• Iowa needs better medical cannabis program that meets patient needs

    Statement by Senator Joe Bolkcom
    Iowa Medical Cannabidiol Board Meeting
    August 2, 2019

    Members of Iowa Medical Cannabidiol Board, with all due respect.  It’s time to face facts.

    Between the misguided actions of the Governor, the Republican controlled legislature and this Board, you have created the nation’s worst medical cannabis program.

    Residents of 32 other states — the majority of all Americans — have much better access to affordable, effective medicines made from cannabis.

    In Iowa, the medicine is too expensive and not potent enough to help most people. Getting approved as a patient is cumbersome and bureaucratic. There are only five dispensaries, none located in rural Iowa.

    After five long years, only 3,300 sick Iowans have been able to cut through the red tape to legally obtain medical cannabis. More than 70 percent of these patients suffer from intractable, severe and chronic pain.

    Patients want the choice of medical cannabis when they are faced with serious, life threatening medical conditions.

    Sadly, a few short months ago this board derailed very modest improvements supported by 137 Iowa legislators that would have helped these patients suffering from intractable pain.

    Meanwhile, Iowa remains awash in powerful, highly addictive narcotic pain pills.  It’s astonishing that in the first six months of 2019, Iowa doctors wrote 850 thousand narcotic prescriptions for 307 thousand Iowans. More than half were prescribed addictive opioids like fentanyl.

    So follow this. There are more than 300 thousand sick Iowans taking narcotic pain pills while only 3,300 patients have been able to access safer, medicines made from cannabis.

    When are we going to start protecting Iowans from deadly, drug company opioids?

    The board’s misplaced obsession with THC has clouded your ability to actually help people. THC is medicine and Iowa patients are capable of managing it.

    This is NOT about having a party, it’s about helping people that are dying and sick.

    Earlier this year Illinois ended marijuana prohibition.

    On January 1, adults 21 years of age and older will be able to legally buy products made with marijuana.

    The good news is that Iowa medical cannabis patients will have much easier access (albeit illegally) to less expensive, far more effective medicines closer than Colorado.

    The bad news is that this could put Iowa medical cannabis companies out of business.

    These companies that have invested millions are all losing money now and they will lose much more as their patients take their business to Illinois.

    Like it or not, without thoughtful and immediate improvements to Iowa law, Illinois businesses will become major suppliers of medicine to Iowa patients.

    This mess is Governor Reynolds, the Republican legislature’s and yours to fix.

    It won’t happen until you start listening to patients and put their needs first.

    Thank you.

  • Oversight Committee should investigate DHS chief allegations, resignation

    Iowa Senate News release
    July 22, 2019


    Key Senators: Oversight Committee needs to investigate Foxhoven allegations, resignation

    DES MOINES — Democratic Senators Tony Bisignano and Claire Celsi, members of the Senate Government Oversight Committee, are calling for an interim public meeting of the five-member committee to discuss the departure of Jerry Foxhoven, former Director of the Iowa Department of Human Services.

    “Governor Reynolds has said that she wanted her Administration to be one of the most honest and transparent in history,” said Sen. Tony Bisignano, Ranking Member of the Senate Oversight Committee. “We are calling on her to be transparent, release all relevant information, and to clear up the real reasons for Jerry Foxhoven’s resignation.”

    A 2017 state law requires that the reason for firing (or demanding the resignation of an employee) is made public. Reynolds has declined to explain why Foxhoven was asked to resign and claimed that there has been a group working towards “a new direction” for the Department. When asked to produce documents proving that the group had been meeting, or to produce documents related to Foxhoven’s termination, Reynolds claims that none exists.

    “The need for a public meeting is more important because of recent allegations by Foxhoven that he was asked by Governor Reynolds to do something illegal and he declined,” said Sen. Claire Celsi. “Iowans deserve to know what is going on and we want to get to the bottom of it. We’re asking Senate Republican leaders Charles Schneider and Jack Whitver to authorize Senator Amy Sinclair, chair of the Senate Oversight committee, to convene a meeting so we can question those involved and get some answers.”


