• Senate Dem Leader on passage of GOP tax scheme

    Iowa Senate News Release
    For Immediate Release:  May 5, 2018 

    Read the Senate Democrats Analysis of Sf 2417, the final 2018 GOP tax plan

    “Republicans passed a tax giveaway bill today that gives most of the benefits to out-of-state companies and millionaires.  It’s a bad deal for most Iowans. It will raise property taxes on families, seniors and small businesses, and it will result in cuts to health care, job creation, education and other critical services.

    “Senate Democrats came into the 2018 session promising to support tax reform that would:

    1. Make the tax system fairer for working families and small businesses
    2. Make Iowa businesses more competitive
    3. Take into account our current budget crisis
    4. Tackle corporate tax giveaways, the fastest growing part of the state budget

    “By every measure, the tax plan unveiled in the 11th hour of the 2018 session and passed by the Senate today fails every one of those tests. That’s because the bill is filled with giveaways to millionaires, wealthy corporations and people who don’t even live in Iowa.”

    -end –

  • 2018 End-of-Session Report

    The Democratic plan for 2018 calls for Putting Iowans First

    • Investing in public schools & preventing more school closures
    • Keeping job training & college affordable for all Iowans
    • Making child care more affordable for working parents & those training for better jobs
    • Raising wages for Iowans
    • Increasing use of renewable energy & fuels
    • Revitalizing rural Iowa with good jobs & a great quality of life
    • Examining tax breaks for big, out-of-state corporations that put the state budget in the red & don’t create Iowa jobs
    • Requiring the Senate GOP to pay for their $1.75 million sexual harassment suit instead of taxpayers
    • Ending privatized Medicaid, especially for our most vulnerable Iowans
    • Keeping health care affordable & accessible for all Iowans
    • Fixing & investing in Iowa’s mental health system
    • Cleaning up the corruption & cronyism in state government

     Gov. Reynolds & Republican lawmakers: Misplaced priorities & mismanagement

    • Instituting the most restrictive abortion ban in the country (SF 359)
    • Slashing investment in skilled worker initiatives (SF 2117, HF 2493)
    • Making record-low investments in public schools (HF 2230)
    • Sending more money to out‐of‐state, for‐profit online schools (SF 475)
    • Raising tuition & reducing opportunities with millions in mid‐year cuts to community colleges & state universities (SF 2117)
    • Allowing unregulated health care plans that can deny people based on pre‐existing conditions (SF 2349)
    • Reducing services at county courthouses with mid‐year cuts (SF 2117)
    • Cutting $4.3 million from an already strapped Department of Human Services (SF 2117)
    • Eliminating protections in current gun ownership laws (HJR 2009)
    • Banning sanctuary cities even though Iowa doesn’t have any (SF 481)
    • Putting Iowans’ safety at risk with lower inspection standards (HF 2297)
    • Cutting energy efficiency programs & discriminating against renewable energy options (SF 2311)
    • Passing a huge tax giveaway that overwhelmingly benefits corporations & the wealthy (SF 2417)
    • Failing to extend funding for school infrastructure & providing more than $100 million in property tax relief with SAVE (HF 2481)
    • Failing to take advantage of industrial help as a promising agricultural commodity (SF 2398)
    • Allowing doctors to give incomplete information to pregnant women (SF 2418)


    Several bipartisan bills were approved

    • Requiring ignition interlocks & no temporary license restrictions for OWIs (HF 2338)
    • Ensuring health care coverage for telemedicine services (HF 2305)
    • Expanding mental health services for complex needs (HF 2456)
    • Expanding Move Over law to make the roads safer (HF 2304)
    • Expanding consumer security freezes to protect credit (SF 2177)
    • Expanding Safe Haven laws (SF 360)
    • Helping more veterans by expanding the Veterans Trust Fund (SF 2366)
    • Creating security plans for all Iowa schools (SF 2364)
    • Prohibiting shaming of students who can’t pay for their lunch (HF 2467)
    • Protecting student athletes with new concussion protocols (HF 2442)
    • Requiring suicide prevention training for school employees (SF 2113)
    • Cracking down on electronic forms of identity theft (HF 2199)
    • Licensing for genetic counselors (SF 2228) & autism counselors (SF 192)
    • Enhancing funding for EMS transportation (HF 2285) & 911 HF 2254)
    • Establishing Future Ready plan to train more skilled workers (HF 2458)
    • Expanding work background checks for those with access to personal info (HF 2321, HF 637)
    • Cracking down on electronic eavesdropping (HF 2392)
    • Expanding help through Crime Victims Compensation Fund (SF 2165)
    • Giving schools (HF 2441) & communities (SF 2258) flexibility with certain funding to meet local needs
    • Improving teaching for those with dyslexia (SF 2360)
    • Approving a plan to start combatting Iowa’s opioid crisis (HF 2377)
    • Providing sharing incentives for schools to improve efficiency & save money (HF 633)
    • Protecting the privacy of student data (HF 2354)
    • Taking a first step toward fairer funding for rural schools with high transportation costs (SF 455)


