• Senate Democrats Select Leadership For 2023-24 Legislative Sessions

    Democratic members of the Iowa Senate on Friday re-elected Sen. Zach Wahls as the Senate Democratic Leader.

    In addition to Wahls’ re-election, Democrats selected Sen. Sarah Trone Garriott as Democratic Whip, the No. 2 position within the caucus. Sens. Nate Boulton, Eric Giddens, Pam Jochum, and Herman Quirmbach will serve as assistant leaders.

    “I’m honored by the trust my fellow Democrats have placed in me as we fight for middle class families,” Wahls said.

    “As Iowans face high prices, slow growth, and rising uncertainty, Senate Democrats are committed to defending economic opportunity and fundamental rights,” Wahls said. “Republican politicians, meanwhile, are offering the same old extreme and unfair agenda rewarding big corporations over middle class families and attacking Iowans’ personal freedom.”

    “Iowa voters did not give Republicans a mandate to sell out the middle class, wreck public schools, and strip away basic rights,” Trone Garriott said. “Senate Democrats will stand up to Republican overreach and give Iowa families a voice in our government.”

    Wahls was elected this month to his second term in the Iowa Senate, and has served as Democratic leader since 2020. He represents Senate District 43, which includes Coralville, North Liberty, Solon, and portions of Iowa City and rural Johnson County. Wahls serves as a vice president at GreenState Credit Union and lives in Coralville with his wife, Chloe Angyal.

    Trone Garriott was first elected in 2020, and earned a second term this month by defeating Senate President Jake Chapman. She represents Senate District 14, which includes Adel, Van Meter, Waukee, and portions of Clive and West Des Moines in Dallas County. Trone Garriott is an ordained Lutheran Minister (ELCA) and serves as the Coordinator of interfaith Engagement for the Des Moines Area Religious Council Food Pantry Network. She lives in West Des Moines with her husband, Will, and two sons.

    The new Democratic leadership team consists of:

    • Democratic Leader, Senator Zach Wahls, Coralville
    • Democratic Whip, Senator Sarah Trone Garriott, West Des Moines
    • Assistant Leaders:
      • Senator Nate Boulton of Des Moines
      • Senator Eric Giddens of Cedar Falls
      • Senator Pam Jochum of Dubuque
      • Senator Herman Quirmbach of Ames


  • Chapman kills bipartisan reforms for Iowans in manufactured housing 3 SEPARATE TIMES

    Iowa State Senate President Jake Chapman (R-Adel) has, on three separate occasions, played the key role in sabotaging years of bipartisan work to improve the rights and living conditions of Iowans living in manufactured or mobile homes.

    Three years ago, Senator Chapman, then a member of the Senate State Government Committee, was assigned to chair a subcommittee on Senate File 2238. This legislation—co-sponsored by 30 state senators, 15 Republicans and 15 Democrats– contained significant manufactured housing reforms.

    Senator Chapman killed that legislation by refusing to schedule a subcommittee hearing.

    That’s one.

    On Tuesday of this week, the Iowa Senate debated HF 2562, a bill making modest changes to Iowa’s laws regarding manufactured housing, changes strongly supported by the owners of Iowa mobile home parks and makers of manufactured housing.

    Senator Zach Wahls of Coralville first offered Amendment S-5134, legislation based on modest reforms successfully proposed by Republican Senator Annette Sweeny in 2019. During that 2019 debate, Senator Chapman voted “Aye” on the amended bill, which died that year in the House. Now, however, Senate President Chapman ruled the amendment “not germane.”

    That’s two.

    Senator Wahls then offered amendment S-5137. This amendment is based on the 2020 comprehensive, bipartisan reforms, which were sponsored by 15 RepublicansSenators and 15 Democratic Senators.

    On Tuesday night, however, Senate President Chapman also ruled Amendment S-5137 not germane.

    That’s three.

    “Every Iowan deserves a decent place to call home, and that includes Iowa families living in mobile or manufactured housing,” said Senator Wahls.

    “Senator Chapman should be ashamed that he personally blocked Senate debate on bipartisan reforms three separate times which would have helped Iowans living in his own district.”

    “Senator Chapman has sided with powerful interests instead of everyday Iowans time and time again, and we must hold him accountable for his shameful record,” concluded Wahls.


  • Statement on GOP decision to close Glenwood Resource Center

    Statement by Senate Democratic Leader Zach Wahls and House Democratic Leader Jennifer Konfrst on decision by Iowa Republican Leaders to close Glenwood Resource Center

    “Today is a devastating day for the residents, families, employees, and everyone who calls Glenwood home. We owe a debt of gratitude to the professional medical staff and caregivers at the Glenwood Resource Center.

