• Livestream on Wednesday – More changes to Iowa Medicaid

    At 3 PM tomorrow, Wednesday, February 7, Michael Randol, director of the state’s Iowa Medicaid Enterprise, will answer questions from members of the Senate Human Resources Committee. Director Randol previously was the state Medicaid Director for Kansas.

    If you are able to attend, the meeting will take place in Room 22 of the Iowa Statehouse. Otherwise, you can tune in to our livestream on the Iowa Senate Democrats Facebook page.



    Amerigroup Iowa, one of the two private companies that run Iowa Medicaid, says it will begin accepting new Medicaid members.

    That means the 10,000 members who chose Amerigroup Iowa before November 16, 2017, but were temporarily transitioned to fee-for-service coverage under the state, will be moved to Amerigroup Iowa on March 1. They will receive more information from Amerigroup in the mail.

    New Medicaid members whose coverage begins on or after May 1 can choose Amerigroup Iowa or United Healthcare. They will receive enrollment packets in the mail with details on how to select their Managed Care Organization.

    About one-third of Medicaid members will not be able to change MCOs anytime soon. About 200,000 members assigned to United Healthcare without choice last fall must remain with United until their next annual change period. To switch before then, they must show “good cause,” such as:

    • Their health care provider is not in their MCO network.
    • Necessary services are not available within the MCO network.
    • The MCO has provided poor-quality care.
    • They haven’t been able to get services that are supposed to be covered.

    To request a change for good cause, contact United Healthcare Member Services at 800-464-9484 or Amerigroup Member Services at 800-600-4441. You must go through the MCO grievance process, which can take 30 to 45 days.

    If your grievance is not resolved to your satisfaction, you may call Iowa Medicaid Member Services at 800-338-8366 for additional assistance. The final decision on your MCO assignment will be made by the Iowa Department of Human Services.

    Look for additional information in the coming weeks and months. For the latest updates, go to www.IAHealthLink.gov.

  • Senators introduce bill to end privatized Medicaid

    All 20 Democrats and the one Independent in the Iowa Senate have introduced SF 2058, a bill to end privatized Medicaid and put Iowans back in control of a state-run system that provides affordable health care to more than 560,000 citizens.

    Since April 2016, when Iowa Medicaid was turned over to out-of-state companies, constituents have complained about the obstacles they face getting care and services.

    Hospitals, nursing homes and other health care providers – especially in Iowa’s small towns and rural areas – agree that the privatized system is not working. They aren’t being properly reimbursed for the care they provide. They face red tape and bureaucratic nightmares. Many are in financial jeopardy, and some have even been forced to close their doors.

    The state keeps giving private, out-of-state companies more of your tax dollars to run Medicaid. In fact, Governor Reynolds just agreed to give them another $130 million. Yet things continue to get worse.

    This is not how health care for sick, injured and disabled Iowans is supposed to work. Privatized Medicaid is not saving taxpayer dollars. Iowans are not getting healthier. The entire system is in shambles.

    For the health and safety of our citizens, let’s put Iowans back in control of Medicaid.

  • Democrats call on Statehouse Republicans to ‘put Iowans back in control of Medicaid’

    Iowa Senate News Release
    For Immediate Release: December 15, 2017


    DES MOINES — Iowa’s Democratic state legislators are asking Governor Kim Reynolds and Republican lawmakers to work together during the 2018 session to end Iowa’s failed Medicaid privatization experiment.

    “We do our best work when we work in a bipartisan fashion” to expand access to affordable health care for many Iowans, Democratic legislators wrote in a letter emailed today to the Governor and every Republican lawmaker.

    “For the past 20 months, constituents of all ages have been bombarding Governor Reynolds and Republican and Democratic legislators with real problems caused by Medicaid privatization,” Democrats wrote. “There is clear evidence that Iowans have died as a result of life-sustaining services being cut off to extremely vulnerable individuals.”

    The letter also stresses the “financial jeopardy” that Medicaid privatization has imposed on hospitals, nursing homes and other Iowa health care providers, especially in Iowa’s small towns and rural areas.