    Good news: These GOP bills failed

    • Raising property taxes & reducing local services by ending the state’s property tax backfill for local governments & school districts (SF 2420)
    • Shifting $200 million from public schools to private & home schools through vouchers (SF 2091)
    • Eliminating the Iowa Department of Public Health (HF 2017)
    • Reinstating the death penalty (SF 335)
    • Instituting political discrimination for university faculty (SF 288)
    • Intimidating abortion providers to limit health care choices for women (SF 26)
    • Ending retirement security for public employees, including teachers, fire fighter, & police officers (IPERS, PORS & 411) (SF 45)
    • Defining abortion as murder, even in cases of rape or incest (SF 54)
    • Putting Bible literacy classes in public schools (HF 2031)
    • Removing gender identity protections from Iowa Civil Rights Code (HF 2164)
    • Making Iowa Supreme Court Justices part‐time & paying them like lawmakers (HF 2036)
    • Giving Iowans a “license to discriminate” against fellow citizens who are different from them (SF 2338)
    • Creating new requirements & drug testing for recipients of Medicaid, FIP & SNAP, while limiting food items (SF 2370)
    • Requiring a super‐majority vote for Iowa Supreme Court decisions (SF 2282)
    • Ending state accreditation for community colleges (SF 2272)
    • Extending school bus riding times for K-12 students (SF 2137)
  • Iowans still paying price for GOP’s budget crisis and broken promises

    Iowa Senate News Release
    State Senator Joe Bolkcom: (319) 330-9541
    For Immediate Release: April 26, 2018  


    Statement on action today in Senate Appropriations Committee
    by Senator Joe Bolkcom, Senate Budget Committee’s Ranking Member

    “The budget package being approved today by Senate Republicans is more bad news for Iowa families, seniors, students and communities.

    “The ongoing budget crisis in Iowa is the result of the failure of Governor Reynolds and the Republican-controlled Legislature to keep two campaign promises:

    • Raising family incomes by 25 percent
    • Creating 200,000 new Iowa jobs within four years

    “As a result of their broken promises, Statehouse Republicans have implemented policies that have pushed down incomes, destroyed jobs, cut critical services and piled up state debt.

    “Republicans are downgrading our K12 schools and making higher education and job training less accessible and less affordable for working Iowa.

    “They have turned Iowa’s respected, state-run Medicaid safety net into a national disaster, and they continue to shower big corporations with tax cuts and tax credits.

    “In the 16 months that Republicans have controlled ALL of state government, they have borrowed more than $140 million and slashed $120 million in spending just to balance their budgets. If Iowa families managed their family budgets like this, they’d be forced to declare bankruptcy.

    “Senate Democrats are ready to work with Republicans to restore fiscal stability and pass a budget that reflect Iowa values. That means investing more in job-creation efforts and reining in the fastest growing part of the state budget:  tax breaks for big corporations.





  • Senate Democratic Budget Leader on GOP budget gridlock & mismanagement

    Iowa Senate News Release
    Senate Democratic Leader Joe Bolkcom: (319) 330-9541
    For Immediate Release: April 17, 2018  

    Statement from Senate Democratic Budget Leader Joe Bolkcom
    on legislative Republicans’ budget gridlock and mismanagement

    “The gridlock between Senate Republicans, House Republicans and Governor Reynolds is making their budget mess even worse. The budget targets released today by Senate Republicans are more proof that the budget crisis is hurting Iowans.

    “In the 15 months that Republicans have controlled ALL of state government, they have borrowed more than $140 million and slashed more than $120 million in spending just to balance their budgets. If Iowa families managed their family budgets like this, they’d be forced to declare bankruptcy.

    “Governor Reynolds and the Republican-controlled legislature have created this budget mess by failing to keep their campaign promises to Iowans to raise family incomes by 25 percent and create 200,000 new Iowa jobs within four years.

    “Their misplaced priorities and mismanagement of taxpayer money is making life harder and reducing opportunities for Iowa families and their communities.”