    “As state lawmakers, we have an obligation to ensure the safest and smoothest transition possible for all those impacted by the planned closure. The people whose lives are affected deserve the dignity and respect of a transition that ensures their safety, security, and futures. 

    “This decision became inevitable because of years of indifference and neglect shown to the Glenwood community by Governor Reynolds and Republican lawmakers. This transition must be handled far better than previous closures, like those in Clarinda and Mt. Pleasant. 

    “Iowa Democrats will listen to, and advocate for, the families and workers in Glenwood during this closure to make sure they are heard throughout this difficult process.”


  • Taxes: Reward work, not wealth

    The tax plan that we are unveiling this morning is just one piece of our overall plan to help Iowans recover from the Reynolds workforce crisis. 

    Iowans are hardworking people who take pride in our work. But fewer Iowans are working today than when Governor Reynolds took office. Because Republicans are driving workers out of our state and are unable to keep Iowans in the workforce, we don’t have enough workers to keep schools, hospitals, and small businesses open. 

    Our plan rewards work, not wealth. We believe that we need to support Iowa workers, who are the backbone of our economy, with lower costs and tax cuts, rather than what Republicans want to do, which is supporting the super-rich and corporations who continue to get richer while working Iowans get left behind.

    Iowa Republicans like Governor Reynolds, Sen. Jack Whitver, Sen. Jake Chapman and others are doubling down on a bad plan with more tax cuts for millionaires and corporations, throwing more gas on the culture wars, and underfunding schools, job training, public safety, child care, and preschool.

    We are calling for a new direction to solve the Reynolds workforce crisis. Let’s make Iowa a better place where folks want to live, work, and raise a family.

    That’s why we are calling for:

    • Boosting basic funding for Iowa’s public schools by $300 million. That’s a better investment in the state’s future than the Republican plan for another $300 million giveaway to corporations.
    • Give middle class Iowans a tax cut, not millionaires and billionaires. 
    • Invest our state surplus into expanding apprenticeships, career training and technical education to help solve the Reynolds Workforce Crisis.
    • Get more parents back into the workforce by making child care affordable throughout Iowa and guaranteeing access to free, universal Pre-K programs. 
    • Renew Iowa’s investment in public safety funding and reform to help keep Iowans safe.

    We believe that we need to support Iowa workers, who are the backbone of our economy, with lower costs and tax cuts, rather than what Republicans want to do, which is supporting the super-rich and corporations who continue to get richer while working Iowans get left behind.


  • Iowa GOP doesn’t support fairness for workers

    Republicans haven’t shown up to support striking workers for one simple reason: They don’t support them

    Prepared remarks by Senate Democratic Leader Zach Wahls at today’s news conference:

    “This morning, Senator Joe Bolkcom announced that he will not seek reelection to the Senate while calling for Iowans to step up and run for the statehouse. Senator Bolkcom is a close friend, a dear colleague, and a relentless champion for a better Iowa. “Since he was first elected to public office nearly thirty years ago, Joe has provided outstanding service to his community and to our beloved state.

    “I know that choosing to bring his decades-long career in public service to an end was not easy, but I appreciate his decision and am grateful that he is encouraging a new generation of Iowans to get involved in state government. His experience, his hard work, and his commitment to the people of Iowa will be missed, and I wish him all my best. 

    “Changing gears, I’d like to speak to this week’s news about the ongoing UAW strike. First and foremost: Hard work deserves fair pay.

    “That’s why Democrats are fighting every day for all hard-working Iowans. That’s why our members have shown up to support striking UAW workers across the state.

    “We support the decision of the workers to negotiate for a better contract, and we will continue to advocate on their behalf as they fight for fair pay and benefits.

    “Now, where are the Republicans?

    “Republicans haven’t shown up to support striking workers for one simple reason: they don’t support them. Republicans have abandoned John Deere workers and all Iowans who are fighting for better jobs and better compensation.

    “The ongoing negotiations between UAW workers and John Deere executives are another sign that Iowa Republicans have stacked the deck against workers.

    “Corporations like Deere are raking in record profits by keeping wages low and passing off higher prices to farmers and consumers. Farmers are frustrated by John Deere’s strategy and business practices.  Working families are frustrated by what John Deere is doing.