  • Statement on latest privatized Medicaid contracts

    Iowa Senate News Release
    For Immediate Release:  July 10, 2019


    Statement from Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen on outrageous new contracts for privatized Medicaid 

    “The outrageous contracts with two out-of-state corporations are more evidence that privatized Medicaid in Iowa is unsustainable, unaffordable and unpredictable.

    “Governor Reynolds has once again agreed to give the MCOs the largest dollar increases for Medicaid in the last decade. The publicly managed Medicaid system grew at an average of 5% each year over a 10-year period before privatization. Last year, the increase was 8.4%. The increase announced today is a whopping 8.6%!

    “Just imagine how much better off Iowans would be if K12 public schools, job training programs and family planning services received that kind of increased state support!

    “The big cheerleaders for privatized Medicaid – Governor Reynolds and Republican legislators –cannot back up their claims that privatizing would save money and make people healthier. That’s because it hasn’t happened.

    “Privatized Medicaid continues to be a bad, bad deal for Iowa Medicaid recipients, health care providers and taxpayers.”

    • end –
  • Legislative leaders to decide on medical cannabis special committee

    For Immediate Release: July 9, 2019

    Special committee would provide path for bipartisan agreement on medical cannabis

    Decision to be made by legislative leaders this Thursday, July 11, at Iowa Statehouse

    This Thursday, the leaders of the Iowa Legislature will be asked to create an interim committee to hammer out reforms of Iowa’s “worst in the nation” medical cannabis program.  

    After several years without progress, a comprehensive bill was approved with overwhelming bipartisan support during the 2019 session.  A month later, Governor Reynolds vetoed the bill. An effort to override that veto fell short last month.

    A study committee on medical cannabis reform offers the surest chance of success because it would allow input from advocates, medical experts and other interested Iowans, according to Sen. Joe Bolkcom of Iowa City and Rep. John Forbes of Urbandale.

    “Year after year, Iowa families have traveled to the Statehouse pleading for help,” Bolkcom said.  “After listening to Iowans, we should hammer out a fix that is ready to go the day the 2020 session begins in January.” 

    “All we need to do is focus on helping suffering families.  That’s it,” said Representative John Forbes, an Urbandale pharmacist.  “We don’t need to reinvent the wheel. All Iowa has to do is approve what’s working in other states and get the heck out of the way.”

    The Legislative Council’s Studies Committee is scheduled to meet at 11:15 a.m. Thursday, July 11, 2019, in Room 22 of the Iowa State Capitol.


    [pdf-embedder url=”http://www.senate.iowa.gov/democrats/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Interim-committee-request-letter_FINAL-1.pdf” title=”Interim committee request letter_FINAL”]

    Contact the legislative council and encourage them to support an interim committee: http://bit.ly/Iowa-Leg-Council-7-2019

    Breckenridge, Wes [LEGIS] <Wes.Breckenridge@legis.iowa.gov>; Deyoe, Dave [LEGIS] <Dave.Deyoe@legis.iowa.gov>; Grassley, Pat [LEGIS] <Pat.Grassley@legis.iowa.gov>; Hagenow, Chris [LEGIS] <Chris.Hagenow@legis.iowa.gov>; Hall, Chris [LEGIS] <Chris.Hall@legis.iowa.gov>; Hein, Lee [LEGIS] <Lee.Hein@legis.iowa.gov>; Oldson, Jo [LEGIS] <Jo.Oldson@legis.iowa.gov>; Prichard, Todd [LEGIS] <Todd.Prichard@legis.iowa.gov>; Steckman, Sharon [LEGIS] <Sharon.Steckman@legis.iowa.gov>; Upmeyer, Linda [LEGIS] <Linda.Upmeyer@legis.iowa.gov>; Wills, John [LEGIS] <John.Wills@legis.iowa.gov>; Windschitl, Matt [LEGIS] <Matt.Windschitl@legis.iowa.gov>; Behn, Jerry [LEGIS] <Jerry.Behn@legis.iowa.gov>; Bolkcom, Joe [LEGIS] <Joe.Bolkcom@legis.iowa.gov>; Chapman, Jake [LEGIS] <Jake.Chapman@legis.iowa.gov>; Feenstra, Randy [LEGIS] <Randy.Feenstra@legis.iowa.gov>; Jochum, Pam [LEGIS] <Pam.Jochum@legis.iowa.gov>; Lykam, Jim [LEGIS] <Jim.Lykam@legis.iowa.gov>; Petersen, Janet [LEGIS] <Janet.Petersen@legis.iowa.gov>; Ragan, Amanda [LEGIS] <Amanda.Ragan@legis.iowa.gov>; Schneider, Charles [LEGIS] <Charles.Schneider@legis.iowa.gov>; Sinclair, Amy [LEGIS] <Amy.Sinclair@legis.iowa.gov>; Whitver, Jack [LEGIS] <Jack.Whitver@legis.iowa.gov>; Zumbach, Dan [LEGIS] <Dan.Zumbach@legis.iowa.gov>

  • Fight for medical cannabis reforms continues

    For Immediate Release: July 1, 2019

    Legislative leaders announce next steps in the fight for Iowa medical cannabis reforms

    News Conf Video: https://youtu.be/3LZjZNil7gQ

    Legislative advocates for reforming Iowa’s “worst in the nation” medical cannabis program say they will keep fighting for much needed reforms vetoed by Governor Reynolds.

    “Representative Forbes and I called on our colleagues to join us in calling for a special session to overturn Governor Reynold misguided veto of modest improvements to Iowa medical cannabis program,” said Senator Joe Bolkcom of Iowa City.  “We are happy to report that every Democratic member of the Iowa Senate and Iowa House signed the call for a special session. Unfortunately, not a single Republican lawmaker acted to defend their votes.”

    In April, House File 732 passed the Iowa House by a vote of 96 to 3 and the Iowa Senate by a vote of 40 to 7.

    “We gave our Republican colleagues the opportunity to make a wrong by the governor into a right. They ignored us,” said Representative Forbes. “Now it is time to take action to make sure Iowa’s elected officials are advocates for people who are sick and not able to access and afford effective medicines.”

    The two legislators said they would immediately press for a legislative interim committee to prepare legislation for passage early in the next session beginning in January, 2020.

    “An interim committee would include public meetings and public input,” Bolkcom said.  “Secret meetings between the Governor and legislative Republicans failed to get the job done.  The Legislature needs to listen to patients and create a better program that meets their needs.”

    The Legislative Council Committee is scheduled to meet Thursday, July 11, 2019, at 11:30 a.m. in Room 22, at the State Capitol.

    “The July 11th meeting will be very important for Iowans who want to have the same access to effective medicines that most other Americans already have,” said Forbes.  “The goal now must be seeing the necessary medical cannabis reforms signed into law shortly after the January start of the 2020 session.”


  • Iowans urged to ask legislators to stand by votes

    Iowa Legislature Release
    For Immediate Release: June 24, 2019 


    Medical cannabis veto override is more than halfway to goal

    Iowans urged to contact legislators who voted for reforms but have yet to defend their votes

    Des Moines, Iowa – Iowans pushing to overturn Governor Reynolds’ veto of medical cannabis reforms are more than halfway to their goal of calling for a special session.

    House File 732 would have made substantial improvements to Iowa’s “worst in the nation” medical cannabis law.  It was overwhelmingly approved in April by the Iowa House on a vote of 96 to 3 and by the Iowa Senate on a vote of 40 to 7.

    A special session to override the veto will be held if two-thirds of the members of the House (67) and two-thirds of the Senate (34) each submit a written request.

    As of Monday, June 24, Iowa’s 18 Democratic State Senators and 47 Democratic State Representatives have all either submitted or plan to submit a request for a special session.

    It is unclear whether any of the Republicans who voted for the bill–50 in the House and 24 in the Senate–have requested a special session.

