Fighting for a Better Deal for Iowans.

Senate District 31

2025 Committee Assignments

  • Agriculture
  • Appropriations
  • Government Oversight
  • Veterans Affairs (Ranking Member)
  • Ways & Means
  • Workforce
  • Economic Development budget
  • International Relations


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Senator Bill Dotzler

Senator Bill Dotzler was elected in 2022 to his sixth term in the Iowa Senate, and previously served three terms in the Iowa House. He represents Senate District 31, which includes most of the city of Waterloo.

Bill is the Senate Democratic Whip.

In addition to his legislative work, Senator Dotzler served on the Board at the Iowa Institute for Public Leadership and as a member of the 21st Century Workforce Council and the Governor’s Housing Task Force. He currently serves on the Iowa Workforce Development Board, the Innovation Council, the Small Business Development Council, UNI’s Institute for Decision Making Advisory Council and the Governor’s Future Ready Iowa Task Force.

Dotzler has served his community as chair of the Board of Directors for the Waterloo Nursing Association, president of the Friends of Hartman Reserve Nature Center, and charter president of Cedar Trails Partnership. He was also on the initial Board of Directors of Black Hawk Leadership.

Senator Dotzler was in the United States Army Security Agency, Military Intelligence from 1969-72. Before receiving an Honorable Discharge, he was an Honor Graduate in Special Identification Techniques Operator School in Fort Devens, Massachusetts. He received Top Secret Cryptographic Security Clearance and did his Tour of Duty in Berlin, Germany, from 1970-72.

Dotzler has received numerous special recognitions and awards, including the Governor’s Volunteer Service Award, the Governor’s Special Recognition Award, and the Governor’s Lifesaving Award. In 2000, he received the International Citation Award for workforce development, an award once granted to President Kennedy.

Dotzler graduated from Cedar Falls High school in 1966. He received his Associate of Arts degree from North Iowa Area Community College in 1969 and graduated from the University of Northern Iowa in 1975 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Biology.

He is retired from John Deere Waterloo Works, where he was employed as a Machine Operator and Labor Representative. He also worked for Area 7 Job Training Administration.