    “Workers across Iowa are frustrated by Iowa Republicans. We’re frustrated about:

    • Stagnant wage growth and high prices while big corporations like John Deere make record-high profits;
    • Lack of respect for essential workers;
    • No progress on providing affordable, high-quality child care for children in working families;
    • No progress on providing paid family and medical leave for working families.

    “Iowans deserve better from their employers and from Republican politicians. Republicans have complete control of state government. Hard working Iowans are getting screwed by a one-two punch of low wages and higher prices. Republicans have let this happen on their watch; they’ve let prices spiral out of control while doing nothing to bolster paychecks.

    “Rather than offer any solutions to the problems I’ve just laid out, they’ve stoked one manufactured culture war fear after another – hoping folks won’t notice that Republicans have no solutions. Instead, Republicans, led by Senator Jack Whitver, are planning yet another tax cut for the wealthiest and most powerful people in Iowa.

    “That’s the difference between Republicans and Democrats. Senate Democrats believe we need an economy that works for hard-working Iowans, not the top 1%. Democrats will continue to fight and show up for workers and retirees who have earned a bigger paycheck and secure retirement.”


  • Senate Dems vote for nonpartisan maps

    Senate Democrats vote unanimously for fair, nonpartisan redistricting; Call on Gov. Reynolds to sign legislative maps

    Statement by Senate Democratic Leader Zach Wahls:

    Today, the Iowa Legislature approved a non-partisan redistricting plan in a strong, bipartisan vote. This is a win for all Iowans who care about our government and about our ability to come together, solve problems, and improve people’s lives.

    As Democrats said throughout this process, Iowans deserve fair maps, without partisan interference, and without political amendments. We stood firm in defense of Iowa’s best-in-the-nation model for independent and non-partisan redistricting, and I’m glad our Republican colleagues agreed with us.

    Iowa’s non-partisan redistricting tradition has been upheld thanks to the overwhelming support of Iowans. Iowans across the state stood up in defense of our democracy, against partisan gerrymandering, and made our voices heard in the legislative process. I am proud of everybody who stood up on this important issue.

    Now, it’s time for Governor Reynolds to sign the bill and for us to get back to work helping hardworking Iowans.

    We can now focus on the 2022 legislative session that starts in January. With help from President Biden and Congresswoman Axne, Iowa is already building back better from the pandemic, but there’s more to do.

    In January, Senate Democrats will focus on investing in local public schools, helping small businesses and communities recover from the pandemic, and beefing up Iowan’s paychecks. We’re going to fight for higher wages, more affordable child care options for parents, and middle class tax relief for hard working Iowans. Democrats are fighting for folks who work hard and play by the rules, and I’m excited to get to work on their behalf.


  • Let’s approve 2nd nonpartisan redistricting plan

    “If Republicans vote down the second map, that will be the clearest sign yet that they are rushing to gerrymander Iowa’s legislative map and rig election outcomes in their favor.

    Prepared remarks by State Senator Zach Wahls at Iowa Democratic Leaders’ 10-21-21 press conference

    See the 2nd nonpartisan redistricting proposal

    “First of all, I want to say how disappointed I am at yesterday’s district court injunction against striking Deere workers in Davenport. This ruling is yet another attack on labor rights in Iowa and an ominous sign of what is to come.

    “As of this morning, we have seen and started our review of the second redistricting plan released by the non-partisan LSA. Our position has been clear and consistent from the beginning: Iowans deserve fair maps, drawn without interference from politicians, and without partisan amendments. 

    “Just like the first map, this second map is fair and meets the legal and constitutional requirements. It addresses all of the purported concerns of the Republicans from the first map. Senate Democrats will vote for it, and Legislative Republicans should join us in voting for fair, non-partisan maps.

    “As we said after the first map, there was no legitimate reason for Republicans to vote down the first map, and there will be no legitimate reason to vote down the second map either. If Republicans vote down the second map, that will be the clearest sign yet that they are rushing to gerrymander Iowa’s legislative map and rig election outcomes in their favor.

    “Republicans have an opportunity today to put this all to rest. They can make a definitive statement today against gerrymandering by stating they’ll vote for the fair, non-partisan maps that were just released. We’ll have respected our gold-standard non-partisan redistricting process, and we can move onto the important work of solving the problems that hard-working Iowans face.

    “That’s what Senate Democrats are ready to do, and we hope Legislative Republicans are as well.

    “Approving this fair, non-partisan redistricting plan is in the best interests of both parties, and more importantly, it will be the best outcome for all Iowans.”