  • Iowa Senators stand up for Iowa farmers and Iowa’s economy 

    Iowa State Senator Rita Hart of Clinton asks members of the Senate to sign a letter to President Trump, asking him to protect Iowa farmers, businesses and communities as he makes trade policy changes. Iowa State Senator Rita Hart of Clinton asks members of the Senate to sign a letter to President Trump, asking him to protect Iowa farmers, businesses and communities as he makes trade policy changes.  Video of Senator Hart’s Statement to the Senate: https://youtu.be/6ZEUOGoKfnM

    For Immediate Release: April 12, 2018

    Iowa Senators stand up for Iowa farmers and Iowa’s economy

    “…proposed tariffs will have a negative impact on Iowa’s agricultural economy…”

    DES MOINES – Twenty-one Iowa State Senators are asking President Donald Trump to protect Iowa farmers, businesses and communities as he makes trade policy changes.

    The letter urges the President “to reconsider the economic costs and benefits of your plan to impose new tariffs on imported steel and aluminum. It’s clear to most observers that the inevitable retaliation to proposed tariffs will have a negative impact on Iowa’s agricultural economy by causing other countries to levy burdensome tariffs against Iowa farm products.”

    Senator Rita Hart of rural Wheatland wrote the letter and invited all Senators to sign it.

    “My husband and I farm near Wheatland.  We know firsthand that mistakes in trade policy can have severe consequences on Iowa farmers, small businesses and rural communities,” said Hart, the former chair of the Senate Economic Growth Committee.

    The letter noted that “Iowa is the second largest agricultural export state, shipping $14 billion of products abroad last year.”  It also drew attention to the fact that proposed U.S. tariffs increasing the cost of imported steel would also hurt Iowa manufacturers.  The letter specially mentions Sukup Manufacturing in Sheffield, Iowa.  The plant there has 600 Iowa employees and uses 1 million pounds of steel each week to make grain bins and dryers.

    The letter was signed by every Democratic member of the Senate and by Independent Senator David Johnson.





    April 12, 2018

    Dear President Trump:

    Iowa’s prized humanitarian Norman Borlaug said: “Civilization as it is known today could not have evolved, nor can it survive, without an adequate food supply.”

    Iowa has a rich history of feeding the world and we need to continue to feed the world without barriers. Iowa is the leading national producer of corn, soybeans, hogs, cattle, and eggs. Iowa is the second largest agricultural export state, shipping $14 billion of products abroad last year. And it’s important to note that 31 percent of farm income comes directly from exports.

    For those reasons, we urge you to reconsider the economic costs and benefits of your plan to impose new tariffs on imported steel and aluminum. It’s clear to most observers that the inevitable retaliation to proposed tariffs will have a negative impact on Iowa’s agricultural economy by causing other countries to levy burdensome tariffs against Iowa farm products.

    Iowa farmers have already faced several years of low commodity prices.

    Any reduction in demand would be devastating, making a bad situation worse.

    The potential beef tariff threatens Iowa farmers, who have just gotten back into the Chinese market after a long absence. U.S. beef exports to China totaled more than 3,000 metric tons in the last half of 2017, valued at $31 million.

    It’s worth noting that Iowa leads the nation in ethanol production, which results in 42,000 Iowa jobs. In addition, China imports about 60 percent of global soybean trade.

    A trade war – even in the short term – creates the potential for a long-term loss of global market share because other countries will move quickly to fill the void if Iowa’s agriculture products become uncompetitive.

    Manufacturing is the second largest driver of Iowa’s economy. The state economy is heavily dependent on the 3,000-plus factories across the state, many of whom are dependent on the farm economy. For example, the 600 employees of Sukup Manufacturing make iconic grain bins and dryers in rural Sheffield, Iowa, using 1 million pounds of steel each week.

    We urge you, Mr. President, to reconsider this strategy because of the negative consequences on Iowans who farm, those who live in rural communities, and those whose livelihoods depend on products whose markets are threatened by a trade war with China.


    Senator Chaz Allen (D)
    Senator Tony Bisignano (D)
    Senator Joe Bolkcom (D)
    Senator Nate Boulton (D)
    Senator Tod R. Bowman (D)
    Senator Jeff Danielson (D)
    Senator William A. Dotzler Jr.  (D)
    Senator Robert E. Dvorsky (D)
    Senator Rita Hart (D)
    Senator Robert Hogg (D)
    Senator Wally E. Horn (D)
    Senator Pam Jochum (D)
    Senator David Johnson (I)
    Senator Kevin Kinney (D)
    Senator Jim Lykam (D)
    Senator Liz Mathis (D)
    Senator Matt McCoy (D)
    Senator Janet Petersen (D)
    Senator Herman C. Quirmbach (D)
    Senator Amanda Ragan (D)
    Senator Rich Taylor (D)

  • Statehouse Republicans ‘still have a giant budget mess on their hands’

    Iowa Senate News Release
    For Immediate Release: March 9, 2018


    Statement by Senator Joe Bolkcom on updated revenue estimates

    “You can’t put lipstick on a pig. No matter how Statehouse Republicans try to spin it, they still have a giant budget mess on their hands.

