• Iowa Senator Herman Quirmbach Responds to State Auditor’s Report on Department of Education Odyssey Contract

    Des Moines — Iowa State Senator Herman Quirmbach released the following statement regarding State Auditor Rob Sand’s new report on the Iowa Department of Education’s contracting with Odyssey, the private company that manages individuals’ private-school voucher accounts.

    “Senate Democrats knew the voucher scheme Gov. Kim Reynolds and Republican legislators cooked up would take advantage of Iowa taxpayers,” Sen. Herman Quirmbach, D-Ames, said.  “The auditor’s report released today reveals an alarming lack of transparency and accountability from the Department of Education when it comes to the proper stewarding of taxpayer funds.”

    Quirmbach added, “Today we learn that Gov. Reynolds and her administration agreed a year ago to double the payments to Odyssey, the private firm administering the voucher program.  The Reynolds administration agreed to the increased payments to Odyssey in July 2023 but did not disclose the required justification until this month.”

    “It is bad enough that the voucher program is syphoning hundreds of millions of dollars out of our public schools, but now we find that the Reynolds administration low-balled the estimated payments to the private company running the program and hid the cost increase until the State Auditor forced the disclosure.  Reynolds has broken faith with the public’s trust on both education and stewardship of taxpayers’ money,” Quirmbach concluded.

    Quirmbach is the Ranking Member on the Senate Education Committee.


  • Iowa Senate Democratic Leader Pam Jochum Responds to Iowa Supreme Court Ruling on 6-Week Abortion Ban

    Des Moines – Iowa Senate Democratic Leader Pam Jochum released the following statement regarding Friday’s Iowa Supreme Court ruling on the Republican-passed state law banning abortion after 6 weeks. 

    “June 28 will be remembered as a tragic day in Iowa history,” Jochum, D-Dubuque, said. “With today’s Supreme Court ruling, a small group of extreme Republican politicians and activist judges have violated nearly two centuries of tradition in Iowa – eliminating fundamental rights rather than expanding them and attacking personal freedom rather than defending it. 

    “Extreme anti-choice Republicans are obsessed with controlling Iowans’ lives and dictating their personal health decisions. And today, an activist court used its power to enforce that restrictive ideology rather than applying common sense, legal precedent, and the Iowa constitution.

    “With this ruling, Iowans’ healthcare options are being decided by politicians rather than doctors. Iowans’ futures will be chosen for them. Many Iowans will suffer because of this ruling, and some will die because of it. 

    “Senate Democrats stand with the majority of Iowans who support safe and legal access to abortion. This despicable and dangerous ruling cannot be the last word on reproductive rights and personal freedom in Iowa. Activist judges and anti-choice Republicans cannot be allowed to control Iowans’ lives. 

    In the face of this injustice, Iowans must stand up to attacks on their basic freedom and privacy– and they’ll have an opportunity to do so this November at the ballot box. Extreme Republicans must pay a political price for ignoring the will of the people and trampling on fundamental rights. 

    “Finally, this ruling is also a warning for Iowa’s future. If extreme Republicans and activist judges are willing to reject clear public sentiment to undermine longstanding rights, then no other freedoms are secure either. What rights will they come for next?”


  • Iowa State Sen. Nate Boulton Responds to Bridgestone-Firestone Layoffs 

    Iowa state Sen. Nate Boulton released the following statement in response to announced layoffs at the Bridgestone-Firestone Des Moines Plant: 

    “My thoughts are with my friends and neighbors in eastern Polk County today who are losing their jobs due to layoffs at Bridgestone-Firestone’s Des Moines plant,” Iowa state Sen. Nate Boulton, D-Des Moines, said. “Our first priority as a state is to ensure workers who lose their jobs through no fault of their own receive every possible service and benefit to get back on their feet and care for their families. We have to take care of and look out for each other as Iowans.” 

    “These layoffs will have real effects on hardworking families,” Boulton said. “I’m here to listen to their needs and work with union leaders to get them the support these workers need during this challenging time.”

    “While I appreciate the efforts Bridgestone has already taken to minimize the harm caused by these involuntary layoffs, I implore them to do right by these workers now and into the future,” Boulton said. “I’m hopeful that the company looks for more opportunities to work with Steelworkers local 310L and these employees from here on out.”

    Boulton represents east Des Moines, Berwick, Altoona, Pleasant Hill, and southwest Ankeny.