  • Economy recovering thanks to Biden, Dems

    Response to today’s state revenue estimates by Senator Joe Bolkcom, ranking member, Senate Appropriations Committee:

    “President Biden and Congressional Democrats provided much-needed help to Iowa families and businesses through the American Rescue Plan, and by leading the fight against the pandemic.

    “Kim Reynolds and Jack Whitver want to give more tax cuts for the wealthiest few.

    “Iowa Senate Democrats support tax cuts for hard-working families, the Iowans who need and deserve the relief. We oppose more state handouts and sweetheart deals for Governor Reynolds’ financial donors and friends.”

  • Republican leaders must rule out gerrymandering, accept second map

    Statement by Senate Democratic Leader Zach Wahls

    DES MOINES—At today’s weekly media availability, Iowa Senate Democratic Leader Zach Wahls of Coralville delivered the following remarks, as prepared for delivery:

    “This morning I was proud to join UAW workers on the picket line in Ankeny. I stand in solidarity with the UAW workers striking for a fair contract from Deere. Iowans deserve pay and benefits that reflect their hard work. Every hard-working Iowan deserves a good paying job, a middle-class life, and a secure retirement.

    “Working people built America into the greatest nation on Earth and are the backbone of this country. We should reward work, not wealth.

    “While Senate Democrats continue our fight for working Iowans, we remain vigilant about the looming Republican gerrymander.

    “Since the start of 2021, we’ve been calling on Iowa Republicans to respect Iowa’s nonpartisan redistricting tradition and rule out gerrymandering Iowa’s legislative districts. So far, Republicans have refused to rule out imposing partisan election maps on Iowa.

    “Their silence is a clear sign that Republicans are willing to cheat and gerrymander Iowa’s elections for the next decade.

    “All Iowans should be concerned. Partisan gerrymandering strengthens the power of special interest elites while silencing the voices of farmers, small business owners, parents, and retirees. Republican gerrymandering will create a breeding ground for corruption and bad laws, continuing to push younger and talented Iowans to leave for better opportunities elsewhere.”

    “Iowa law never intended for the majority party to be able to review all the maps, and then pick and choose the map it likes the best. When one party picks and chooses maps that they like the best; that’s gerrymandering, plain and simple. This a la carte gerrymandering is an egregious abuse of our process – a process recognized across the country for its fairness and independence.

    “Republicans are threatening Iowa’s fair, nonpartisan redistricting process. Republicans have continually kept on the table the prospect of adopting a new, secret district map drawn by unknown Republican lobbyists and powerbrokers. Today, I’m calling on Republican leaders to pledge to completely rule out gerrymandering and accept the second legislative map that we’ll see next week.

    “If the second map meets all the requirements laid out in state law – which I am confident it will – then Senate Democrats will vote for it, and Republicans should as well. They can put this all to bed and allow all of us to move on by voting YES on the second nonpartisan, independent map.


  • Iowa GOP is a step closer to rigging Iowa elections

    For Immediate Release: 10/5/2021

    Breaking with decades of non-partisan redistricting, today Iowa Republicans took a big step closer to rigging Iowa elections

    Senate Democratic Leader Zach Wahls:

    Breaking with decades of non-partisan redistricting tradition, today Iowa Republicans took a big step closer to rigging Iowa elections.

    The reasons given by Republican Senator Roby Smith on the floor ignored Iowa law and in fact demonstrated that there was no legitimate reason for Legislative Republicans to reject this first map. This was a fair map drawn by the nonpartisan, independent commission. It met all the requirements laid out in state law. This is an outrageous use of political power to rig elections in their favor.

    We are in completely uncharted territory, due to unprecedented delays. Today, Iowa Republicans could have ended the uncertainty and demonstrated a commitment to our non-partisan tradition. Instead, they rejected the LSA’s non-partisan plan in a party line vote.

    Watch Senate’s 10/5/21 debate on redistricting

    Iowans know partisan gerrymandering erodes democracy in other states.  We’ve seen how special interests are strengthened and corruption grows in gerrymandered states.

    That’s why gerrymandering not only strips the minority party of their power, it also hurts voters of the majority party – in this case Republican voters – by letting legislators disregard the will of voters. The extreme Republican agenda will become even more dominated by special interests, and the needs of farmers, smaller business owners, parents, and retirees will fall by the wayside.

    Iowans, listen up.  This is a clear signal Republicans are willing to use a partisan gerrymander to keep themselves in power, regardless of the will of we the people. Now is the time for Iowans to make their voices heard, contact their legislators, and demand that Republicans stop going down their dangerous road.
