• Taxes: Reward work, not wealth

    The tax plan that we are unveiling this morning is just one piece of our overall plan to help Iowans recover from the Reynolds workforce crisis. 

    Iowans are hardworking people who take pride in our work. But fewer Iowans are working today than when Governor Reynolds took office. Because Republicans are driving workers out of our state and are unable to keep Iowans in the workforce, we don’t have enough workers to keep schools, hospitals, and small businesses open. 

    Our plan rewards work, not wealth. We believe that we need to support Iowa workers, who are the backbone of our economy, with lower costs and tax cuts, rather than what Republicans want to do, which is supporting the super-rich and corporations who continue to get richer while working Iowans get left behind.

    Iowa Republicans like Governor Reynolds, Sen. Jack Whitver, Sen. Jake Chapman and others are doubling down on a bad plan with more tax cuts for millionaires and corporations, throwing more gas on the culture wars, and underfunding schools, job training, public safety, child care, and preschool.

    We are calling for a new direction to solve the Reynolds workforce crisis. Let’s make Iowa a better place where folks want to live, work, and raise a family.

    That’s why we are calling for:

    • Boosting basic funding for Iowa’s public schools by $300 million. That’s a better investment in the state’s future than the Republican plan for another $300 million giveaway to corporations.
    • Give middle class Iowans a tax cut, not millionaires and billionaires. 
    • Invest our state surplus into expanding apprenticeships, career training and technical education to help solve the Reynolds Workforce Crisis.
    • Get more parents back into the workforce by making child care affordable throughout Iowa and guaranteeing access to free, universal Pre-K programs. 
    • Renew Iowa’s investment in public safety funding and reform to help keep Iowans safe.

    We believe that we need to support Iowa workers, who are the backbone of our economy, with lower costs and tax cuts, rather than what Republicans want to do, which is supporting the super-rich and corporations who continue to get richer while working Iowans get left behind.


  • Iowa Republicans own Delta surge

    Thursday, September 2, new conference statement from Iowa Senate Democratic Leader Zach Wahls:

    “COVID isn’t going away because Kim Reynolds and Iowa Republicans aren’t doing anything to make it go away. Our return to normal continues to be pushed further and further into the future because Republicans continue to fail to do anything to stop the spread of the Delta variant.

    “The Governor and the Republican legislature have made clear: they own every missed class, every canceled football game, every missed day of work caring for a sick child, every closed business. The Iowa Republican ban on local communities following public health advice was a mistake. And rather than learning from their mistakes, Iowa Republicans are gambling with the safety and health of Iowa children. They are doubling down on a bad hand. They own the Delta Surge.

    “Governor Reynolds, you can make a big difference in Iowa’s fight against COVID. Stop telling Iowans what to do and just let Iowans make their own decisions about the health and safety of their local school children, and their communities.

    “If we have learned anything about the fight against COVID-19, it’s that one-size-fits-all policies don’t work. We need to listen to public health experts and epidemiologists, not Republican politicians and horse de-wormer salesmen.

    “We need to allow local school leaders to save Iowa lives, especially with a new variant that is more contagious and more deadly to children. Senate Democrats will support Iowa communities and schools that democratically decide to follow the science in the fight against COVID. 

    “Governor Reynolds: stop gambling with our children’s lives. Start following the science.”


  • “Governor, you need to change course” on COVID & Iowa schools

    Thursday, August 26, news conference statement by Senator Zach Wahls:

    YouTube: https://youtu.be/rdyhqj6qzQc

    Right now, Iowans want two things from our local schools.

    First, they want schools to be open, and to stay open. That’s the best way to get all Iowa kids back on track. Most kids are ready to attend school in person, with their teachers and classmates.

    Second, and this should not be controversial, Iowans want our schools to be as safe as possible. This is not an either or proposition.

    We can do both.

    Studies show that, despite the pandemic, schools allowed to respond to local conditions, can be safe for virtually all students.

    But Iowa has a problem that many other states don’t have.  Governor Reynolds has refused to let Iowa schools make the decisions necessary to protect their students, their teachers, their staff and their parents from COVID-19.

    It is a fact that her state budget, written by Republican legislators, provided zero additional dollars to fight COVID-19 in our state.

    And it is a fact that Governor Reynolds has rejected 95 million federal dollars last April to help Iowa schools reopen safely.

    Since that mistake, we’ve seen new Iowa COVID cases increase sharply. Most new cases, because of the Delta variant, which we know is more infectious than previous variants.

