• Senate Dems select leadership team

    Iowa Senate News Release
    For immediate release: November 11, 2018  


    Democratic members of the Iowa Senate re-elected Sen. Janet Petersen today to serve as the Democratic Leader of the Iowa Senate.

    Senator Petersen released this statement:

    “I am honored to have the continued support of my fellow Democratic Senators.”

    “For the past two years, the Republican-led Senate pushed through damaging policies that helped out-of-state companies and special interests instead of hard-working Iowa families.

    “Senate Democrats will continue standing up for Iowans. We believe every Iowan – regardless of whether they live in rural areas, small towns, urban or suburban parts of our state – deserves access to affordable health care, strong public schools, and the chance to get ahead in life.

    “We will work with the Governor and Republican legislators on issues where we can find common ground over the next two years. But, if we continue to see Republicans push an agenda that hurts the health care, education, and financial security of working Iowans, we will be fierce in our opposition.”

    The new Democratic leadership team consists of these Senators:

    • Democratic Leader, Senator Janet Petersen, Des Moines
    • Democratic Whip, Senator Amanda Ragan, Mason City
    • Assistant Leaders:
      • Senator Joe Bolkcom of Iowa City
      • Senator Bill Dotzler, Waterloo
      • Senator Pam Jochum of Dubuque
      • Senator Liz Mathis, Hiawatha
      • Senator Herman Quirmbach, Ames
      • Senator Rich Taylor, Mount Pleasant

    Petersen is in her second term in the Iowa Senate after serving six terms in the Iowa House. She represents Senate District 18 in northwest Des Moines.

    In 2008, Petersen founded a nonprofit organization with four other central Iowa women called Healthy Birth Day. The organization, best known for its Count the Kicks campaign, is devoted to preventing stillbirths and improving birth outcomes.

    Petersen and her husband Brian Pattinson have three children.

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  • Is rationing health care the Iowa GOP’s secret plan to “fix” Medicaid mess?

    Oct. 30, 2018

    In the final days of the 2018 campaign, a Northwest Iowa State Senator may have mistakenly released the Republican Party of Iowa’s secret plan to “fix” the Medicaid privatization mess.

    During a forum last week sponsored by the Sioux City Rotary Club, State Senator Jim Carlin of Sioux City proposed rationing health care for Medicaid recipients.

    Carlin specifically said lawmakers should “look into limiting the number of doctor visits” by people on Medicaid.

    Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen called Carlin’s proposal “mean-spirited and dangerous.”

    “This is another example of a politician playing doctor,” Petersen said. “The last thing that Iowa parents need is to be worried about politicians placing arbitrary caps on the number of times their children can visit the family doctor for an ear infection, a broken arm or diabetes. And how could the Legislature and Governor limit the number of doctor visits for disabled Iowans or those with chronic illnesses? That’s mean-spirited and dangerous.”

    Throughout 2017 and 2018, Governor Reynolds and other Republican leaders acknowledged “mistakes were made” with Medicaid privatization, but they have offered no solutions for reversing course on a change that has turned over health care management for hundreds of thousands of Iowans to out-of-state corporations.

    As a result, the Reynolds Administration, Senator Carlin and others in the Republican-controlled Legislature have led an effort that has:

    1. Cut and delayed payments to Iowa health care providers that provide critical services to hundreds of thousands of Iowans.
    2. Made health care services even less accessible to Medicaid members.
    3. Shifted more than $100 million away from education, health care and public safety to cover the additional payments to out-of-state corporations.

    “Make no mistake about it, Senator Carlin’s plan would cost Iowa taxpayers more money in the long run and would further endanger the health and safety of Iowans,” Petersen said.

    Read the full Sioux City Journal article: https://tinyurl.com/yd4oouq2

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  • Iowa workers vote for strong unions

    Oct. 29, 2018

    Statement by Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen

    “The results of the recertification elections today are a huge victory for working families across Iowa.

