“Yesterday Governor Kim Reynolds made the astoundingly false claim that she has managed the state budget ‘without cuts to education.’ That’s a real whopper! The truth is that the mid-year budget cuts (Senate File 130) sliced a total of $31.5 million from education. The $4.5 million cut from the Iowa Department of Education was just the beginning.”
Now, instead of ending huge giveaways to out-of-state corporations, Governor Reynolds and legislative Republicans hope a steep, multi-year ‘tuition tax’ on Iowa students will balance Iowa’s busted state budget.
If the Legislature approves anything less than 4 percent and 4 percent, more rural schools will be forced to close and consolidate. That would be devastating for the small towns in my district, and for hundreds of school districts in small towns across Iowa.”
Bolkcom: “The Republican proposal unveiled today sends the wrong message about the future of our state. The budget slashing by Governor Branstad, Lt. Governor Reynolds and Republican legislators leaves the fastest growing part of the state budget off the table: excessive tax credits. It is time to drain the swamp.”