    And we know that Governor Reynolds signed a law banning safe mask policies in Iowa’s schools and in other public places. And when she signed that law, she was surrounded by anti-vaccine conspiracy theorists.

    The Governor’s mistakes and political posturing are endangering children and threaten to further disrupt the education of all K-12 students in Iowa.

    Governor, you need to change course. Now, there are a few ways that you should do this.

    First, Iowa’s lucky that the $95 million in rejected federal funds is still available. We can use it for detection, for vaccination, for improved air filtration and circulation systems, and other common-sense steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Iowa’s K-12 schools.

    All the governor has to do is pick up the phone, and call President Biden’s administration, and tell them that she has changed her mind.

    We need to get those federal dollars to Iowa’s schools right away. We’ve wasted enough time during this public health emergency.

    We can request the additional dollars from the CDC. That money will pay for more in-school testing and contact tracing. It will help protect kids, teachers, parents and communities from the continued spread of the Delta variant.

    Finally, the Governor should use her emergency powers to suspend the dangerous mistake that she made last May. That’s when she made it illegal for Iowa schools to make the decisions necessary to protect our communities from COVID.

    The Governor needs to focus on the science, the science.

    Ignore the dangerous nonsense from people like Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene and other anti-vaccine conspiracy theorists in the Republican Party.

    Listen instead to Iowa parents. They just want their kids safely back in their local schools, learning and preparing to take their next steps in life.

    Governor, do what’s right for Iowa kids, and do it today.


  • Iowans need help, not roadblocks

    For Immediate Release:  August 24, 2021  

    State Senator Janet Petersen of Des Moines has organized a joint letter to Governor Kim Reynolds urging specific steps to make Iowa schools safer.  The letter is signed by all 18 Democratic members of the Iowa State Senate.

    “Iowans are begging Governor Reynolds to keep our kids, our schools and our communities safe,” said Senator Petersen. “Other Republican Governors are working to make classrooms safe places for all children. We call on Iowa’s governor to do the same.”

    In the letter, the Senators urge Governor Reynolds to reverse her April rejection of $95 million in federal funds intended to help to reopen Iowa schools safely.  Initially aimed at testing, these federal dollars can now be used to fight COVID-19 in K-12 schools through vaccinations, testing, and upgraded air filtration systems.

    “We strongly urge you to reconsider your decision to reject Reopening Schools funding,” wrote the Senators.  “Iowans want to fight Covid, not mitigation efforts or each other. It’s time to do the right thing to lead our state and country out of this pandemic.” 

    Surprisingly, Governor Reynold’s own budget provided no new dollars to protect schoolchildren, and related federal funds have not been distributed. The Senators wrote:

    “You opted in April 2021 not to use the funds, and the situation in our state has worsened since then.  Those funds are needed more than ever by local schools who want to protect their communities. The changes since April include a dramatic increase in new cases, the Delta variant sweeping the nation and impacting more children, and your law banning safe mask policies in public places.”

    According to the Iowa Department of Public Health, Iowa currently has:

    •     The highest number of virus-related hospital admissions since January.

    •     The highest average number of positive COVID-19 cases since February, before Iowa vaccines were available.

    The letter also urges Governor Reynolds to resume daily reports of Iowa COVID cases and hospitalizations, and an end to statewide law preventing schools following CDC safety guidelines on masks and contact tracing.


    Letter to Gov Reynolds from the Democratic members of the Iowa Senate

    Dear Governor Reynolds:

    Every state leader, no matter their party, should be focused on keeping our children, students and school personnel safe and healthy this year.  Iowa schools and families need our help, not roadblocks, to ensure our kids get an uninterrupted education this year.

    While your state budget provided no additional resources to protect the health and safety of children, the Biden Administration appropriated $95 million for Iowa Schools to help them safely keep their doors open. 

    We strongly urge you to use the $95 million from the American Rescue Plan dedicated to the state in the federal Reopening Schools program.  You opted in April 2021 not to use the funds, and the situation in our state has worsened since then.  Those funds are needed more than ever by local schools who want to protect their communities. The changes since April include a dramatic increase in new cases, the Delta variant sweeping the nation and impacting more children, and your law banning safe mask policies in public places.

    The latest weekly report from the Iowa Department of Public Health is quite grim:

    • The highest number of virus-related hospital admissions recorded since January.
    • The highest average number of positive COVID-19 cases since February. Even more troubling, the weekly average is higher than the same time a year ago – when vaccines were not yet available in Iowa.
    • More than 6,200 COVID deaths and more than 390,000 cases since the pandemic started.