    “The voices of ordinary Iowans have gotten us this far.  They need to keep fighting because that is the only way this mean-spirited veto will be overridden,” said Senator Joe Bolkcom.  “I urge every Iowan to encourage Republican legislators to defend their votes for urgently needed Iowa medical cannabis reforms.”

    More information about the effort to pass Iowa medical cannabis reform can be found here: http://bit.ly/Override-the-veto

    Below is a list of the members of the Iowa House and Senate who voted for Iowa Medical cannabis and who have not yet expressed support for a special session to override the veto.

    Sen Waylon Brown, (641)-590-0610, waylon.brown@legis.iowa.gov, St Ansgar

    Sen Jake Chapman, (515)-650-3942, jake.chapman@legis.iowa.gov, Adel

    Sen Chris Cournoyer, (563)-289-7335, chris.cournoyer@legis.iowa.gov, LeClaire

    Sen Jeff Edler, (641)-751-5902, jeff.edler@legis.iowa.gov, State Center

    Sen Thomas A. Greene, (319)-750-6579, tom.greene@legis.iowa.gov, Burlington

    Sen Dennis Guth, (641)-430-0424, dennis.guth@legis.iowa.gov, Klemme

    Sen Craig Johnson, (319)-334-2413, craig.johnson@legis.iowa.gov, Independence

    Sen Tim L. Kapucian, (319)-334-2413, tim.kapucian@legis.iowa.gov, Keystone

    Sen Carrie Koelker, (563)-590-5975, carrie.koelker@legis.iowa.gov, Dyersville

    Sen Tim Kraayenbrink, (515)-408-4770, tim.kraayenbrink@legis.iowa.gov, Fort Dodge

    Sen Mark S. Lofgren, (563)-272-8683, mark.lofgren@legis.iowa.gov, Muscatine

    Sen Mariannette Miller-Meeks, (641)-683-7551, mariannette.miller-meeks@legis.iowa.gov, Ottumwa

    Sen Zach Nunn, (515)-519-2246, zach.nunn@legis.iowa.gov, Altoona

    Sen Ken Rozenboom, (641)-295-6551, ken.rozenboom@legis.iowa.gov, Oskaloosa

    Sen Charles Schneider, (515)-657-7375, charles.schneider@legis.iowa.gov, West Des Moines