    Democratic lawmakers noted that “privatization is not saving money for Iowa’s taxpayers, and it is not resulting in healthier Iowans. Under Medicaid privatization, the state of Iowa keeps giving the private, out-of-state companies more and more money, while giving Iowa taxpayers less and less.”

    Medicaid is a health care safety net that is administered by the states and funded through a federal-state partnership. Roughly 70 percent of Medicaid expenses are for the care of our very poor elderly and severely disabled Iowans. In 2015, the Branstad/Reynolds Administration announced that the state employees running the program would be replaced by for-profit Medicaid managers.

    Despite widespread opposition and repeated delays, large, out-of-state companies took over care of the majority of Iowans receiving Medicaid services on April 1, 2016. As of today, three of the four companies initially hired to manage the program have abandoned the project. When AmeriHealth Caritas quit the state last month, the health care of 215,000 Iowans was disrupted.

    Governor Reynolds has promised that more managed care organizations are being recruited to replace those that left.

    In today’s letter, Democratic lawmakers propose a different approach: “When Connecticut realized its privatized Medicaid was not working, state leaders made the decision to go back to a publicly managed Medicaid system. Connecticut is now seeing much better results with their new model. They are saving money and improving care.”

    The letter concludes with this plea:

    “More than ever before, we all know that privatized Medicaid is not working for Iowa. For the health and safety of so many, will you work with us to put Iowans back in control of Medicaid? We can and should do better for Iowans. Watching our health care system collapse is not an option.”



  • Senators call on Gov. Reynolds to extend sign-up period for Medicaid

    Iowa Senate News Release
    For Immediate Release: November 29, 2017


    DES MOINES – Citing continuing turmoil for Iowa’s Medicaid recipients, two key State Senators today called on Governor Kim Reynolds to give a break to more than 200,000 Medicaid recipients who were denied a choice of Medicaid providers.

    In a letter delivered this afternoon, Sen. Amanda Ragan of Mason City and Sen. Liz Mathis of Hiawatha called on the Governor to grant an additional 30 days for former AmeriHealth members to choose either UnitedHealthcare or the fee-for-service system. A 30-day extension would address the concerns of Iowans who did not have a choice of managed care organizations, which directly affects which doctors, hospitals and other health care providers they can see.

    “We are writing to you today to express our grave concerns about Medicaid,” the Senators wrote in their letter. “The loss of AmeriHealth Caritas and the inability of Amerigroup to take new members leaves too many Iowans without choice.”

    The Senators also point out that federal law requires Medicaid beneficiaries get a choice of managed care plans.

    “It is a fundamental, legal requirement to offer Medicaid beneficiaries a choice of managed care plans. It is completely unfair to offer the fee-for-service system to only those members that were able to make a choice before November 16,” the Senators stated. “Due to the lack of timely notice, more than 200,000 Iowans are being assigned to United Healthcare, regardless of their preference.

    “In the name of fairness and choice, we are requesting that you grant an additional 30 days for former AmeriHealth members to choose either UnitedHealthcare or the fee-for-service system.”

    Senator Ragan is Ranking Member of the Health & Human Services Budget. Senator Mathis is Ranking Member on the Human Resources Committee.


  • Nov 7th Livestream: Reynolds Admin to defend “the nation’s worst state Medicaid privatization effort”

    Statement by Senator Joe Bolkcom, Ranking Member of the Senate Budget Committee and member of the Medicaid Assistance Advisory Council
    “On Tuesday, November 7, Iowa Department of Human Services Director Jerry Foxhoven will have the unenviable job of defending the nation’s worse state Medicaid privatization effort.

    (The meeting will be livestreamed at https://www.facebook.com/IowaSenateDemocrats/)

    “On behalf of the Reynolds Administration, Director Foxhoven will explain how the interests of 215,000 medically vulnerable Iowans will be protected when they are re-assigned to a new MCO within the next 30 days.

    “He will also attempt to explain why Iowa taxpayers should invest $60 million more state dollars in Iowa’s failed Medicaid privatization project.