    “Here’s the truth:

    • Governor Reynolds and legislative Republicans have NO agreement on how to balance the current year’s budget.
    • Governor Reynolds and legislative Republicans have NO plan for balancing next year’s budget.
    • Statehouse Republicans have put $144 million on the state’s credit card in an attempt to balance FY17 budget.
    • Governor Reynolds and legislative Republicans are moving a bloated tax plan that gives most of the benefits to millionaires and big corporations.
    • Governor Reynolds and legislative Republicans are laying the groundwork to break a promise to Iowans that will result in higher property taxes.

    “What’s to blame? An agenda by Governor Reynolds and legislative Republicans that includes grossly under-funding our local schools; turning Iowa’s respected, state-run Medicaid safety net into a national disaster; weakening the rights of workers and driving down wages; and showering out-of-state corporations with an all-you-can-eat buffet of tax cuts and tax credits.

    “Senate Democrats still stand ready to work with legislative Republicans and the Governor on a mid-course correction that will restore fiscal stability to our state budget by investing in our schools and job-creation initiatives, and taking a serious look at out-of-control spending on tax credits.”


  • 3 Senate Republican tax plan claims that don’t add up

    • Claim #1: “Iowans are getting a $1,000 average tax cut.”
      • This claim only counts the Iowans who are getting a tax cut under the proposal. It ignores the nearly one-third of Iowans who either get no benefit or will actually see a tax increase.
      • Over 20 percent of Iowans – one out of five – with incomes over $30,000 will see an average tax increase of nearly $1,000 with this legislation.
      • On average, Iowans with incomes under $250,000 will receive a tax cut of less than $500 – less than half of what Republicans claim.
    • Claim #2: “This bill gets rid of giveaways to internet companies like Google and Facebook.”
      • The bill specifically says the changes don’t apply to companies already doing business in Iowa. That means Facebook, Microsoft, Google and Apple are still eligible to receive tax incentives under the program.
    • Claim #3: “This bill cuts back on tax credits.”
      • The only credits that are eliminated immediately are the solar energy system tax credit and the ethanol promotion tax credit.
        • The solar system tax credit has been successfully used by Iowa businesses and farmers to save money in their operation as they try to remain competitive. This credit has also helped support businesses employing over 700 across the state.
      • The bill does make minor changes to the state’s research activities credit program, but those changes are essentially just to restore the program to what its intent was under reforms passed by Democrats in 2010.
      • The bill cuts back the High Quality Jobs program and says it will be repealed in the future. We have seen in the past that these sunsets can easily be ignored.
      • Also, the overall business tax incentive cap remains the same. This means the state can replace one tax giveaway program with another in the future.
    • The bill cuts corporate income taxes by more than 50 percent. However, those cuts would go almost exclusively to Iowa largest corporations. Half of Iowa’s smaller corporations will actually see a tax increase.
    • Cuts in state spending on many programs will result in an increase in property taxes.
      • More school districts will be subject to the “budget guarantee” and will rely on property tax increases to balance their budgets. Public safety and mental health service shortfalls will fall back onto local governments who are reliant on property taxes. And Senate Republicans have already started the process to get rid of the commercial property tax backfill, shifting even more costs for local services onto property taxpayers.

    Bottom line:

    • Contrary to the claims of Senate Republicans, their tax plan is NOT fair to many Iowans, it does NOT make Iowa more competitive with other states, and it certainly does NOT take into account the ongoing budget crisis.
    • Iowans understand that the tax plan offered by Senate Republicans must be viewed in light of disastrous tax-cut plans approved in Kansas and Oklahoma, which have resulted in massive cuts to education, public safety and other vital services.
    • Iowans also see that this plan by Iowa Senate Republicans will further hamper efforts to train more Iowans for the jobs of tomorrow, to increase family income and to help create more opportunities for our children and grandchildren.
  • Nonpartisan analysis confirms GOP tax plan is ‘fiscally irresponsible’

    Iowa Senate News Release
    For Immediate Release:  February 27, 2018


    Bill is scheduled to be debated in the Iowa Senate
    on Wednesday, Feb. 28

    DES MOINES — Senator Pam Jochum of Dubuque, the lead Democrat in the Iowa Senate on tax issues, responded today to the release of a nonpartisan analysis of a tax plan released by Senate Republicans:

    “The tax plan recently released by Iowa Senate Republicans is more fiscally irresponsible than many Iowans imagined, according to a nonpartisan analysis released today.