    Sen Jason Schultz, (712)-269-2178, jason.schultz@legis.iowa.gov, Schleswig

    Sen Mark Segebart, (712)-269-4519, mark.segebart@legis.iowa.gov, Vail

    Sen Tom Shipley, (712)-785-3583, tom.shipley@legis.iowa.gov, Nodaway

    Sen Amy Sinclair, (641)-870-0199, amy.sinclair@legis.iowa.gov, Allerton

    Sen Roby Smith, (563)-386-0179, roby.smith@legis.iowa.gov, Davenport

    Sen Annette Sweeney, (641)-373-4899, annette.sweeney@legis.iowa.gov, Alden

    Sen Jack Whitver, (515)-281-3371, jack.whitver@legis.iowa.gov, Spirit Lake

    Sen Brad Zaun, (515)-276-2025, brad.zaun@legis.iowa.gov, Urbandale

    Sen Dan Zumbach, (563)-920-5094, dan.zumbach@legis.iowa.gov, Ryan

    Rep Robert P. Bacon, Not Listed, rob.bacon@legis.iowa.gov, Nevada

    Rep Michael R. Bergan, (563)-380-3974, michael.bergan@legis.iowa.gov, Dorchester

    Rep Brian Best, (712)-830-1844, brian.best@legis.iowa.gov, Glidden

    Rep Jacob Bossman, (712)-251-4541, jacob.bossman@legis.iowa.gov, Sioux City

    Rep Holly Brink, (641)-295-7111, holly.brink@legis.iowa.gov, Oskaloosa

    Rep Gary L. Carlson, (563)-299-7021, gary.carlson@legis.iowa.gov, Muscatine

    Rep Dave Deyoe, (515)-382-2352, dave.deyoe@legis.iowa.gov, Nevada

    Rep Cecil Dolecheck, (641)-464-2913, cecil.dolecheck@legis.iowa.gov, Mount Ayr

    Rep Dean Fisher, (641)-750-3594, dean.fisher@legis.iowa.gov, Montour

    Rep Joel Fry, (641)-342-1017, joel.fry@legis.iowa.gov, Osceola

    Rep Tedd Gassman, (515)-538-0117, tedd.gassman@legis.iowa.gov, Scarville

    Rep Thomas D. Gerhold, (319)-361-2950, thomas.gerhold@legis.iowa.gov, Atkins

    Rep Pat Grassley, (319)-214-0351, pat.grassley@legis.iowa.gov, New Hartford

    Rep Chris Hagenow, (515)-274-1652, chris.hagenow@legis.iowa.gov, Urbandale

    Rep Mary Ann Hanusa, (712)-256-5159, mary.ann.hanusa@legis.iowa.gov, Council Bluffs

    Rep Lee Hein, (319)-480-1997, lee.hein@legis.iowa.gov, Monticello

    Rep Ashley Hinson, Not Listed, ashley.hinson@legis.iowa.gov, Marion

    Rep Dustin D. Hite, Not Listed, dustin.hite@legis.iowa.gov, Not Listed

    Rep Steven Holt, (712)-269-4042, steven.holt@legis.iowa.gov, Denison

    Rep Daniel Adair Huseman, (712)-434-5880, dan.huseman@legis.iowa.gov, Aurelia

    Rep Jon Jacobsen, Not Listed, jon.jacobsen@legis.iowa.gov, Council Bluffs

    Rep Tom Jeneary, (712)-539-1275, tom.jeneary@legis.iowa.gov, Le Mars

    Rep Megan Jones, (515)-991-7337, megan.jones@legis.iowa.gov, Not Listed

    Rep Bobby Kaufmann, Not Listed, bobby.kaufmann@legis.iowa.gov, Wilton

    Rep David Kerr, Not Listed, david.kerr@legis.iowa.gov, Morning Sun

    Rep Jarad Klein, Not Listed, jarad.klein@legis.iowa.gov, Keota

    Rep John Landon, (515)-249-0348, john.landon@legis.iowa.gov, Ankeny

    Rep Brian K. Lohse, (515)-519-2347, brian.lohse@legis.iowa.gov, Bondurant

    Rep Shannon Lundgren, (515)-428-0809, shannon.lundgren@legis.iowa.gov, Not Listed

    Rep David E. Maxwell, (641)-660-0792, dave.maxwell@legis.iowa.gov, Gibson

    Rep Ann Meyer, (515)-570-6610, ann.meyer@legis.iowa.gov, Fort Dodge

    Rep Joe Mitchell, Not Listed, joe.mitchell@legis.iowa.gov, Not Listed

    Rep Gary M. Mohr, Not Listed, gary.mohr@legis.iowa.gov, Bettendorf

    Rep Norlin G. Mommsen, (563)-357-9826, norlin.mommsen@legis.iowa.gov, DeWitt

    Rep Tom Moore, Not Listed, tom.moore@legis.iowa.gov, Griswold

    Rep Anne Osmundson, (563)-880-8227, anne.osmundson@legis.iowa.gov, Volga

    Rep Ross C. Paustian, (563)-284-6783, ross.paustian@legis.iowa.gov, Walcott

    Rep Sandy Salmon, (319)-987-3021, sandy.salmon@legis.iowa.gov, Janesville

    Rep Mike Sexton, (712)-830-3960, mike.sexton@legis.iowa.gov, Rockwell City

    Rep Jeff Shipley, (319)-432-3108, jeff.shipley@legis.iowa.gov, Fairfield

    Rep David Sieck, Not Listed, david.sieck@legis.iowa.gov, Glenwood

    Rep Ray Sorensen, (712)-525-0580, ray.sorensen@legis.iowa.gov, Not Listed

    Rep Phil Thompson, Not Listed, phil.thompson@legis.iowa.gov, Not Listed

    Rep Jon Thorup, (641)-891-9357, jon.thorup@legis.iowa.gov, Knoxville

    Rep Linda L. Upmeyer, (641)-357-8807, linda.upmeyer@legis.iowa.gov, Clear Lake

    Rep Skyler Wheeler, (712)-441-7444, skyler.wheeler@legis.iowa.gov, Not Listed

    Rep John H. Wills, (712)-330-9492, john.wills@legis.iowa.gov, Spirit Lake

    Rep Matt W. Windschitl, (712)-642-4334, matt.windschitl@legis.iowa.gov, Missouri Valley