  • Iowa Senate Democratic Leader Pam Jochum statement on Senate Majority Leader Jack Whitver

    Des Moines – Iowa Democratic Senate Leader Pam Jochum released the following statement regarding Senator Jack Whitver’s health condition.

    “My senate Democratic colleagues and I are very saddened to hear the news of Senator Whitver’s current medical challenge.  Jack is a proven fighter, and if anyone is prepared to face the challenge ahead, it’s Jack.”

     “We will continue to keep Jack and his family in our prayers and we all wish him a speedy recovery.”


  • Senate Democratic Leader Pam Jochum Statement on the End of the 2024 Legislative Session

    Iowa Senate Democratic Leader Pam Jochum released the following statement on the conclusion of the 2024 legislative session: 

    “Iowa Senate Democrats opened this session offering a better deal for Iowans, with specific plans to increase opportunity, freedom, and accountability,” Iowa Senate Democratic Leader Pam Jochum, D-Dubuque, said. “Unfortunately, our Republican colleagues refused to join us in that effort. Republican senators chose instead to serve special interests and give more power to the governor.”

    “Iowans deserve better than what they got from their Legislature in 2024,” Jochum said. “Iowans want action to ensure healthcare freedom. They want a solution to the crisis in our nursing homes. They want strong public schools and respect for Iowa educators. Those are Democrats’ priorities because those are Iowans’ priorities.”

    “Iowans will remember how Republicans chose to serve their governor rather than their constituents. They’ll remember how they slashed Area Education Agencies and put special interests before Iowa children,” Jochum said. “They’ll remember in November.” 


  • Senate Democratic Leader Pam Jochum’s End-of-Session Speech for the 2024 Legislative Session

    Thank you, Madam President. 

    As we wrap up our work and move to conclude the 2024 legislative session and Iowa’s 90th General Assembly, I first want to take a moment to say thank you to the devoted civil servants whose hard work makes this chamber function. 

    To the clerks, pages, caucus staff, the tireless professional staff of the LSA, the Secretary of the Senate’s office, doorkeepers, members of the press, the lobby, our interns, and all of our fellow Iowans who have followed our work these last four months – thank you. Your hard work, commitment, diligence, and expertise is truly appreciated. 

    Four months ago, we convened here from all corners of our state with a common goal: to make life better for the people of Iowa. Senate Democrats entered this session offering a Better Deal for Iowans.

    We pledged to stand up for the core values of Opportunity, Freedom, and Accountability. And over the course of this session, we worked to ensure those values came through in every bill we filed, every amendment we offered, and every point we made on the floor of this chamber. 

    At every turn, we asked ourselves:

    • Does this create more opportunity for Iowans?
    • Does it ensure freedom for Iowans?
    • Does it provide more accountability for Iowans?

    Unfortunately, too often this year, in too many bills offered and advanced by the Republican majority, the answer to those questions was a resounding NO. 

    Republicans in this chamber, across the rotunda, and in the big office downstairs all too often refused to work in good faith across the aisle to benefit Iowans. Instead, they chose to fight divisive culture wars, hand over more power to the governor, and push narrow legislation benefiting special interests at the expense of the majority of Iowans.

    Senate Democrats, by contrast, focused on what truly matters: Iowa’s families, children, and workers. We did the best we could to live those values of opportunity, freedom, and accountability. 

    We offered a package of legislation to protect Iowans’ basic freedom and access to necessary healthcare. We introduced legislation bringing desperately needed accountability reforms to our long-term care system to ensure the safety and dignity of Iowa seniors. We proposed state aid for our public schools that would begin to address years of underinvestment. They all went nowhere. 

    When Republican lawmakers refused to consider these measures, they didn’t just ignore this chamber’s Democratic minority – they ignored the will of Iowans.

    Senate Democrats also listened to the thousands of Iowans who resisted the governor’s heavy-handed attack on Iowa’s Area Education Agencies – and worked at every turn to preserve a system that helps Iowa families and delivers for Iowa children. 

    When Republican lawmakers forced that legislation into law, they showed they cared more about pleasing the governor than representing their constituents.

    When the final gavel falls on this General Assembly, Iowans will look back on it with disappointment – disappointment over the misplaced priorities, the missed opportunities, and the time wasted on measures that fail to move our state forward.

    And by now, after seven years of culture wars and special interests, I think Iowans are pretty tired of being disappointed. They expect more from the representatives they elect. They’re ready for leaders who will represent their values. They’re ready for a better deal.