    It is important to note that federal officials have updated the guidance to allow schools to use the funds for detection, mitigation and prevention of COVID-19 in K-12 schools, including vaccine, testing and promotion, and upgraded air filtration systems to improve air circulation.

    Additional resources, such as those from the CDC, would help schools do more testing, identify who may have COVID-19, and better protect kids, teachers, and parents from COVID-19.

    In addition, Iowans deserve access to daily reporting of COVID positive cases and hospitalizations; and local schools should not be banned from following the latest CDC safety guidelines, including masks and contact tracing.

    We strongly urge you to reconsider your decision to reject Reopening Schools funding.  Iowans want to fight Covid, not mitigation efforts or each other. It’s time to do the right thing to lead our state and country out of this pandemic. 


    Sen. Janet Petersen
    Sen. Tony Bisignano
    Sen. Joe Bolkcom
    Sen. Nate Boulton
    Sen. Claire Celsi
    Sen. William A. Dotzler Jr.
    Sen. Eric Giddens
    Sen. Robert Hogg
    Sen. Pam Jochum
    Sen. Kevin Kinney
    Sen. Jim Lykam
    Sen. Liz Mathis
    Sen. Herman C. Quirmbach
    Sen. Amanda Ragan
    Sen. Jackie Smith
    Sen. Todd E. Taylor
    Sen. Sarah Trone Garriott
    Sen. Zach Wahls

  • Republicans threaten safe return to school

    Statement by Senate Democratic Leader Zach Wahls

    As prepared for delivery on August 19, 2021:

    “You just heard from Kim Reynolds, who had an opportunity to denounce Marjorie Taylor Greene’s radical conspiracies. She didn’t do that. That’s because Kim Reynolds and Iowa Republicans are enacting MTG’s right-wing conspiracies into law right here at home.

    We can’t crush Covid and get back to normal because Governor Kim Reynolds, Senator Jack Whitver, and Iowa Republicans have embraced the far-right, fringe ideas that have consumed the Republican Party. Their policies and failed leadership have allowed for the Delta variant to spread unabated throughout our state, causing preventable deaths, sickness, stress, wage loss, and business closings.

    Republican mistakes are why parents all across Iowa are now facing extremely difficult decisions about sending their kids back to unsafe schools.

    It’s fitting the Governor announced the return of INDYCAR to Iowa today: her COVID-19 policies have our state going in circles.

    Democrats understand the importance of getting our kids safely back in schools. Getting our kids safely back in school is critical for getting our lives back to normal.

    Unfortunately, Kim Reynolds and the Republicans in the legislature are preventing our kids from returning safely to in-person school.

    Reynolds and the Republicans in the legislature have tied the hands of parents and school boards. They’ve taken away the voice of parents and local communities who want to do the right thing and protect themselves against the Delta variant.

    Republicans have created a false choice between no in-person school or extremely unsafe schools. I’ve talked to countless parents who are agonizing about sending kids back to unsafe schools, or upending their lives to keep their kids safe at home for virtual learning or home school.

    Governor Reynolds – forcing unvaccinated children back to school isn’t a plan. Continuing to ignore Covid isn’t a plan. Hoping that the Delta variant just goes away isn’t a plan. It’s reckless, it’s dangerous, and it’s putting untold numbers of children, parents, educators, and other staff at severe risk.

    When it comes to stopping Covid, Kim Reynolds is all talk, no action.

    Simply put, Republicans are to blame for the unabated spread of the Delta variant in our state. They’ve politicized mask wearing, rejected common sense safety measures, and spread outrageous conspiracy theories about the Covid vaccines.

    From day one of this crisis, they have failed to take it seriously, and Iowa continues to pay the price for their failures.”


  • Community colleges help workers, economy rebound

    Community colleges are well-positioned to help Iowans and our economy bounce back from the pandemic.

    Since 1964, Iowa’s community colleges have provided education, training and services to students, businesses and communities throughout the state. As times change, so do our community colleges—always adapting to meet local needs.

    This year, the Legislature boosted support that will help our community colleges continue doing just that.

    As businesses and industries look to fully re-open, they’re struggling to find the workers they need to fill well-paying jobs. Iowans may be eager to apply, but often lack the specific skills required. That’s where community colleges come in.

