“Everything the Governor lists can be refuted by patients, providers and advocates. Don’t believe this blather,” said Senator Liz Mathis of Robins. “We still have big issues with pre-authorization, physicians dropping hundreds of Medicaid patients and millions of dollars of claims left unpaid to providers. That is far from a successful year.”
“The willingness of Governor Branstad and Lt. Governor Reynolds to continue to mislead Iowans about their Medicaid privatization disaster is stunning,” said Senator Amanda Ragan of Mason City. “Now it’s up to Lt. Gov. Reynolds to be honest with Iowans and start repairing the damage privatized Medicaid has brought to Iowa families, health care providers and taxpayers.”
Fourteen Senate Democrats want to grow Iowa’s economy with an initiative to increase our investment in one of our most successful incentives: Iowa’s solar energy tax credit.
Between 2012 and 2016, the credit has led to more than 2,500 solar energy projects. An investment of about $16 million in state funds has generated more than $130 million in private investment, while creating more than 1,000 jobs throughout Iowa.
Iowa Senate News Release For immediate release: December 9, 2016
(Des Moines) Senate Democratic Leader Rob Hogg has released the committee assignments for the Democratic members of the Iowa Senate for the 2017 session of the Iowa Legislature.
“A lot of groundwork is done during committee meetings, where there are opportunities for open discussion and bipartisan work,” Hogg said. “I’m disappointed Senate Republicans have eliminated the Economic Growth Committee, but we will look for ways to stand up for good jobs, good benefits and strong community schools across the state.”
The two-year 87th General Assembly will begin on Monday, January 9, 2017.
[Des Moines] At a Statehouse meeting Nov. 19, Democratic members of the Iowa Senate unanimously elected State Senator Rob Hogg of Cedar Rapids to serve as the Iowa Senate’s Democratic Leader.
Senator Hogg released the following statement:
“I’m honored my Senate Democratic colleagues selected me as their leader in this difficult time. During the 2017 legislative session, we will stand up for Iowans who need state government to work for all of us. One reason Iowa is such a great state is our dedicated public employees—teachers, corrections officers, state troopers, DOT workers, DHS workers, DNR workers, city and county staff, and many others—who work hard every day to help Iowans.
“We will stand up for working people who seek higher wages and better benefits, for families who need strong schools and affordable college and job training, for small business owners who need skilled workers and a level playing field, for seniors who need help to stay in their own homes, for veterans who need health care, for city residents and farmers looking for clean water and clean energy solutions, and for vulnerable Iowans who need a safety net to maintain their health and dignity.
“In contrast to most other states, Iowa’s state budget is in good shape. We want to keep it that way, and will try to prevent Governor Branstad and legislative Republicans from repeating the sort of mistakes that bankrupted Kansas, undermining their schools, health care and economy.”
Senator Hogg is in his third term in the Iowa Senate, after serving two terms in the Iowa House. He currently chairs the Government Oversight Committee, is vice-chair of the Judiciary Committee, and serves on the Appropriations, Education and Ways & Means committees. Following the devastating floods and tornadoes of 2008, Senator Hogg chaired a special Rebuild Iowa Committee focused on helping communities recover.
A fourth generation Iowan, Rob Hogg is a lawyer in private practice in Cedar Rapids. He and his wife, Kate, have three children and are members of Christ Episcopal Church.
Senate Democrats also elected Amanda Ragan of Mason City as Senate Democratic Whip, and six assistant leaders: Joe Bolkcom of Iowa City, Bill Dotzler of Waterloo, Rita Hart of Wheatland, Liz Mathis of Robins, Matt McCoy of Des Moines and Herman Quirmbach of Ames.
In addition, the meeting was the first for newly elected State Senator Nate Boulton of Des Moines.
The 2017 session of the 87th Iowa General Assembly will convene on Monday, January 9, 2017.