• Statement on passing of  former Iowa Supreme Court Justice Daryl Hecht

    April 3, 2019

    Statement by Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen
    on the passing of  former Iowa Supreme Court Justice Daryl Hecht

    “We lost a former member of the Iowa Supreme Court today who did the right thing even when it wasn’t easy.

    “Justice Daryl Hecht was a leader and advocate for the civil rights of all Iowans. Whether by ensuring marriage equality, protecting the rights of women to make their own health care decisions or guaranteeing free speech, his judicial independence improved the lives of thousands and thousands of Iowans.

    “Justice Hecht’s family, colleagues and friends are in our thoughts today.”


  • GOP school funding shortchanges students & schools

    Feb. 4, 2019

    Statement from State Sen. Herman Quirmbach, D-Ames,
    ranking member of the Senate Education Committee,
    on inadequate GOP’s education spending plan

    “It’s disappointing that legislative Republicans are even undercutting the Governor’s level of education spending.

    “Senate Democrats will support a robust education funding plan that will make up for inflationary losses over the past two years and provide a modest increase as well.

    “We believe that a 3 percent increase is what Iowa schools, educators and students deserve.”


  • Iowa shouldn’t sell off its courts to the highest bidders

    Feb. 4, 2019

    Senate Democratic Leader on proposal
    by legislative Republicans to politicize Iowa courts

    “There is no reason to change a judicial selection process that is respected throughout the country and is working well. The plan by legislative Republicans to politicize Iowa’s court system is bad news for Iowans.

    “As the Judicial Branch’s website notes: ‘Merit selection is designed to emphasize the professional qualifications of applicants for judicial appointment and minimize partisan politics.’ That’s apparently not good enough for Republican politicians.

    “They are planning to throw out the current, nonpartisan system for selecting judges for no good reason. In its place, they want a new system that will favor their political appointees and donors. Iowa shouldn’t sell off its courts to the highest bidders!

    “Some Republican politicians still haven’t gotten over the unanimous decision of the Iowa Supreme Court in 2009 to legalize same-sex marriage. They were on the wrong side of history in 2009 and they are on the wrong side of history today.”

    – end –

  • Jochum receives Pharmacy Association’s “Good Governance Award”

    During the Iowa Pharmacy Association’s annual Legislative Day, State Sen. Pam Jochum accepted the organization’s annual Good Governance Award for her efforts and support of public health and the pharmacy profession. More than 200 pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and student pharmacists were on hand, including (from left) Grant Houselog, Steven Lenda, Andrew Sabers, Verent Yee and Steven Strong.

    January 29, 2019

    State Sen. Pam Jochum (D-Dubuque) was presented today with the Iowa Pharmacy Association’s Good Governance Award during the organization’s annual Legislative Day in Des Moines.

    The Good Governance Award recognizes Sen. Jochum’s legislative efforts and support for public health and the pharmacy profession.

    “Keeping the health of Iowans front and center has always been a priority for me. This year, I continue that focus through my service on the Human Resources and State Government committees,” Sen. Jochum said. “It’s an honor and a privilege to fight for good health care and the work of our health care providers.”

    Sen. Jochum is a state leader on health care issues. She has worked to expand affordable health insurance coverage to thousands of working Iowans, to protect the health services of Iowans with disabilities and to ensure all Iowans have access the health care they need.

    “Sen. Jochum understands the importance of protecting patients and has worked tirelessly to ensure healthcare providers are equipped to provide the best care possible. She has been a constant source of advice to the pharmacy profession and has positively influenced our legislative priorities over the past 25-plus years,” said Kate Gainer, executive vice president and CEO for the Iowa Pharmacy Association.

    Sen. Jochum is an Assistant Democratic Leader. She serves on the following committees:


  • Senate Dem Leader on abortion ruling

    Jan. 22, 2019


    Statement from Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen on Court Decision

    “The District Court decision sends a strong message to Iowa women that their constitutional rights are important and their health care decisions should be made by them, not politicians.

    “The extreme law should have been overturned because it restricted the freedom of Iowa women and girls to care for their bodies and it forced  motherhood on them.

    “The Governor and legislative Republicans should stop attacking women’s health care. I want Iowa to be known as the safest place in the country to have a baby.”


  • Senate Republicans vote to shut out Iowans

    Jan. 15, 2019

    A Statement by Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen 

    “For years, many Iowans wondered if legislative Republicans had stopped listening to their concerns.

    “The action today by Senate Republicans demonstrates that they don’t want to listen to Iowans anymore.

    “Every Republican Senator on the Human Resources Committee voted today to:

    • Eliminate the requirement that all subcommittees be open to the public.
    • Eliminate the requirement that the time and place of subcommittee meetings be posted 24 hours in advance.

    “Democratic members of the Committee voted against the changes.

    “Republican leaders have signaled that similar changes are planned for most other Senate committees.

    “These changes are a shameful, deliberate attempt by Senate Republicans to cut more back-room deals and to keep taxpayers in the dark about what they are doing.”