    Looking for a better career? Now is a great time to contact your local community college about current education, training and financial aid opportunities.

    Last Dollar Scholarship

    In particular, you may benefit from a big increase to the state-funded Future Ready Last Dollar Scholarship, which covers a qualifying student’s tuition and fees not met by other federal and state grants and scholarships.

    To be eligible for this scholarship, you must:

    • Be Iowa residents
    • Enroll in an eligible program of study
    • Have applied for all other available financial aid
    • Plan to earn a credential for a high-demand job

    Iowa’s community colleges offer a variety of eligible programs, including welding, building trades, information technology, business and health care careers. Depending on the area of study, you can earn a credential in anywhere from 15 weeks to two years.

    Community college resources

    Learn about all career-training programs eligible for the Last Dollar Scholarship at futurereadyiowa.gov/college-list.

    There’s still time to apply for financial aid for the 2021-2022 school year. Go to studentaid.gov/apply-for-aid, and submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by August 1.

    See what community college leaders had to say on a recent episode of Iowa PBS’ Iowa Press about how they’re helping Iowa students, businesses and our economy right now: youtu.be/xweuAegc3zA.

  • Let’s work together to make Iowa public schools great again

    By Sen. Zach Wahls and Rep. Todd Prichard

    Public education has long been the foundation of our state. For generations, Iowans could count on a great public education from Iowa schools to set them up for success in life. When we were growing up, our public education system regularly led national rankings. 

    Today, however, many Iowans are watching with dismay as a decade of underinvestment from Republican leadership has resulted in Iowa placing in the middle of the pack in national rankings. We’re wondering: When will Iowa schools lead the nation again? 

    Despite a recent claims by Governor Kim Reynolds and Republican legislators that public education is a priority for them    , the facts demonstrate otherwise. The latest Annual Survey of School System Finance shows that Iowa now spends less money per-pupil than most of our neighboring states. Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, North Dakota, Michigan — and even Nebraska! — all invest more money per pupil than Iowa. South Dakota and Missouri are the exceptions.

    The truth is the Iowa Republican Party is being led by radicals who do not believe public education is important — or worse, who believe public schools are being used to brainwash our children. It sounds kooky when you say it out loud, but these beliefs are why the 2020 Iowa Republican party platform explicitly endorsed private school vouchers and called for the abolishment of the federal Department of Education. If they sound radical or out of touch to you, you are not alone. Today’s GOP is not your grandparents’ Republican Party. 

    Today’s Republican Party of Iowa is undermining public education at every opportunity. Here’s how they are doing it:

    ·        Private school vouchers: Consistent with their party platform, urged by Governor Reynolds, Iowa Republicans in the legislature recently voted to remove tens of millions of dollars from our kids’ public schools to fund private school vouchers. This system could drain tens of millions of dollars in its first year, and hundreds of millions when they expand the program, which they’ve already promised they will do.  

    ·        Inadequate school funding: Under Republican leadership, public school funding in Iowa has failed to keep up with a rising cost of living four of the past five years. On top of that, their 2022 plan would provide 137 Iowa school districts less state funding than they did in 2021, prompting higher local property taxes. This is unacceptable.

    ·        Disrespecting educators: Republican politicians can’t say with a straight face that they respect educators when they voted in 2017 to strip educators of their ability to have a say in their own workplace.  

    ·        Defunding preschool: Legislation approved by Iowa Republicans will cut $7.5 million from preschool funding with no way to make up that funding locally. A global pandemic is no time to take early childhood education choices away from parents and kids.

    Are these the actions of a party that truly values our state’s education legacy? We don’t think so. Iowa Democrats, on the other hand, continue to support better public schools for our students, parents, and educators. That’s why we believe the Legislature should be taking these steps:

    • Proactively investing in public schools to reduce class sizes and grow a highly-skilled workforce.

    • Providing universal access to high quality preschool and childcare.

    • Empowering and respecting educators.

    • Funding mental health services for students in rural and urban schools alike.

    • Ensuring that every student can afford to pursue higher education without leaving Iowa.

    • Protecting rural schools from forced consolidation and fewer opportunities for their students.

    That’s a public education agenda all Iowans can support. 

    Instead, Iowa Republicans support more tax cuts for the rich, spending our tax dollars on private education vouchers, and abolishing the Department of Education. Iowa Democrats believe better public schools start with investing in public education. The choice could not be more clear. 

    Zach Wahls is the Senate Democratic Leader and Todd Prichard is the House Democratic Leader.  