    “This is the last 2017 meeting of the full membership of the Medicaid Assistance Advisory Council. The council is the largest and most comprehensive meeting of Iowans appointed to represent the interests of Iowa families and Iowa health care providers.”*

    “I encourage members of Iowa’s news media to attend and report on how Iowa plans to start fixing the nation’s worse state Medicaid privatization effort.”


    *Complete list of members: https://dhs.iowa.gov/sites/default/files/SFY17-18_MAAC_Members_Current_9.pdf

  • Iowa health insurance for 2018




    Employer-sponsored health insurance

    Individually-purchased health insurance

    Public health care programs





    Things seem to be going from bad to worse for Iowans when it comes to health care. In recent days, we’ve learned that:

    • The federal government has approved Iowa Republicans’ bad decision to cut coverage for new Medicaid recipients. About 40,000 Iowans will no longer get necessary medical care in the weeks before they receive official approval that they’re eligible for Medicaid. Iowa is the only state to deny these reimbursements for new Medicaid members.
    • One of the private companies that provides Medicaid in Iowa is leaving the state. That means 215,000 Iowans must find new providers—including thousands of Iowans with special needs—with only a month’s notice. Beginning in December, Iowa will have only two Managed Care Organizations for all of our state’s Medicaid recipients.
    • Iowans who need to buy their own health insurance for 2018 have only one option. Two companies that have sold health insurance directly to Iowans (Wellmark and Aetna) are discontinuing those policies. That leaves only Medica, which is significantly increasing its rates.

    Washington has gotten nowhere with promised health care reform. Congress hasn’t managed to put together a health care package that Americans want, but has instead undermined many of the best features of our current system.

    Iowans deserve better. That’s why Iowa Democrats are ready to work with the Governor and our Republican colleagues on a bipartisan solution.

    Our first step must be to end Iowa’s privatized Medicaid system, which has been a disaster from the get-go for Iowa families, health care providers and taxpayers. Privatized Medicaid was billed as a money-saving move that would provide better health care. Instead, it has been costly and chaotic.

    Senate Democrats will speak up about these concerns at two health care meetings happening at the Statehouse this week. The Medical Assistance Advisory Council meets Tuesday, November 7, to review Iowa’s health and medical care services. On Wednesday, November 8, the Legislature’s Health Policy Oversight Committee will convene to assess the latest on Iowa’s privatized Medicaid.


    Recent health care news has left many Iowans frustrated. Below is some information about where things stand right now. We hope this helps provide a little clarity about health care options available to Iowans.

    Please share your questions and concerns with us so that we can speak up for you as we work through Iowa’s health care mess. Senate Democrats will continue to push for better, more affordable health care for all Iowans.



    Information courtesy of the Iowa Insurance Division

    Employer-sponsored health insurance

    • Most Iowans get health insurance through a group plan offered by their employer (private companies, government and military). Pay close attention to your enrollment options this year. Your plan may have changed.
    • If you switch jobs, you may be subject to a probationary period, during which you are not eligible for coverage with your new employer.
    • If you lose employer coverage, you have about 60 days to sign up for private insurance through HealthCare.gov.
    • If you lose a job that offers insurance, you may be eligible for continued coverage for a time.
    • If you work for a small business, meet with an insurance agent to review the health insurance options that best fit your needs.


    Individually-purchased health insurance

    • This includes small business owners, the self-employed or those who work for organizations that don’t offer group plans. In 2017, about 153,000 Iowans bought their own health insurance.
    • For 2018, Iowans purchasing their own insurance have one option, Medica, which is available through HealthCare.gov.
    • You have until December 15 to enroll for coverage beginning January 1.
    • If you currently have coverage through HealthCare.gov and do not choose a plan for 2018, you will be re-enrolled in a similar plan offered by Medica.


    Public health care programs

    • About 1.2 million Iowans receive health care through Medicare and Medicaid.
    • Medicare is a federally funded program for those 65 or older, and those living with certain disabilities, kidney failure or ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease). Medicare open enrollment runs through December 7. Some Medicare recipients may see increases in their premiums for 2018. Call 1-800-351-4664 with questions.
    • Medicaid is jointly funded by the federal and state governments. It provides health insurance to low-income Iowans. To see if you are eligible, go to DHS Services or call the Iowa Department of Human Services at 1-855-889-7985.