    Rep Gary Worthan, (712)-732-6340, gary.worthan@legis.iowa.gov, Storm Lake

    Rep Louis J. Zumbach, Not Listed, louie.zumbach@legis.iowa.gov, Coggon


  • Statement on appointment of new DAS director

    June 20, 2019

    Statement from Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen on new DAS Director appointment

    “The biggest job for Governor Reynolds and Jim Kurtenbach in the coming months is to restore taxpayers’ faith in the Department of Administrative Services.

    “In a May 29 letter, I encouraged Governor Reynolds to appoint a new Director with the experience and proven track record necessary to write a new chapter. The Department must establish higher expectations than what we’ve seen over the past several years.

    “It’s unclear at this time whether she has accomplished that goal with the appointment of Mr. Kurtenbach.

    “The Governor and Mr. Kurtenbach will need to explain to Iowans how his background is suitable for this new job. We have seen numerous problems in recent years – multi-million dollar harassment settlements, hush money payments, understaffing that puts at risk the safety of state workers,  and unfair bargaining tactics, and biased hiring and procurement practices – that need to be addressed, not ignored.

    “Mr. Kurtenbach must explain to Iowans what specific plans he has for addressing those problems and ensuring that all state employees and Iowans are safe and treated with dignity, and that tax dollars are not abused.”


    The May 29 letter from Sen. Petersen to the Governor outlined problems that previous Directors either created or failed to address:• Denied Iowans access to basic public information about the number of harassment complaints in state government and how much taxpayer dollars have been spent to compensate harassment victims.• Taken a restrictive, punitive approach to negotiating contracts with state employees.

    • Put the health and safety of state employees and Iowans at risk through dangerous staff reductions, overtime policies, and other employment practices that were previously protected under collective bargaining.

    • Mishandled a sweeping scandal at the Iowa Finance Authority (IFA) that included rampant harassment of employees, a failure by IFA staff and DAS staff to address complaints, and pay raises and promotions that were based on cronyism rather than merit.

    • Approved secret settlements – described by some as “hush money” – to outgoing state employees.

    • Endangered the rights of workers by maintaining a “do-not-hire” list without due process for workers to challenge their inclusion on the list.

    • Failed to adequately update and enforce harassment policies in the executive branch.

    • Conducted hirings, firings and promotions across state government that appear to be based on political connections rather than qualifications.

  • Statement on Governor’s explanation of DHS shakeup

    Iowa Senate News Release
    For Immediate Release:  18 June 2019

    Statement from Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen
    on Governor’s latest statement on departure of DHS Director

    “The Governor’s latest statement on the departure of Jerry Foxhoven is as clear as mud.

    “If the Governor has been working behind closed doors for nearly six months on a new direction, a new team and a new vision for the Department of Human Services, she needs to back up her rhetoric with positive action. This includes outlining her specific plans to:

    • Fix a privatized Medicaid system that is unsustainable, unaffordable and unaccountable.
    • Reverse course on policies that decimated the state’s successful family planning network, resulting in more unintended pregnancies, more risky births, more teenage mothers.
    • Present a comprehensive plan for adequately funding mental health services for children and adults.
    • Stop dangerous practices and procedures at Glenwood, Eldora and other at state-operated facilities.
    • Rebuild the child protective safety net instead of putting dangerous holes in it.
    • Explain to Iowans why she made the decision to replace Foxhoven (a) when her Administration is in the middle of negotiations with both out-of-state managed care organizations (MCOs) and (b) when hundreds of thousands of Iowans are two weeks away from transitioning to a new MCO.