    – end –

  • Senate Dem Leader on Governor’s Condition of the State address

    Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen shares her reaction to the Governor’s Condition of the State address with Sabrina Ahmed of WOI-TV News 5.

    Iowa Senate News Release
    For immediate release: January 15, 2019


    Statement from Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen on Condition of the State address

    “We are concerned that for the past two years, the Governor and legislative Republicans have pushed everyday Iowans – students, seniors, workers and women – to the back of the line. At the same time, Republicans allowed millionaires, big corporations and out-of-state MCOs to cut to the front of the line.

    “We agree with the Governor when she says it’s time for her and others to deliver on their promises to fully fund mental health, rural revitalization and job training initiatives.

    “When we can work with Republicans, we will. Our goal this session is to keep focused on improving the lives of everyday Iowans.  Our message to Iowans is this: ‘We work for you!’”

    – end –

  • UPDATED: 2019 Iowa Senate Democratic Committee Assignments

    January 13, 2019

    Senate Democrats release updated committee assignments for 2019 session of the Iowa Legislature

    DES MOINES — Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen released updated committee assignments today for Democratic State Senators for the 2019 session of the Iowa Legislature.

    A statement from Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen on the updated assignments:

    “In early December, I deferred making committee assignments for Senator Boulton until the Senate Ethics Committee completed its investigation into the complaint filed against him.

    “Senator Boulton’s position in the Iowa Senate was preserved by the Senate Ethics Committee ruling.  He is expected to uphold the duties of his office while he remains in the Iowa Senate, including working on new committee assignments.”

    The 88th General Assembly will begin at 10 a.m. Monday, January 14, 2019.

    – end –

    Standing Committees


    13 members

    1. Kinney –RM
    2. Mathis
    3. Ragan
    4. R. Taylor
    5. Wahls



    21 members

    1. Bolkcom –RM
    2. Celsi
    3. Dotzler
    4. Lykam
    5. Mathis
    6. Ragan
    7. T. Taylor
    8. Wahls



    17 members

    1. Lykam – RM
    2. Bisignano
    3. Bolkcom
    4. Mathis
    5. Petersen
    6. Quirmbach



    15 members

    1. Quirmbach –RM
    2. Celsi
    3. Danielson
    4. Smith
    5. Wahls



    Statutory, 6 members; 3 each

    1. Jochum -RM
    2. Kinney
    3. Mathis


    Government Oversight

    5 members

    1. Bisignano –RM
    2. Celsi


    Human Resources

    13 members

    1. Mathis –RM
    2. Bolkcom
    3. Jochum
    4. Quirmbach
    5. Ragan



    15 members

    1. Kinney –RM
    2. Bisignano
    3. Hogg
    4. Petersen
    5. R. Taylor


    Labor & Business Relations

    11 members

    1. T. Taylor –RM
    2. Bisignano
    3. Dotzler
    4. R. Taylor


    Local Government

    11 members

    1. J. Smith –RM
    2. Boulton
    3. Hogg
    4. Quirmbach


    Natural Resources & Env.

    13 members

    1. Hogg –RM
    2. Boulton
    3. Celsi
    4. Lykam
    5. J. Smith


    Rules & Administration

    11 members

    1. Petersen –RM
    2. Bolkcom
    3. Jochum
    4. Ragan


    State Government

    15 members

    1. Bisignano –RM
    2. Celsi
    3. Danielson
    4. Jochum
    5. T. Taylor



    13 members

    1. Danielson – RM
    2. Kinney
    3. Lykam
    4. J. Smith
    5. T. Taylor


    Veterans Affairs

    11 members

    1. R. Taylor – RM
    2. Danielson
    3. Dotzler
    4. Ragan


    Ways & Means

    17 members

    1. Jochum –RM
    2. Bolkcom
    3. Danielson
    4. Dotzler
    5. Quirmbach
    6. Wahls


    Appropriations Subcommittees

    Administration & Regulation

    1. Celsi –RM
    2. R. Taylor


    Agriculture & Natural Resources

    1. Mathis –RM
    2. Kinney


    Economic Development

    1. Dotzler- RM
    2. J. Smith



    1. Wahls –RM
    2. Quirmbach


    Health & Human Services

    1. Ragan –RM
    2. Bolkcom


    Justice Systems

    1. Hogg- RM
    2. T. Taylor


    Transportation, Capitals

    1. Lykam –RM
    2. Boulton



    1. Jochum –RM
    2. Hogg
  • Lackluster state revenue projections are bad news for Iowans

    December 13, 2018

    Statement from Sen. Joe Bolkcom, Ranking Member of the Senate Appropriations Committee,
    on latest revenue estimates

    “These lackluster figures are more evidence that the Governor Reynolds and legislative Republicans are putting the interests of Wall Street corporations, special
    interests and millionaires ahead of what’s best for working Iowans.

    “The result is that the Governor and the Republican-controlled Legislature will continue to make job training and higher education unaffordable for thousands of Iowans, to reduce protections for seniors and other vulnerable Iowans, and to make health care less accessible for thousands of Iowans for the next two years.”