    Information courtesy of Medica

    Iowans who plan to buy their own health insurance for 2018 can enroll through December 15. HealthCare.gov is the only official government website selling health insurance.

    Iowans may call 1-800-318-2596 or visit HealthCare.gov to learn about enrolling and to see if you qualify for subsidies to help pay for your coverage.

    Local insurance agents, navigators and application counselors can help you review the available plans to find what best fits your needs. To find help close to home, go to localhelp.HealthCare.gov.


    Where to enroll


    Medica insurance for local Iowans

    Medica is the only insurer offering plans to Iowans who purchase their own health insurance for 2018. Medica will offer different insurance plans depending on your county of residence.

    You can choose a Health Savings Account or a co-pay plan, whichever best meets your needs for cost-sharing, deductibles and other out-of-pocket costs. You can look up what these terms mean at www.healthcare.gov/glossary.

    Medica Insure will be available in 72 counties. This is an open-access provider network with tiered copays. If you use preferred health care providers, you’ll have lower deductibles and co-pays. Medica Insure has more than 13,000 primary and specialty care providers and more than 250 hospitals.

    Inspire by Medica is offered in conjunction with UnityPoint Health in 25 counties. Members will pay less when they see UnityPoint Health providers. The UnityPoint network includes more than 3,300 primary and specialty care doctors, more than 39 hospitals, and online and convenience care clinics.



    Information courtesy of the Iowa Department of Human Services

    AmeriHealth Caritas Iowa is one of three private “Managed Care Organizations” that have been running Iowa’s privatized Medicaid since April 2016. The company announced this week that they will stop operating in Iowa at the end of the month.

    AmeriHealth has the largest number of Medicaid enrollees in that state. Now 215,000 Iowans must switch to a different insurer and may have to find new doctors. Members should watch their mail and the IA Health Link webpage for important details.

    Medicaid coverage for Iowans on AmeriHealth will be automatically transitioned to Amerigroup Iowa or UnitedHealthcare or a fee-for-service system on December 1. However, you can change plans! You have until March 1, 2018, to change your MCO for any reason.

    If you have questions or concerns, call Iowa Medicaid Member Services at 1-800-338-8366. You may also wish to subscribe to the Iowa Medicaid e-News to get the latest information.




  • Governor should urge Ernst, Grassley to oppose health care harmful changes

    July 18, 2017

    The top two Democratic State Senators on the Iowa Senate’s healthcare budget and policy committees are urging Governor Kim Reynolds to contact U.S. Senators Joni Ernst and Chuck Grassley about the threat that healthcare legislation pending in the U.S. Senate poses to Iowa families, health care providers and rural communities.

    The joint letter notes that Iowa Democrats and Republicans worked together in 2011 to “expand Medicaid to cover 150,000 working Iowans who did not earn enough to purchase insurance on the open market.”

    The successful Iowa Medicaid expansion has improved healthcare for thousands of Iowans, reduced costly charity care at rural and urban hospitals, and saved Iowa health care jobs.

    The State Senators warned Reynolds that the proposal currently being debated in the U.S. Senate would devastate Iowa’s success.  They wrote:

    “The cost of unpaid charity care in Iowa could again reach the billion-dollar-a-year level it had reached before the Medicaid expansion.  This would increase the price of health insurance generally and be especially harmful to hospitals and health care providers in Iowa’s rural communities.  If Medicaid is cut significantly, rural health care providers could be forced to close.  That would have a devastating effect on patient access to health care and would be a major blow to the continued viability of Iowa’s small towns.

    “In addition, some 72,000 Iowans on the individual market may soon be unable to buy health insurance at any price. You’ve stated that your administration is working on a stop-gap proposal to fix this problem for 2018.  We want to remind you of the urgent need to resolve this issue as soon as possible.  Iowa’s U.S. Senators must work with the Trump Administration to immediately eliminate the health care insecurity haunting these Iowa families.”

