• Statement on resignation of Senate Republican Leader 

    Iowa Senate News Release
    For Immediate Release:  March 12, 2018 

    Statement from Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen
    on resignation of Senate Republican Leader 

    “With Senator Dix’s resignation, Republican Senators have an opportunity to finally get it right and change a culture at the Iowa Capitol that puts lobbyists, special interests, and political arrogance ahead of the interests of Iowa families.

    “Republican Senators have an obligation to elect a new leader who will take responsibility for the sexual harassment, discrimination and retaliation against former Senate Republican staffer Kirsten Anderson by Republican Senators and staff. After footing the bill for a $1.75 million settlement in Kirsten Anderson’s lawsuit against Senate Republicans, Iowa taxpayers deserve nothing less.

    “It is shameful that the only person fired in this whole scandal was the victim. No Republican Senators or staff were punished for their wrongdoing in this case. And many staffers have reported that they are still afraid to report harassment at the Capitol.

    “There is a reckoning in our country on the issue of harassment in the workplace. The new Senate Republican leader should be someone who will hold Republican Senators and staff accountable for their actions in the Kirsten Anderson case and take steps immediately to address this issue.”

    -end –

  • Statement on Senate Republican Leader Bill Dix

    Iowa Senate News Release
    For Immediate Release:  March 12, 2018 

    Statement from Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen on Senate Republican Leader Bill Dix

    “The video posted on Iowa Starting Line is a serious matter for Senate Republican Leader Bill Dix to discuss with his family, his fellow Senate Republicans and Governor Reynolds.

    “Because this involves Senator Dix and a lobbyist, there will be questions about the impact of this relationship on legislation.

    “This incident follows Senator Dix’s failure to take any responsibility for the $1.75 million settlement that resulted from the sexual harassment, discrimination and retaliation against former Senate Republican staffer Kirsten Anderson by Republican Senators and staff.”


  • Senate Dem Leader: Senate Republicans take another partisan approach to sexual harassment problem

    Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen responds to media reports about latest Senate Republican response to $1.75 million sexual harassment settlement:

    “This is another partisan response to the serious problem of sexual harassment in the Iowa Capitol. Senator Dix, Senator Whitver and other Senate Republicans still have not apologized to Kirsten Anderson for the sexual harassment she experienced and they refuse to acknowledge that she was fired for being a whistleblower.

    “Because the only information we have about this new proposal is coming from the news media, it is hard to assess whether this will make the Legislature a safe and welcoming environment for all employees, whether Iowa taxpayers will be protected in the future, and whether the Legislature will take steps necessary to protect the rights of those who raise concerns about harassment.”

    -end –


  • Senate Dem Leader to top Senate Republicans: “Release sex harassment findings”

    Senate Democratic Leader Petersen’s request for the public release of the Iowa Senate Republican sexual harassment investigation.

    In the wake of  a $1.75 million settlement, Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen today called on the top two Senate Republicans leaders —  Senate President Jack Whitver and Senate Majority Leader Bill Dix — to release to the public the findings of their internal investigation of sexual harassment.

    Here is the text of Senator Petersen’s letter to Senator Dix:

    Dear Senator Dix:

    I am writing to request that the findings of the internal investigation by the Senate Republicans of sexual harassment be released to the public.

    As you know, the Legislature received a black eye this summer and fall after a Polk County jury delivered a $2.2 million verdict against Senate Republicans stemming from a sexual harassment lawsuit filed by former staffer Kirsten Anderson. (Subsequently, the Iowa Appeals Board approved a $1.75 million settlement.)

    Since the taxpayers are on the hook for this $1.75 million settlement, the findings of this investigation should not be kept secret. Releasing the findings of your internal investigation would be a first step in making sure the Legislature is a safe and welcoming environment for all employees, protecting Iowa taxpayers, and protecting the rights of those who raise concerns about harassment.

    Sen. Janet Petersen

    Senate Democratic Leader


    PDFs of each letter are below.

    Petersen request to Senate Republican Leader Dix for the public release of sexual harassment investigation findings

    Petersen request to Senate President Whitver for the public release of sexual harassment investigation findings

  • Iowa Legislative Leaders, Governor Branstad Pre-Session Interviews with Iowa Reporters (Video)

    On January 13, 2017, the Associated Press organized a pre-session news conference with with the leaders of the Iowa Legislature.  From left to right: Senate Democratic Leader Rob Hogg, House Democratic Leader Mark Smith, Republican House Speaker Linda Upmeyer and Senate Republican Leader Bill Dix.

    After their meeting, Governor Branstad also met with reporters.

    The meetings were livestreamed on the Iowa Senate Democrats’ Facebook Page.  The links below will take you to the videos.  News coverage is below the videos.







    Des Moines Register:





    CR Gazette:




    Radio Iowa:

