• Senate Dem Leader to top Senate Republicans: “Release sex harassment findings”

    Senate Democratic Leader Petersen’s request for the public release of the Iowa Senate Republican sexual harassment investigation.

    In the wake of  a $1.75 million settlement, Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen today called on the top two Senate Republicans leaders —  Senate President Jack Whitver and Senate Majority Leader Bill Dix — to release to the public the findings of their internal investigation of sexual harassment.

    Here is the text of Senator Petersen’s letter to Senator Dix:

    Dear Senator Dix:

    I am writing to request that the findings of the internal investigation by the Senate Republicans of sexual harassment be released to the public.

    As you know, the Legislature received a black eye this summer and fall after a Polk County jury delivered a $2.2 million verdict against Senate Republicans stemming from a sexual harassment lawsuit filed by former staffer Kirsten Anderson. (Subsequently, the Iowa Appeals Board approved a $1.75 million settlement.)

    Since the taxpayers are on the hook for this $1.75 million settlement, the findings of this investigation should not be kept secret. Releasing the findings of your internal investigation would be a first step in making sure the Legislature is a safe and welcoming environment for all employees, protecting Iowa taxpayers, and protecting the rights of those who raise concerns about harassment.

    Sen. Janet Petersen

    Senate Democratic Leader


    PDFs of each letter are below.

    Petersen request to Senate Republican Leader Dix for the public release of sexual harassment investigation findings

    Petersen request to Senate President Whitver for the public release of sexual harassment investigation findings

  • Bowman, McKean invite public to pre-session listening posts

    Iowa Senate News Release
    State Senator Tod Bowman: 563-370-2422
    For Immediate Release: November 16, 2017


    State Senator Tod Bowman of Maquoketa and State Representative Andy McKean of Anamosa have scheduled listening posts in Jackson, Jones and Dubuque counties.

    “One of my top priorities is to boost prosperity in our communities,” Bowman said. “We’re listening for ideas that will help build long-range growth through small business development, entrepreneurship, and practical education and job training,”

    The legislators encourage people to bring their concerns and suggestions.

    “We want to hear from constituents as we prepare for the start of the 2018 legislative session on January 8,” McKean said. “The best ideas often appear when we get together and listen to each other.”

    All are invited to visit with the legislators at their listening posts scheduled for:

    • PRESTON: Wednesday, Nov. 29, at 7 p.m. at Old City Hall, 1 W Gillet, Preston
    • CASCADE: Saturday, Dec. 2, at 10 a.m. at the City Council Chambers, 320 1st Ave W, Cascade
    • WYOMING: Saturday, Dec. 16, at 10 a.m. at Memorial Hall, 141 W Main St, Wyoming

    Those who have ideas to share but are unable to attend the meetings may e-mail Senator Bowman at tod.bowman@legis.iowa.gov and Representative McKean at andy.mckean@legis.iowa.gov.


  • Privatized Medicaid has more bad news for Iowans

    Iowa Senate News Release
    For Immediate Release:  October 31, 2017

    Senate Democratic Leader: ‘More bad news for Iowans needing accessible health care’

    A statement from Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen on  another round of bad news regarding privatized Medicaid system:

    “For too long, Governor Reynolds and Republican legislators have been telling Iowans that the privatized Medicaid experiment was a huge success. That’s nonsense!

    “Today’s announcement is more bad news for Iowans needing accessible health care, and it’s more proof that Medicaid privatization is a horrible disaster.  Privatized Medicaid has proven to be bad news for Iowa families, health care providers and taxpayers.

    “The best advice for Governor Reynolds and legislative Republicans is this: ‘You’ve dug yourself into a hole. You need  to stop digging.’”

    – end –


  • Senators to meet with students, tour job training programs at Northeast Iowa Community College

    Iowa Senate News Release
    For Immediate Release: October 31, 2017

    Senators will be available to news media following tour at 2:00 p.m.

    Agenda for Northeast Iowa Community College visit 11-01-17

    Democratic State Senators Rob Hogg of Cedar Rapids and Pam Jochum of Dubuque will be touring job training programs and meeting with students at Northeast Iowa Community College from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday, November 1, at the Peosta campus. They will be available to the press at 2:00 p.m. at the Main Bridge entrance to the Main Building from the southwest parking lot.

    “The Republican-majority Legislature made major mid-year budget cuts to our community colleges in 2017, and failed to restore that funding going forward,” Hogg said. “We are visiting Northeast Iowa Community College to see what impact those budget cuts have had on students and job training programs and to understand better what opportunities are available through our community colleges for students if we provide the needed support.”

    Earlier this year, Hogg toured industrial training facilities at Kirkwood Community College in Cedar Rapids and met with students and toured facilities at Western Iowa Tech in Sioux City.

    For more information, contact Senator Rob Hogg, (319) 538-2247.



  • Ragan invites public to share ideas and concerns about Iowa jobs

    Iowa Senate News Release
    For Immediate Release: October 23, 2017


    State Senator Amanda Ragan and State Representative Sharon Steckman are organizing a town hall meeting on jobs at the Mason City Public Library in the Elizabeth Muse Norris Classroom.  The event will begin at 5 PM and conclude at 6 PM on Monday, November 20th.

