow, internship or a paid work. I hoped being a page would help me figure out if politics is where I should be headed.

    The experience solidified my conviction. It also helped me learn more than most people will ever know about the process, the people and the behind-the-scenes activity that goes into lawmaking.

    Tali Tesar talks with Senator Ragan about her experience as a page at the Statehouse.

    Perhaps the most important lesson I learned is how crucial a role government plays in the lives of every citizen. From health care to education to taxes, legislators spend countless hours trying to do what is best for Iowans, especially those who are less privileged. It is incredibly empowering to witness that.

    It was also exhilarating to feel that I was part of something bigger than myself, even though my responsibilities weren’t always exciting and often involved running around the Capitol on errands for senators. I will cherish fun memories with my fellow pages, watching emotional debates and spending some late nights on the job.

    I head to Grinnell College to study political science in the fall with experience and connections that give me a head start. To any high school students interested in a career in politics or in becoming a more informed voter, working as a page is worth considering.

    I’d be happy to answer questions about my experience and what you could expect from a semester as a page. Just send an email to ttesar18@gmail.com.

    Click here to learn more about being a legislative page.

  • Consumer Advocate defends successful energy efficiency programs

    Iowa Senate News Release
    April 30, 2018

    A Statement Sen. Rob Hogg of Cedar Rapids
    on Senate File 2311 and the Consumer Advocate

    The Consumer Advocate’s complete statement is attached

    “Thanks to the Iowa Consumer Advocate for speaking up today to defend Iowa’s successful utility energy efficiency programs that have helped create jobs and save consumers money.

    “Earlier today, Iowa Consumer Advocate Mark Schuling stated:

    “’Energy efficiency has saved millions of dollars in energy savings and benefits all customers with lower rates. It has added thousands of jobs in energy efficiency across Iowa. … As passed by the House, SF2311 is a utility bill good for utilities that will result ultimately in higher rates for customers.’

    “Last week, House Democrats fought all night against SF2311, and were joined by five House Republicans in opposing that bill. Senate Republicans should stop and listen to Iowa’s Consumer Advocate.”