    “Finally, I repeat my call for the Governor to immediately launch a nationwide search for a new Director of the Department of Human Services who is truly committed to watching out for the most vulnerable children and adults in Iowa.

    “When then-Director Chuck Palmer resigned in 2017, the Governor posted the opening on the website of the Iowa Department of Administrative Services (https://agency.governmentjobs.com/iowa/job_bulletin.cfm?jobID=1755326&sharedWindow=0) and that should be her first step to take in 2019.”


  • Statement on departure of Human Services director

    Iowa Senate News Release
    For Immediate Release:  17 June 2019

    Statement from Senate Democratic Leader
    on departure of DHS Director

    “The Governor needs to immediately launch a nationwide search for a new Director of the Department of Human Services who is truly committed to watching out for the most vulnerable children and adults in Iowa.

    “This means finding an advocate who will fight for more resources, push for stronger policies, and ensure that those policies are enforced for the betterment of all Iowans.

    “After years of mismanagement and neglect by Governor Reynolds and legislative Republicans, Iowans deserve a new Director with the backbone necessary to put quality care and proper oversight ahead of special interests.

    “The damage they’ve done to Iowans includes:

    • Creating and supporting a privatized Medicaid system that is unsustainable, unaffordable and unaccountable. It’s so bad that the federal government has launched an investigation into whether officials in Iowa and other states are providing sufficient and appropriate oversight to ensure that people with Medicaid are receiving the care to which they are entitled.
    • Decimating the state’s successful family planning network, resulting in more unintended pregnancies, more risky births, more teenage mothers.
    • Inadequately funding mental health services for children and adults.
    • Allowing dangerous practices and procedures at Glenwood, Eldora and other at state-operated facilities.

    “Finally, it’s especially bad news for Medicaid recipients, health care providers and Iowa taxpayers that the Governor’s Director is leaving (a) in the middle of negotiations with both out-of-state managed care organizations (MCO) and (b) when hundreds of thousands of Iowans are two weeks away from transitioning to a new MCO.”


  • Statement on AG’s decision regarding clergy sex abuse

    June 3, 2019

    On May 22, Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen joined survivors of childhood sexual abuse in calling for extending Iowa’s criminal and civil statutes of limitations. Iowa should be the safest place in the country to raise a child. Instead, Iowa is tied with Ohio for having the worst civil and criminal statute of limitations laws in the country for child sexual abuse, according to ChildUSA. We must work in a bipartisan way to create a pathway to justice for survivors, ensure accountability for predators, and make our communities safer.

    Statement by Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen on Iowa Attorney General’s decision by regarding clergy sexual abuse in Iowa

    “Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller has taken two steps in the right direction today by requesting records on clergy abuse from Catholic dioceses in Davenport, Des Moines, Dubuque and Sioux City; and by establishing a hotline — 855-620-7000 — for survivors to call and report abuse.

    “I am grateful for the many survivors of child sex abuse who have stepped forward to tell their stories and to advocate for justice. 

    “It’s important that we continue to listen to survivors to fix Iowa’s laws.  Survivors of child sex abuse deserve a pathway to justice.  Iowans, and our children especially, will be safer when we know the truth about sex offenders among us and have a better understanding of how to prevent child sex abuse.

    “While the Attorney General’s request of the Catholic dioceses was limited only to clergy, I am hopeful he will expand the scope of the investigation to include any sex abuse reported in their dioceses.  I am also hopeful additional investigations will ensue based on information uncovered through the hotline.

    “The Legislature must work next session to pass meaningful legislation to remove Iowa’s criminal and civil statute of limitations and give adult survivors a five-year period to seek justice. I will also support legislation to give the Attorney General expanded powers to go after sexual predators and organizations that cover up the crime.”

    – end –

    NOTE: For more information about the newly established hotline — 855-620-7000 — for survivors to report abuse, please visit this website: https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/IACIO/bulletins/248ef66

    Trained advocates will be available to gather information from survivors.

    An investigator will review the reports and may seek additional information. The identities of survivors will remain confidential.