    In the letter, Senators Ragan and Mathis also urged the Governor  to “stand up for Iowa the way other Republican and Democratic Governors have stood up for their states.”  As examples, the senators cited statements by the Republican Governors of Nevada, Ohio, and Vermont that are critical of the proposal before the U.S. Senate.

    The senators ended their letter by stating:

    “Governor Reynolds, we urge you to speak up in defense of Iowa families, Iowa health care providers, Iowa jobs, and the state budget.  Specifically, we urge you to contact Senators Chuck Grassley and Joni Ernst as soon as possible.  Encourage them to speak out publicly against health care changes that would devastate Iowans and the Iowa economy.”


    Text of the letter is below

    July 18, 2017

    Dear Governor Reynolds,

    We write to urge you to join other Republican and Democratic Governors in speaking out against the healthcare bill currently being debated in the US Senate.

    In 2011, with bipartisan support and the participation of Governor Branstad and yourself, the Iowa Legislature voted to expand Medicaid to cover 150,000 working Iowans who did not earn enough to purchase insurance on the open market.

    Iowa’s Medicaid expansion improved the health of working Iowans, reduced the cost of charity care at Iowa’s hospitals, and increased the number of health care jobs across Iowa.   The state of Iowa will pay no more than 10 percent of the overall cost.  The benefits to Iowans are obvious and continue even though Medicaid has been privatized.

    Governor Reynolds, we know you are certainly aware that the United States Senate is debating legislation that would negatively affect Medicaid expansion.  The cost of unpaid charity care in Iowa could again reach the billion-dollar-a-year level it had reached before the Medicaid expansion.  This would increase the price of health insurance generally and be especially harmful to hospitals and health care providers in Iowa’s rural communities.  If Medicaid is cut significantly, rural health care providers could be forced to close.  That would have a devastating effect on patient access to health care and would be a major blow to the continued viability of Iowa’s small towns.

    In addition, some 72,000 Iowans on the individual market may soon be unable to buy health insurance at any price. You’ve stated that your administration is working on a stop-gap proposal to fix this problem for 2018.  We want to remind you of the urgent need to resolve this issue as soon as possible.  Iowa’s U.S. Senators must work with the Trump Administration to immediately eliminate the health care insecurity haunting these Iowa families.

    That’s why we ask you to stand up for Iowa the way other Republican and Democratic Governors have stood up for their states. Here are a few examples:

    Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval has said Medicaid expansion has been “a winner for the people of our state.”

    Ohio Governor John Kasich has said that he has “deep concerns with the details of the U.S. Senate’s plan to fix America’s health care system and the resources needed to help our most vulnerable.”

    Vermont Governor Phil Scott said this about the Republican Senate changes to Medicaid: “Even a small tweak could have a devastating impact on us as a state.”

    Governor Reynolds, we urge you to speak up in defense of Iowa families, Iowa health care providers, Iowa jobs, and the state budget.  Specifically, we urge you to contact Senators Chuck Grassley and Joni Ernst as soon as possible.  Encourage them to speak out publicly against health care changes that would devastate Iowans and the Iowa economy.


    Senator Amanda Ragan of Mason City
    Ranking Member, Health and Human Services Appropriations Subcommittee

    Senator Liz Mathis of Robins
    Ranking Member, Human Resources Committee



  • Latest state deficit figures show GOP budget is ‘out of whack’ and hurting Iowa families

    A statement from Senator Joe Bolkcom, ranking Democrat on the Senate Appropriations Committee:

    “Iowa is not in a recession. Iowa is experiencing slow revenue growth because the policies of Governor Reynolds and legislative Republicans are out of whack. Delaying tax refunds for Iowa families and other gimmicks will not solve this budget mess.