  • GOP education plan fails our kids and our communities

    Statement by Senator Herman Quirmbach, Ranking Member of Senate Education Committee, on Senate Republican School Funding Plan

    “Why won’t Senate Republicans step up and support our schools the way our kids deserve, especially the rural schools that many of them represent?

    “The sad truth is that under the Republican proposal they just announced late this afternoon and plan to pass early next week, 141 Iowa school districts will receive less state funding than they did this year.  The difference, if it is made up at all, will have to come from higher local property taxes.

    “Because of the COVID pandemic, public schools across the state have experienced significant drops in enrollment.  Under current law, last year’s enrollment determines next year’s funding.  That’s how many public schools will get lower state funding next year—just when enrollment snaps back as the pandemic eases.  Less money for more kids!  How is that good for our kids’ education?

    “And, many rural schools are already losing students.  Short funding them next year will only push more and more of them to consolidation.  How will losing their schools help small towns grow???

    “Last week Republicans took money from our kids’ public schools to fund private school vouchers for the privileged few.  Republicans are now launching a puny school funding plan that fails to make up for four years of neglect.  Our kids and our community schools need much more help to overcome the learning challenges of the COVID19 pandemic.”


  • Public Education makes Iowa great

    Senate Democratic Leader praises Iowa public schools,
    rejects private school vouchers legislation

    Surprise Bipartisan Opposition to “Radical” Private School Vouchers Bill

    DES MOINES – In an impassioned speech, Iowa Senate Democratic Leader Zach Wahls rejected the private school vouchers bill being advanced by Governor Kim Reynolds and Iowa Republicans that would create a private school voucher program and drain millions of dollars away from Iowa’s public schools.

    “Public Education makes Iowa great. We cannot give up on our public schools,” Wahls said. “Iowa students are worth our investment. Our communities depend on them and our state depends on them.”

    A video and the full transcript of Senators Wahls’ remarks are included below.

    Wahls questioned why Governor Reynolds and legislative Republicans are using the COVID19 pandemic as an excuse to fast-track legislation that would establish a private school voucher program with no academic standards and no accountability for taxpayer dollars.

    “Iowa Democrats will not let this Governor use the COVID crisis to advance her private school agenda by taking resources away from students being educated in our public schools,” he said. “This 65-page bill was filed last week and it was fast-tracked this week. What on earth are we doing?! We shouldn’t be fast tracking this bill. We should be fast tracking legislation to accelerate vaccine distribution. We should be fast tracking legislation to protect essential workers.”

    Senate Republicans approved the legislation – Senate File 159 – on a 26-21 vote, despite surprising bipartisan opposition, with all Democrats and Republican Senators Driscoll, Shipley, and Sweeney voting “no.”

    Video of Senator Wahls’ speech: https://youtu.be/X6dE0PHtqpI

    Here is the full text of Senator Wahls’ speech:

    Remarks by Iowa Senate Democratic Leader Zach Wahls on Senate File 159

    January 28, 2021

    Public Education Makes Iowa Great.

    We cannot give up on our public schools. Public schools and the amazing students we grow in Iowa are one of our most valuable resources. 

    Iowa students are worth our investment. Our communities depend on them and our state depends on them. When the pandemic is over, go to a job fair in another state and anyone can see that our nation depends on Iowa students. COVID is a huge challenge but our young Iowans are showing up adapting and innovating in the classroom — in person and virtually — through the arts, and on the fields and courts. Our long history of investing in Iowa students through public education is part of who we are as Iowans. And Republicans used to agree with Democrats about this. Terry Branstad ran for Governor with the slogan: “Iowa: A State of Minds.” Today, however, Iowa Republicans want Iowa to be more like other states — instead of other states being more like Iowa!

    No. We have to keep investing in public schools because our students are worth it. Our teachers are dedicated and our public school districts and community leadership are what make us strong. We need to invest more in our schools as a result of COVID, not less. 

