Legislative leaders announce next steps in the fight for
Iowa medical cannabis reforms
Legislative advocates for reforming Iowa’s “worst in the nation” medical cannabis program say they will keep fighting for much needed reforms vetoed by Governor Reynolds.
“Representative Forbes and I called on our colleagues to join us in calling for a special session to overturn Governor Reynold misguided veto of modest improvements to Iowa medical cannabis program,” said Senator Joe Bolkcom of Iowa City. “We are happy to report that every Democratic member of the Iowa Senate and Iowa House signed the call for a special session. Unfortunately, not a single Republican lawmaker acted to defend their votes.”
In April, House File 732 passed the Iowa House by a vote of 96 to 3 and the Iowa Senate by a vote of 40 to 7.
“We gave our Republican colleagues the opportunity to make a wrong by the governor into a right. They ignored us,” said Representative Forbes. “Now it is time to take action to make sure Iowa’s elected officials are advocates for people who are sick and not able to access and afford effective medicines.”
The two legislators said they would immediately press for a legislative interim committee to prepare legislation for passage early in the next session beginning in January, 2020.
“An interim committee would include public meetings and public input,” Bolkcom said. “Secret meetings between the Governor and legislative Republicans failed to get the job done. The Legislature needs to listen to patients and create a better program that meets their needs.”
The Legislative Council Committee is scheduled to meet Thursday, July 11, 2019, at 11:30 a.m. in Room 22, at the State Capitol.
“The July 11th meeting will be very important for Iowans who want to have the same access to effective medicines that most other Americans already have,” said Forbes. “The goal now must be seeing the necessary medical cannabis reforms signed into law shortly after the January start of the 2020 session.”
News Conference: “Next Steps Toward Medical Cannabis Reform”
You can help convince legislators to override Governor Reynold’s veto of HF 732, legislation to reform Iowa’s “worst in the nation” medical cannabis program.
Ask your state senator and state representative to defend their vote by requesting a special session to override the Governor’s veto.
Here’s a spreadsheet on how each legislator voted during the 2019 session, a link to the district they represent, and their email address: http://bit.ly/2019-Iowa-Medical-Cannabis-Vote
If you aren’t sure who your legislators are, find out here: https://www.legis.iowa.gov/legislators/find.
We need 66 of the 96 House members who voted YES to request a special session and 34 of the 40 Senators who voted YES for HF 732. Encourage them to defend their votes and the people they represent!
You have until June 28th to convince your legislators to do what’s right.
Conditions Covered by HF 732

Medical cannabis has been found to decrease pain and symptoms of spasticity in people suffering from MS. HF 732 would ensure that their doctors can prescribe adequate amounts of this medication to manage their pain.
HF 732 would simplify the process of obtaining medical cannabis, preventing seizures for those who suffer from epilepsy.
HF 732 would make it easier for Iowans to combat HIV with medical cannabis, avoiding the harmful symptoms associated with otherwise required medicines.
HF 732 gives Iowans easier access to medical cannabis, which can help treat symptoms of ALS such as appetite loss, depression, pain, muscular spasticity, drooling, and weakness. It may also prolong cell survival for ALS patients who suffer from the death of motor neuron cells.
HF 732 would make it easier and more effective for Iowans with cancer to benefit from medical cannabis. Medical cannabis can help alleviate the side effects of chemotherapy, including pain, neuropathy, nausea, vomiting, and anorexia.
HF 732 would help Iowans with Parkinson’s treat tremor, stiffness, insomnia, dystonia, pain, dyskinesia, and weight loss with medical cannabis.
HF 732 would make medical cannabis more accessible to Iowans with autism. One mother described how her son has benefited from medical cannabis: “He is more responsive and verbal, asking more thoughtful questions. He sleeps through the night and doesn’t wake up. He has a good appetite. He is less resistant and more manageable and cooperative.”
HF 732 would make access to medical cannabis, an effective painkiller, significantly easier for terminally ill Iowans. Studies have shown it to be effective in managing pain from both the illness and from treatments such as chemotherapy.
HF 732 changes the definition of a “debilitating medical condition” from “untreatable pain” to “severe or chronic pain.” This would make it easier for Iowans suffering from a variety of conditions to treat their pain with medical cannabis.
Facebook Live with Senator Bolkcom
June 5, 2019
June 11, 2019
June 25, 2019
Press Releases
Legislative leaders announce next steps in the fight for
Iowa medical cannabis reforms
Legislative advocates for reforming Iowa’s “worst in the nation” medical cannabis program say they will keep fighting for much needed reforms vetoed by Governor Reynolds.
“Representative Forbes and I called on our colleagues to join us in calling for a special session to overturn Governor Reynold misguided veto of modest improvements to Iowa medical cannabis program,” said Senator Joe Bolkcom of Iowa City. “We are happy to report that every Democratic member of the Iowa Senate and Iowa House signed the call for a special session. Unfortunately, not a single Republican lawmaker acted to defend their votes.”
In April, House File 732 passed the Iowa House by a vote of 96 to 3 and the Iowa Senate by a vote of 40 to 7.
“We gave our Republican colleagues the opportunity to make a wrong by the governor into a right. They ignored us,” said Representative Forbes. “Now it is time to take action to make sure Iowa’s elected officials are advocates for people who are sick and not able to access and afford effective medicines.”
The two legislators said they would immediately press for a legislative interim committee to prepare legislation for passage early in the next session beginning in January, 2020.
“An interim committee would include public meetings and public input,” Bolkcom said. “Secret meetings between the Governor and legislative Republicans failed to get the job done. The Legislature needs to listen to patients and create a better program that meets their needs.”
The Legislative Council Committee is scheduled to meet Thursday, July 11, 2019, at 11:30 a.m. in Room 22, at the State Capitol.
“The July 11th meeting will be very important for Iowans who want to have the same access to effective medicines that most other Americans already have,” said Forbes. “The goal now must be seeing the necessary medical cannabis reforms signed into law shortly after the January start of the 2020 session.”
Iowa medical cannabis veto override
more than halfway there
Iowans asked to contact legislators who voted for
reforms but have yet to defend their votes

Des Moines, Iowa – Iowans pushing to overturn Governor Reynold’s veto of medical cannabis reforms are more than halfway towards their goal of calling for a special session.
House File 732 would have made substantial improvements to Iowa’s “worst in the nation” medical cannabis law. It was overwhelmingly approved in April by the Iowa House on a vote of 96 to 3 and by the Iowa Senate on a vote of 40 to 7.
A special session to override the veto will be held if two-thirds of the members of the House (67) and two-thirds of the Senate (34) each submit a written request.
As of Monday, June 24, all of Iowa’s 18 Democratic State Senators and 47 Democratic State Representatives have all either submitted or plan to submit a request for a special session.
It is unclear whether any of the Republicans who voted for the bill–50 in the House and 24 in the Senate–have requested a special session.
“The voices of ordinary Iowans have gotten us this far. They need to keep fighting because that is the only way this mean-spirited veto will be overridden,” said Senator Joe Bolkcom. “I urge every Iowan to encourage Republican legislators to defend their votes for urgently needed Iowa medical cannabis reforms.”
Below is a list of the members of the Iowa House and Senate who voted FOR Iowa medical cannabis reforms and who have not yet expressed support for a special session to override the veto.
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