    “Republicans must stop showering tens of millions on large tax giveaways to out-of-state corporations.  These tax giveaways now top $500 million annually and are the fastest growing part of the state spending.
    “The really bad news is that Governor Reynolds and legislative Republicans are balancing the budget on the backs of working Iowans. Senate Democrats will continue to oppose Republican-sponsored cuts to the services that Iowans depend on.  These cuts threaten public safety, the quality of education, and the safety net for seniors, children and vulnerable Iowans.
    “These cuts to services could have been avoided if Republican legislators and Governor Reynolds had delivered on their promises to increase family income by 25% and create more than 200,000 new jobs in Iowa.
    “So far, working Iowans have seen nothing but broken promises and horrible cuts to state services from Governor Reynolds and legislative Republicans.”
    – end –
  • Gov. Reynolds: Convince Pres. Trump to stop Iowa health care disaster

    June 21, 2017

    (Open letter from Senator Joe Bolkcom to Governor Kim Reynolds)

    Dear Governor Reynolds:

    Today, you will have an opportunity to speak one-on-one with President Trump in Cedar Rapids.

    I support your announced plan to raise the issue of Iowa’s failing individual insurance market.  However, that issue is only one part of Iowa’s health care problems.

    Governor Reynolds, you must be aware that the Republican-controlled U.S. Congress is rushing to send President Trump health care legislation.  This legislation will devastate Iowa families, Iowa health care providers, the State of Iowa’s budget, and the Iowa economy.

    That’s why Iowans are counting on you to convince President Trump to oppose this impending disaster.  Here are some of the reasons why the Republican health care bills are so bad for all Iowans:

    1. Proposed cuts to Medicaid expansion threaten health care for 150,000 Iowans.
    2. More Iowans will be living without health insurance. There will be more uninsured charity care, care that is less effective, more costly, and will increase everyone’s health care costs.
    3. Older Iowans, who make up an increasingly large share of Iowa’s population, will be hit especially hard by these changes.
    4. Cuts, caps or block granting federal Medicaid spending will cost the state of Iowa hundreds of millions of dollars.
    5. Health care providers will be paid less. It will be harder to recruit and keep qualified doctors, nurses and other caregivers, especially in Iowa’s small towns and rural communities.
    6. Health care is a large part of Iowa’s economy. Health care layoffs and wage cuts will hurt all sorts of Iowa businesses and weaken our economy.

    Iowa’s response must be bipartisan. That’s why at tomorrow’s meeting of the Legislative Council, I will propose that we create a special legislative interim committee to examine Iowa’s health care crisis and offer solutions.

    This committee would look at proposed Medicaid cuts, the collapse of the individual market, the repeal of the Affordable Care Act, and the impact on the state budget.

    Governor Reynolds, please use your influence with President Trump to make sure Iowans can keep their health insurance, to protect rural hospitals and health care providers, and to prevent a devastating blow to Iowa’s economy.

    I hope you will return to Des Moines with some good news.  We need some right now.



    Joe Bolkcom

    State Senator

    PDF of letter to Gov Reynolds


  • Wednesday: Legislators host discussion about “Medicaid for All” proposal for Iowa

    For Immediate Release: June 20, 2017


    Legislators host discussion about “Medicaid for All” proposal for Iowa health insurance mess Wednesday at 6 PM

    (Des Moines)  State Senator  Matt McCoy and State Representative John Forbes invite the public to a public discussion of their “Medicaid for All” solution to Iowa’s health insurance mess.  The goal is to ensure that every Iowan has access to more affordable and reliable health insurance.

    The event will be held at Des Moines Central Library, 1000 Grand Avenue, from 6 PM to 8 PM on Wednesday, June 21.  The event will be livestreamed on Senator McCoy’s Faceboook page, https://www.facebook.com/senatormccoy/.

    The collapse of Iowa’s individual health-insurance market has drawn national attention.  Medica, the last insurer willing to provide individual health insurance policies in Iowa, has announced that a rate increase of an average of 43.5 percent is required for it to continue doing business in Iowa.

    The two legislators seek to allow Iowans on the individual market to purchase health insurance coverage through Medicaid.

    “Given the uncertainty in the individual insurance market, it’s absolutely necessary for Iowa to forge it’s own path to provide access to insurance to all Iowans. It is to critical economic development that self-employed individuals and small businesses have access to more affordable and reliable health insurance. This plan will do that,” said McCoy.

    “The gridlock in Washington, DC makes it imperative for states like Iowa to act independently in providing health insurance coverage. Iowans are practical and self-reliant, and we have the ability to implement this solution,” said Forbes.