    As to private education, there’s nothing wrong with private education. I’ve attended mostly public schools in my life, but I have attended a private school. There is nothing wrong with private education. There’s even a role for homeschooling. But the idea that we would take away resources away from public education to improve how we educate our students is as out of touch as using taxpayer dollars to pave a private road we can’t drive on, to build a private golf course we can’t play on, or a private pool that our kids can’t swim in? Why on Earth would we give private schools taxpayer dollars that don’t have the mandate, the commitment, the responsibility educating all of our students. Our students are one of our best resources. Not just some Iowa students — all Iowa students. That’s why we invest in public education. We believe in every student, in every community, and the local leadership, democratically elected, who work together across our state to educate them. If COVID has taught us anything, it’s that we need more of this community not less of it. We need more resources for our public schools, not less. If Republicans want to raise taxes to provide more resources for alternatives to public education—we can have that debate. But Iowa Democrats will not let this Governor use the COVID crisis to advance her private school agenda by taking resources away from students being educated in our public schools. This sixty-five page bill was filed last week and it was fast-tracked this week. What on earth are we doing?! We shouldn’t be fast tracking this bill. We should be fast tracking legislation to accelerate vaccine distribution. We should be fast tracing legislation to protect essential workers. Instead, just yesterday, the Governor said during her press conference to Iowans: be patient! She wants Iowans to be patient when it comes to a vaccine but she’s driving a freight train when it comes to private school vouchers.

    Can a single Iowa Republican Senator name one public school superintendent in their district who is in favor of Senate File 159? Where is their voice in all of this? I asked all seven of my super intendents, the majority of which are in rural districts. Not a single one supports this legislation. And I know that I’m the Senator from Johnson County, but this legislation wasn’t supported by superintendents in Cedar County or Muscatine County either. In fact, one of the thirty-four schools named by this legislation is in my district. Durant Elementary School is in a small town, like so many across our state. I asked their Superintendent what he thought about this bill. He said: “Vouchers are an absolute no, another blow to public education.” And that’s from the people who this bill is trying to help! Iowa Democrats believe in continuing to invest in public schools, because there is no better return on investment. Iowa Republicans, on the other hand, are fast tracking a partisan, private school voucher program in the middle of a global pandemic.

    I urge the body to reject this radical legislation.


  • Public Education Disaster Week

    Monday, two harmful bills are being rushed through the Senate Education Committee before Iowans have time to respond.  SSB 1065 would divert taxes for public schools to private schools and SSB 1064 would make Iowa schools unsafe during the pandemic.

    Both pieces of legislation were written and filed without any input from the IA Department of Education.

    “If these bills pass it will be a disaster for Iowa public schools.” Senate Education Committee member Sarah Trone Garriott of Windsor Heights said. “Our public school educators have gone above and beyond for months, giving everything they have to keep educating our students through a public health disaster. They’ve done all this with no additional support from the state, after years of underfunding. Instead of thanking them, the majority party is rushing through bills that will defund public schools, undermine local decision making, and disregard health and safety.”

    On Monday, Senate Republicans have scheduled subcommittees for both pieces of legislation. By 3 PMthat same day, the Senate Education Committee is expected to approve this legislation, clearing the way for votes by the entire Senate before the end of the week.

    “Public schools are the heart of our Iowa communities and a great source of pride. When I speak to business owners, they share about the importance of high quality public education for recruiting and retaining talent,” said Trone-Garriott. “Strong public schools improve the quality of life for the entire community. It’s a shame that these pieces of legislation will be passed out of committee tomorrow before the school day is even over.”

    “Disaster Week for Iowa Public Education” (Schedule)


    Subcommittee meeting on SSB 1065 with testimony from members of the public

    Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/97398620607?pwd=bFhpbFY4WStzRGdITjd4QlpzVExhZz09   

    Read written comments from the public: https://www.legis.iowa.gov/committees/meetingPublicComment?meetingID=32363&action=viewCommitteePublicComments    


    Subcommittee meeting on SSB 1064 with testimony from members of the public

    Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/92644975939?pwd=d3ZtcHJtV1FHR084c2Q1eS9SMENiQT09    

    Read written comments from the public:



    Senate Education Committee discusses both SSB 1065 and SSB 1064

    Committee meetings in the Senate chamber can be watched live at https://www.legis.iowa.gov/dashboard?view=videoLive&chamber=S   and are also available to watch on demand.


    Iowa Senate Democrats will host a “Iowa Virtual Town Hall to Save Iowa’s Public Schools.” 

    Senators, education leaders, health care experts, and ordinary Iowans will discuss both bills and how to help stop them.  Zoom: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUlcuyurjovGtF7LFAyvK-HWPIcQkCS6anZ    and also on the Iowa Senate Democrats’ Facebook page


    Expected before the Senate adjourns on Thursday, January 28

    Senate debate takes place in the Senate Chamber and video can be watched live and on demand at: https://www.legis.iowa.gov/dashboard?view=videoLive&chamber=S   