    “With the deck stacked against them by the Governor and Republican-controlled Legislature, Iowa workers voted overwhelmingly in favor of being represented by strong unions.

    “Our friends and neighbors across the state who work every day to teach our kids, keep our families and communities safe, and protect the most vulnerable Iowans need to have a voice in the workplace. Iowans depend on their voices being heard.

    “Congratulations to Iowa’s public workers and their unions for this huge victory today.”



  • Petersen: Medicaid increase is GOP’s ‘gut punch’ to Iowa taxpayers

    Statement from Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen on GOP’s ‘gut punch’ to Iowa taxpayers 

    “Iowa families, health care providers and taxpayers received a gut punch today because of the mismanagement of privatized Medicaid by Governor Reynolds, Senate Republicans and House Republicans.

    Iowa Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen

    “Taxpayers are being hurt because they must now pay an additional $342.2 million to out-of-state corporations that are running Medicaid and Iowa’s heath care system into the ground.

    “In order to balance the state budget, Governor Reynolds and Republican legislators are unfortunately likely to

    1. Cut and further delay payments to Iowa health care providers that provide critical services to hundreds of thousands of Iowans.
    2. Make health care services even less accessible to Medicaid members.
    3. Take more than $100 million away from education, health care and public safety to cover the additional payments to out-of-state corporations.

    “The best option would be for Governor Reynolds and legislative Republicans to finally reverse course and join legislative Democrats in supporting a return to a more efficient, publicly managed system.

    “We all know for-profit Medicaid has been a disaster for Iowa families and health care providers. Now we know that it is a bigger disaster for the state budget and Iowa taxpayers.”

    -end –








  • Dem Leaders: Labor Center will close because of misplaced GOP priorities

    Iowa Legislative News Release
    For Immediate Release: July 10, 2018   

    Statement from Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen and House Democratic Leader Mark Smith
    on plans to close Labor Center and other centers at University of Iowa because of GOP budget cuts and priorities

    “This afternoon, we sent separate letters to (a) Governor Reynolds, Leader Whitver and Speaker Upmeyer and (b) University of Iowa President Harreld and Board of Regent President Richards to object to plans to close the Labor Center and other centers at the University of Iowa.

    “We encouraged Republican leaders to contact University officials and the Board of Regents to encourage them to reverse course.

    “Our letter stated: ‘This is not the first negative consequence of your fiscal mismanagement and Iowans know it won’t be the last. The budgets you have approved for our three universities have already raised tuition on working families and this decision to close the Labor Center is another attack on Iowa workers.’

    “We added: ‘At a time when Iowa’s income growth and job creation efforts have failed to meet expectations, the Labor Center has the potential to provide policymakers with timely information about today’s rapidly changing economic and legal environment, about how best to create and preserve quality jobs, and about how to strengthen workers’ rights.’


  • Senate Dem Leader on passing of former Governor Bob Ray

    Iowa Senate News Release
    For Immediate Release: July 9, 2018   


    Statement from Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen
    on the passing of former Governor Bob Ray 

    “Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family of former Governor Bob Ray.

    “Governor Ray was a model leader who served with style, courage and humility to make our state a better place.

    “By listening and working with Democrats and Republicans in the Capitol, Governor Ray was able to accomplish amazing things, including strengthening the rights of workers, making Iowa a welcoming state for immigrants and refugees, expanding the rights of voters, cleaning up the environment, and increasing opportunities for working Iowa families to improve their lives.

    “Rest in peace, Governor Ray.”


  • Supreme Court decision is good for women’s health care

    Iowa Senate News Release
    For Immediate Release: 
    June 29, 2018  

    Statement from Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen

    “The decision today by the Iowa Supreme Court is a victory for the constitutional rights of Iowa women.

    “It’s a shame that Governor Reynolds and legislative Republicans are working overtime to prevent women from accessing health care. That’s wrong. They are politicians, not doctors.