    “North Iowa has opportunities for real growth,” said Senator Ragan. “To bring higher wage jobs to our communities, we need should focus on small business development, entrepreneurship, and educational opportunity.”

    “The Legislature has to invest more in long-range economic development, measures that ensure future growth and prosperity across all of Iowa,” said Steckman. “At the Mason City Library meeting, we will be listening for ideas that will help create jobs and grow our local economy.”

    The legislators encouraged people to bring their suggestions.

    “This is a discussion and I hope people will arrive with some ideas of their own,” said Ragan. “The best ideas often appear when we get together and listen to each other.”

    Senator Ragan can be reached at home by calling (641) 424-0874 or by emailing Amanda.Ragan@legis.iowa.gov.

    Representative Steckman can be reached by calling (641) 583-2484 or by emailing sharon.steckman@legis.iowa.gov.

    Senator Ragan will hold similar public meetings about jobs and economic development in Greene and Hampton. The dates and locations are:

    • Monday, Nov 13, 5 PM to 6 PM in the Meeting Room, Greene Public Library, 231 W Traer Street, Greene
    • Wednesday, Nov. 15, 5 PM to 6 PM at Center 1, Greater Franklin County Chamber of Commerce, 5 1st Street SW, Hampton



  • Petersen elected leader of Senate Democrats

    Iowa Senate News Release
    For immediate release: October 22, 2017 


    Democratic members of the Iowa Senate elected Sen. Janet Petersen of Des Moines today to serve as the new Democratic Leader of the Iowa Senate.

    Senator Petersen released this statement:

    “I am honored to have the support of my fellow Democratic Senators.”

    “Last session, the Republican-controlled Senate passed damaging policies that went after hard-working Iowans and their pocketbooks.  Senate Democrats are focused on helping Iowans get ahead.  It’s time to get our state moving in a direction that reflects real Iowa values.”

    “Senate Democrats are united in supporting hard working families, students, seniors and Iowa’s quality of life. We will work to find common ground with Statehouse Republicans, but we will never back down from our commitment to good-paying jobs, having the best education in the nation, revitalizing our small towns and big cities, and enhancing the quality of life for all Iowans.”

    Petersen is in her second term in the Iowa Senate after serving six terms in the Iowa House of Representatives. She represents Senate District 18 in northwest Des Moines.

    Throughout her tenure, Petersen has served on a variety of committees, most recently as the ranking member on the Commerce Committee, she also serves on the Government Oversight, Judiciary, State Government and Ways & Means committees.

    Petersen was born in Beaverdale and has lived in northwest Des Moines most of her life. She graduated from the University of Northern Iowa with a degree in Communications and earned a master’s degree in Integrated Communications from Drake University.

    In 2008, Petersen founded a nonprofit organization with four other central Iowa women called Healthy Birth Day. The organization, best known for its Count the Kicks campaign, is devoted to preventing stillbirths and improving birth outcomes.

    Petersen and her husband, Brian Pattinson, have three children.

    The next session of the Iowa General Assembly will convene on Monday, January 8, 2018.





  • Senate Democrats respond to Future Ready Iowa Alliance recommendations

    For immediate release: October 17, 2017


    Statement by State Senator Bill Dotzler,
    lead Democrat on the Senate Economic Development Budget,
    on today’s Future Ready Iowa Alliance recommendations


    “Building on bipartisan work by the Legislature over the past several years, the recommendations released today by the Future Ready Iowa Alliance lay out a plan to enhance the skills of Iowa workers.

    “Senate Democrats have focused on initiatives to help Iowans get the right kind of education and training. That’s what they need to qualify for increasingly technical jobs, especially in our small towns and rural areas.

    “Iowa business leaders continually tell us that the #1 problem facing our economy is a shortage of skilled workers.

    “Unfortunately, the 2017 Republican budget cut many of the very efforts needed to accomplish the Alliance’s goals. If they continue making such cuts, the state of Iowa will continue moving in the wrong direction.

    “The Alliance’s work reaffirms that we must put MORE resources toward ensuring Iowans get the education and training they need.

    “By boosting our competitiveness in this way, Iowa workers and businesses will grow and prosper. All Iowa will benefit.”


  • Western Iowa Tech prepares Iowans for skilled jobs that grow economy

    Iowa Senate News Release
    For Immediate Release: October 13, 2017


    News Conference: 12:40 PM, Monday, October 16
    Advanced Manufacturing Lab, Western Iowa Tech Community College


    Members of the Iowa House and Senate will hold a news conference at 12:40 PM on Monday, October 16 in the Advanced Manufacturing Lab at Western Iowa Tech Community College in Sioux City.

    The event will be held at the conclusion of a campus tour by the legislators.  Participants will include Senator Rob Hogg of Cedar Rapids, the Democratic Leader of the Iowa Senate and State Representative Chris Hall.

    “The opportunities at Western Iowa Tech are key to building a stronger Iowa economy, one with more higher skilled, higher paying jobs,” said Senator Hogg.  “Iowa’s shortage of skilled workers can be fixed by making Western Iowa Tech’s opportunities more available and more affordable for more Iowans.”