    Senate Democrats are offering a better deal, and we look forward to sharing it with Iowans in every corner of our state. 

    Thank you, Madam President.


  • Iowa Sen. Janet Petersen Statement on Signing of Senate File 2431

    Iowa state Sen. Janet Petersen released the following statement on the governor signing Senate File 2431 into law. The bill removes the civil statute of limitations for Iowa survivors of sexual abuse who are part of the Boy Scouts of America organization’s national bankruptcy settlement.

    “I’m grateful lawmakers and the governor stood up for Iowa survivors who are part of the largest child sex-abuse case in U.S. history,” Iowa state Sen. Janet Petersen, D-Des Moines, said. “Iowans who were abused as children should not be financially penalized in their settlement simply because the abuse occurred within the borders of Iowa.”

    “Today’s victory is a great example of how the legislature can help people when we work together for justice and when the media shines a light on an important issue,” Petersen said. “Hundreds of Iowans will have a chance at receiving their full settlement thanks to a group of survivors who came forward, shared their painful stories and asked for our help.” 


  • Sen. Janice Weiner Statement on 6-Week Abortion Ban Hearing at the Iowa Supreme Court

    Des Moines — Iowa state Sen. Janice Weiner released the following statement following oral arguments in the Iowa Supreme Court on the state’s six-week abortion ban.

    “The six-week abortion ban case heard today in Iowa’s highest court remains an unconstitutional attempt by Republican politicians to control the bodies of Iowans and their futures,” Sen. Janice Weiner, D-Iowa City, said. “Iowans value their freedom, and that includes the freedom to make decisions about their bodies and their healthcare with their doctors. A majority of Iowans oppose attacks on their healthcare choices.”

    “Today’s hearing was a clear and convincing argument for upholding the Iowa Constitution, listening to the people of Iowa, and striking down this dangerous law,” Weiner said. 

    Following today’s oral arguments, the Court has until June 30th to issue a decision in the case. The hearing can be viewed online at the Iowa Court’s YouTube page


  • Sen. Sarah Trone Garriott Response to New Grant Funding for Expanded Summer Meal Sites

    Des Moines — Iowa state Sen. Sarah Trone Garriott released the following statement in response to Gov. Kim Reynolds’ announcement of a new competitive grant program to expand summer meal sites for children

    “While I appreciate the governor finally doing something for hungry children in our state, the competitive grant program announced today amounts to crumbs for Iowa kids.,” Sen. Sarah Trone Garriott, D-West Des Moines, said. “Gov. Reynolds could have accepted $29 million in federal food assistance that would’ve reached 240,000 children in every corner of the state. The $900,000 state program she announced today is tiny in comparison  – and forces Iowa communities to compete for a sliver of that little pie. That’s not enough to meet the real needs facing our state. And it doesn’t make up for her decision to let Iowa kids go hungry.”

    “While summer feeding programs have their place, they are not accessible to all Iowa families. Families must bring their children to and from the site every day, which is impossible for most working families,” Trone Garriott said. “There are many Iowa school districts and entire counties that don’t even have a feeding site. As a result, these programs assisted less than 20,000 children last year. The governor could have expanded these programs AND participated in the Summer EBT program. But instead, she put politics before the health and wellbeing of our kids.” 

    Senate Democrats’ efforts ensured that Iowa kids were eligible for the Summer EBT program in 2023, and the caucus united behind legislation to require the state to adopt the program again in 2024. However, Republican politicians led by Gov. Reynolds, killed the legislation, and refused to participate in Summer EBT, taking $29 million in food aid away from children and families in need. 


  • Senate Democrats Statement on RFRA Bill Signing

    Iowa state Sen. Janice Weiner released the following statement in response to Gov. Kim Reynolds signing Senate File 2095, the so-called Religious Freedom Restoration Act. 

    “Tonight, Gov. Kim Reynolds went behind closed doors to sign into law an unjust, discriminatory bill,” Iowa state Sen. Janice Weiner said. “It may help her politically, but it will hurt Iowans and undermine economic opportunity in our state.” 

    “Iowans don’t want legalized discrimination,” Weiner said. “They don’t want someone to be able to refuse to rent to someone or serve someone based on religious or moral beliefs. What they want is justice and fairness and economic opportunity and personal freedom. The so-called RFRA law is an attack on all of those Iowa values – and we’ll be paying the price for a long time to come.” 

    Sen. Janice Weiner, D-Iowa City, is a member of the Senate State Government Committee.