    “Contrary to the claims of Senate Republicans, their tax plan is NOT fair to many Iowans, it does NOT make Iowa more competitive with other states, and it certainly does NOT take into account the ongoing budget crisis.

    “Iowans understand that the tax plan offered by Senate Republicans must be viewed in light of disastrous tax-cut plans approved in Kansas and Oklahoma, which have resulted in massive cuts to education, public safety and other vital services.

    “Iowans also see that the plan by Iowa Senate Republicans will further hamper efforts to train more Iowans for the jobs of tomorrow, to increase family incomes and to help create more opportunities for our children and grandchildren.”

     – End –


    The nonpartisan fiscal analysis is available here:  https://www.legis.iowa.gov/docs/publications/FN/925227.pdf

  • Iowa tax bill needs closer look

    Last week, Republicans who control the Iowa Senate came out with a 130-page, $1 billion tax plan. Much like what happens in Washington D.C., we’ve seen no spreadsheets to give us a sense of the financial impact the proposal will have on Iowans and our state.

    In addition, most Iowans have no idea what’s in SF 2383 because it’s being rushed through before taxpayers can get up to speed and have their say.

    This proposal could wreck Iowa’s economy the way a similar plan wrecked Kansas. Forbes describes the ongoing crisis Kansas has faced in recent years because of fiscal mismanagement.

    WATCH – Democratic state senators speak out on the extreme Kansas-style tax plan being proposed for Iowa.

    Democrats in the Iowa Senate are willing to work on a bipartisan tax plan that:

    • Is fair to all Iowans.
    • Takes into account our current budget situation.
    • Reins in corporate tax credits that don’t work or are too expensive.
    • Makes Iowa’s tax laws easier to understand.

    SF 2383 is expected to come up for a vote by the full Senate this week.

    If you’re concerned, please contact your state senator. Call the Senate switchboard at 515-281-3371 or get your senator’s email and phone number at www.legis.iowa.gov/legislators/find.

  • Senate Democrat responds to Senate GOP tax plan

    Iowa Senate News Release
    For Immediate Release:  February 21, 2018


    DES MOINES — Senator Pam Jochum of Dubuque, the lead Democrat in the Iowa Senate on tax issues, responded to a tax plan released today by Senate Republicans.

    Although the proposal from the Senate Republicans leaves many unanswered questions, Jochum provided this initial response:

    “The tax plan offered by Senate Republicans today must be viewed in light of disastrous tax-cut plans approved in Kansas and Oklahoma, which have resulted in massive cuts to education, public safety and other vital services. In fact, Kansas abandoned failed trickle-down tax cuts and Oklahoma’s Republican Governor is actually proposing higher taxes to dig her state out a fiscal mess.”

    Today, Jochum renewed her offer to work in a bipartisan manner on a tax plan that meets these principles:

    • Tax reform must be fair. Iowa’s tax system has a number of tax brackets in an attempt make the income tax system progressive so that those with lower incomes pay at lower rates. However, according to the Iowa Policy Project, when all state and local taxes are accounted for, Iowa’s lowest income earners pay the largest portion of their income in taxes. Changes to Iowa’s tax system should address this situation and not make this problem worse.


    • Tax reform must make Iowa’s tax code more transparent so Iowa can show its true competitiveness to the nation. Iowa’s tax code has become a confusing collection of credits, deductions and exemptions that has left the state with high tax rates that do not accurately reflect the cost of living and doing business in Iowa. Our tax rates appear to be among the highest in the nation — but according to the Tax Foundation, the amount paid by Iowans through our tax system ranks Iowa in the middle of the pack.


    • Tax reform needs to take into account our current budget situation. We just completed a legislative session where funding was slashed for nearly every part of state government, and there is no sign the situation will be improving next year. We must not repeat the mistakes of Kansas, which passed massive tax cuts that have resulted in a continual budget crisis where schools are underfunded and has forced the state to balance the budget by stealing from road funds and raising other taxes.


    • Tax reform needs to examine corporate tax credits. We have cut state funding for vital state programs that serve some of our youngest and most vulnerable Iowans. So far corporate tax credits have been exempt from these cuts. We must determine if these corporate tax credits a good return on the investment and benefit Iowans, not just those few businesses.


    – end –