    “It’s time for Republicans and Democrats to come together to increase access to health care for more Iowa women, not set up new barriers, hurdles and hoops.”

    – end –

  • Putting unconstitutional law on hold is good news for Iowa

    Iowa Senate News Release
    For Immediate Release:  June 1, 2018  

    Statement from Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen
    on injunction to halt implementation of 6-week abortion ban

    “Governor Reynolds and other Iowa Republican politicians sent a horrible message to everyone in the United States when they passed this unconstitutional law.  This dangerous law devalues women and girls and would further reduce access to quality, affordable health care across our state.

    “Governor Reynolds and other Republican politicians in the Statehouse have no right to dictate personal, private decisions that Iowa women should make about their own health care. They are not health care experts.

    “Their law is dangerous.

    “Their law is unconstitutional.

    “Their law devalues Iowa women.

    “Thanks to Planned Parenthood of the Heartland, the Emma Goldman Clinic and ACLU of Iowa for standing up for the rights of Iowa women, especially those living in small towns and rural parts of our state. They are doing a great job protecting the rights and health care decisions of Iowa families.”

    -end –

  • Statement from Senate Dem Leader on signing of GOP tax scheme

    Iowa Senate News Release
    For Immediate Release: 
    May 30, 2018   


    “Instead of addressing Iowa’s budget crisis, Governor Reynolds and legislative Republicans are putting our state at greater financial risk with a tax scheme that is a bad deal for most Iowans. The legislation being signed into law today is bursting with giveaways to millionaires, wealthy corporations and people who don’t live in Iowa.

    “It will raise property taxes on Iowa families, seniors and small businesses; and it will result in deep, deep cuts to health care services, job creation and education, and public safety.

    “Senate Democrats came into the 2018 session promising to support tax reform that would (a) make the tax system fairer for working families and small businesses; (b) make Iowa businesses more competitive; (c) take into account our current budget crisis; and (d) tackle corporate tax giveaways, the fastest growing part of the state budget.

    “By every measure, the tax plan approved in the 11th hour of the 2018 session failed every one of those tests.”

    -end –

  • Senate Dem Leader’s 2018 session closing remarks

    By Iowa Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen

    As we wrap up the 2018 Legislative session, I want to thank my Democratic colleagues for the honor of leading our team as the Senate Democratic Leader.

    I also want to give a shout out to the retirees for their service: Senator Bertrand and Senator Chelgren.  We’re looking forward to giving Senators Rozenboom, Brown, C. Johnson, Lofgren and Breitbach the ability to sit on the same side of the aisle with your caucus next year.

    To our Democratic colleagues who are retiring: Senator Dvorsky, Senator McCoy, and the legendary Senator Wall Horn – we will truly miss having the three of you on our team.

    I also want to take a moment to ask the chamber to join me in showing our appreciation to our smart, talented, caring and hard-working caucus staffs – from both the Democratic and Republican caucuses.

    Thank you to the Secretary of the Senate and his staff, the Senate pages and all the hard-working staff at the Legislative Services Agencies.

    Let’s give all of them a round of applause.

    Mr. President, Mr. Majority Leader, all of my Senate Colleagues, and to all of the Iowans we represent: During my opening day address of this session, I said that Iowans want their leaders to work together, to lead with civility, and to make good things happen for the people of our state.

    Senate Democrats listened to the people they serve and responded by offering real solutions to real problems.  With very few exceptions, those ideas fell on deaf ears.

    Senate Republicans leaders said their agenda was simple: “KICK THE DOOR IN!”

    Unfortunately, Iowans are already feeling the consequences of having the door kicked in on them.

    The Republican-controlled legislature and Governor Reynolds did a lot of bad things to good people this session.

    Iowans believe we should be investing in education and job training – that is how we can help each other get ahead in life.

    Instead, you kicked the door in on our school children, college students, educators and Iowans seeking job training to advance their careers.