    Western Iowa Tech Community College is a publicly supported comprehensive community college serving the Iowa counties of Cherokee, Crawford, Ida, Monona, Plymouth, and Woodbury, which have a combined population of about 180,000.

    The visit’s tentative agenda is as follows:

    • A brief overview of college operations and a meeting with students
    • A discussion of the “Gateway to College” program for high school students who are behind on high school credits.  If accepted into the program, students attend Western Iowa Tech without being charged for tuition or books while earning credits toward both a regular high school diploma and a college certificate or degree.
    • A classroom tour that will include police science, culinary, HVAC, auto body repair, Emergency Medical Services, cybercrime investigation, Emergency operations center, and Audio & Video Engineering.
    • A short news conference will take place at the final stop on the tour, the Advanced Manufacturing Lab of the Advanced Sciences Building at approximately 12:40 PM.

    Members of the press should park in Lot 3 and then go to Entrance 11, under the sign that says “Advanced Sciences Building.  The lab entrance is straight ahead after you enter Entrance 11.  A photo of Senator Hogg can be found here: http://bit.ly/2gzQmDt.


  • Hart invites public to share ideas for Iowa jobs at town meetings

    Iowa Senate News Release
    For Immediate Release: October 10, 2017


    State Senator Rita Hart of Wheatland is organizing town hall meetings on jobs in November.  The events will begin at 7 PM and conclude at 8 PM.

    “Our part of Iowa has opportunities for real growth. We need to work together to promote small business development, entrepreneurship, and educational opportunities.  That’s how we will increase the number of higher wage jobs in our community,” said Hart, a farmer and former teacher.

    “One of the Legislature’s most important jobs is to invest in long-range economic development that ensures future growth and prosperity across all of Iowa,” said Hart, the former Chair of the Senate Economic Growth Committee. “At the meetings, I’ll be listening for ideas that will help create jobs and grow our local economy.”

    The State Senator encouraged people to bring their suggestions.

    “This is a discussion and I hope people will arrive with some suggestions,” said Hart. “The best ideas often appear when we get together and listen to each other.”

    Senator Hart will be holding multiple meetings about jobs and economic development throughout her Senate district. The dates and locations are:

    Date & Time Event Location
    NOV 1
    Wed 7 PM
    DeWitt Town Meeting on Jobs Dewitt Community Center
    NOV 2
    Thu 7 PM
    Lost Nation Town Meeting on Jobs Lost Nation Public Library
    NOV 6
    Mon 7 PM
    Delmar Town Meeting on Jobs Delmar Depot Museum
    NOV 8
    Wed 7 PM
    McCausland Town Meeting on Jobs McCausland Community Center
    NOV 14
    Tue 7 PM
    Clinton Town Meeting on Jobs Clinton Public Library (Iowa)
    NOV 15
    Wed 7 PM
    LeClaire Town Meeting on Jobs Leclaire Library



  • Mathis named “Hero in the Fight” for better mental health treatment in Iowa

    State Senator Liz Mathis

    For immediate release: Oct. 6, 2017

    CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa – State Senator Liz Mathis (D-Hiawatha) has been named a Hero in the Fight by the Linn County chapter of the National Alliance for Mental Illness.

    “Senator Mathis works relentlessly to advocate for our most vulnerable citizens. With Medicaid moving to a managed care system, Senator Mathis has been active in the community, listening to individuals and families about their experiences and making sure no one falls through the cracks. She listens to providers and advocacy groups so that she truly understands how real people are impacted. Her genuine care is evident,” said Kathy Johnson, a member of the board of directors for NAMI Linn County.

    The Heroes in the Fight awards are given each year to those who help fight stigma the stigma of mental illness and promote positive changes to ensure all Iowans have access to affordable and effective mental health treatment.

    “Iowans struggling with mental illness are some of our most vulnerable citizens, but their needs are often overlooked, or they get lost in our complicated health care system. They deserve someone who will stand up for them, fight for them and not quit until we get the job done,” Mathis said.

    Senator Mathis authored legislation with the help of Kent Jackson, director of Behavioral Health for Unity Point, which allows certain patients with schizophrenia to get long-lasting injections of antipsychotic medicine so that they can avoid costly hospital stays and more easily return to their day-to-day life.

    She also created a Children’s Mental Health & Wellbeing Workgroup in 2015 that is building a child mental health care system. The workgroup will be presenting legislation in 2018 that will address children experiencing a mental health care crisis. The workgroup also has encouraged pilot projects for new ways of improving child wellbeing.

    The Heroes in the Fight awards ceremony took place Thursday at Mercy Hospital’s Hallagan Auditorium in Cedar Rapids. Other local award recipients were:

    • Ben Rogers – Linn County Board of Supervisor
    • Ursula Livermore – Eastern Iowa Health Center Medical Director
    • Diane Brecht – Local Provider of SCL services
    • Brad Neff – Volunteer with Family Support and Family-to-Family classes

    NAMI Linn County is the local affiliate of a state and national association dedicated to education, advocacy and support for individuals and families struggling with the impact of a mental illness.