    This year, Republicans cut funding to community colleges and state universities, making it harder for Iowa families to afford sending their kids to college.

    Businesses have been telling us that Iowa has a skilled worker shortage.  Yet, Republicans failed to adequately support apprenticeship and job-training programs that can help Iowans advance their careers and bring home a bigger paycheck to support their families.


    Republicans kicked the door in on our seniors and retirees.

    Republicans made choices with the state budget.  And those choices resulted in damaging consequences.

    When you made a decision to underfund programs for our seniors, you turned your back on taking great care of our older population – helping them stay connected to their communities and helping them live happy, healthy, and safe lives in their homes for as long as possible.

    Instead, you alarmed tens of thousands of retirees who were worried because you were working with out-of-state interests to dismantle or weaken the retirement security of Iowans.

    Our parents and grandparents living in nursing homes are still stuck with your oversight by telephone – when many of them cannot even hear well enough to talk on the phone.

    You did nothing to protect seniors from financial exploitation, neglect and abuse or help families struggling to find caregivers for the people they love.


    Republicans kicked the door in on Iowa workers and job creators in our small towns.

    Instead of boosting support for Iowa entrepreneurs creating solar jobs in small towns, we saw you threaten the very programs that helped them get their local businesses off the ground.

    We have bright young people who could put our state on the map in the tech sector, but Republicans did nothing to help them get their businesses rolling.

    We could have worked together to increase our commitments to the renewable energy sector that is fueling our economy and creating jobs in small towns across our state.


    Republicans kicked the door in on Iowan’s health care.

    Republicans helped Governor Reynolds sell out Iowa’s health care to Wall Street companies.

    What did Iowans get?

    Less care and Iowa health care providers struggling to get paid.

    Republicans took control of women’s health care with dangerous policies that hurt Iowa women and girls.  Additionally, it will hurt our state’s reputation and ability to attract new businesses, families and millennials who want to live and work in a state that values women.


    Republicans kicked the door in on balancing the state budget.

    There is a reason why Republicans couldn’t balance the budget the past two years.

    Republicans made a choice – an active decision to sell off Iowa tax dollars at fire sale prices to out-of-state corporations and millionaires.

    You’ve ripped off hard-working Iowans who will be stuck with the consequences of your deliberate actions.

    This year, like last year, we saw Republican leaders putting cover-ups and cronyism ahead of doing what was right.

    First, we saw the entire Senate Republican caucus continue to follow the bad decisions of their leadership who chose to fire Kirsten Anderson just hours after she turned in a complaint of sexual harassment.  It wasn’t until the Waveland Tap video surfaced and one of your leaders kicked the door in on himself that your caucus finally took any meaningful, bipartisan action on improving the work environment in the Iowa Senate.

    Iowa taxpayers were outraged that they were stuck footing the bill for the $1.75 million lawsuit and paying the salaries and benefits of the perpetrator and retaliators for years.  It is still shocking to know that the only person fired in the scandal was the victim – Kirsten Anderson.

    Second, Senate Republicans made an active decision to protect Governor Reynolds by ensuring the results of the investigation of her long-time friend and former Iowa Finance Director will not be completed until after the gubernatorial election.  Iowans.

    Colleagues, we can do better!


    I am in the Iowa Senate because I love Iowans!

    They are caring, hard-working people.  They deserve leaders who are focused less on kicking in doors, and more on taking care of them.

    It is time to put Iowans first again.

    It’s time to invest in our people and our state’s future by

    • making our schools number one again
    • ensuring Iowans have access to good paying jobs no matter where they live
    • putting Iowans back in charge of our health care instead of turning it over to Wall Street companies and politicians.

    Iowans – thank you for making your voices heard this legislative session.  Democrats love you and we look forward to working with you to ensure bluer skies are ahead for state – and a much bluer Iowa Senate.
