• Senate Dem Leader on passage of GOP tax scheme

    Iowa Senate News Release
    For Immediate Release:  May 5, 2018 

    Read the Senate Democrats Analysis of Sf 2417, the final 2018 GOP tax plan

    “Republicans passed a tax giveaway bill today that gives most of the benefits to out-of-state companies and millionaires.  It’s a bad deal for most Iowans. It will raise property taxes on families, seniors and small businesses, and it will result in cuts to health care, job creation, education and other critical services.

    “Senate Democrats came into the 2018 session promising to support tax reform that would:

    1. Make the tax system fairer for working families and small businesses
    2. Make Iowa businesses more competitive
    3. Take into account our current budget crisis
    4. Tackle corporate tax giveaways, the fastest growing part of the state budget

    “By every measure, the tax plan unveiled in the 11th hour of the 2018 session and passed by the Senate today fails every one of those tests. That’s because the bill is filled with giveaways to millionaires, wealthy corporations and people who don’t even live in Iowa.”

    -end –

  • Senate Dem Leader on Reynolds signing extreme abortion restrictions

    May 4, 2018

    “This new law is another dangerous example of politicians dictating health care decisions for Iowa women.

    “In the past two years, Governor Reynolds and other the Republican-controlled Legislature have made our state more dangerous for Iowa women. Instead of improving health care access for women, Governor Reynolds and the Republican-controlled Legislature have pushed through policies that put more women at risk, including:

    • Making it harder for women to prevent pregnancies by gutting Iowa’s highly successful family planning program.
    • Supporting a privatized Medicaid system — which serves nearly half of all pregnant moms — that isn’t paying bills for providers across our state.
    • Prohibiting many of the state’s most highly qualified providers from participating in their GOP Family Planning program while the families of Republican legislators could see whomever they chose under their taxpayer funded health insurance program.
    • Cutting home visits for at-risk newborn babies and their mothers.

    “This new law is extreme because it restricts the  freedom of Iowa women and girls to care for their bodies, and it forces motherhood on Iowa women.

    “This new law is dangerous.

    “This new law is unconstitutional.”


    Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen spoke against SF 359, the nation’s most extreme anti-woman law during debate on May 2, 2018.

  • Governor Reynolds must expand IFA investigation

    April 30, 2018


    Letter from Democratic Leaders to Governor Reynolds on IFA investigation

    Des Moines, IA — The leaders of the Iowa House and Senate Democrats today called on Governor Kim Reynolds to expand the independent investigation of David Jamison and the Iowa Finance Authority.

    “The fallout from the firing of David Jamison should be a wakeup call to you.  David Jamison’s disgusting behavior and the failure of key staffers in your Administration to address the problem over a period of years highlight the alarming fact that executive branch employees are afraid to report illegal and highly inappropriate behavior,” said Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen of Des Moines.

    The letter signed by the two lawmakers outlined 12 key points that must be included in the scope of the investigation.  Some of the key points include: the victim’s concerns about retaliation; misinformation provided by the Reynolds Administration; the long delay in calling for the independent investigation; an examination of the lease agreement with Hubbell Realty; and a full audit and analysis of expenses and reimbursement to David Jamison including the slush fund used by key executives without oversight.

    “The graphic letter sent to you by a victim of Jamison’s alleged misconduct highlights systemic issues that need to be addressed.  While the investigation is a step in the right direction, the scope of the review is far too narrow,” said House Democratic Leader Mark Smith of Marshalltown.  “Given more information revealed this weekend by a whistleblower who was fired, the investigation must include an audit of IFA’s finances as well.  The harassment, retaliation, and financial mismanagement in your Administration have created a culture of corruption that must end.”

    Last fall, Iowa taxpayers were forced to foot the bill for a $1.75 million settlement in Kirsten Anderson’s lawsuit against Iowa Senate Republicans and an internal review later found that employees were afraid to report harassment.

    “Even after the harassment scandal last fall, the Jamison case proves the culture in your Administration has not changed to protect victims or Iowa taxpayers.  It’s not enough to keep saying you have a zero tolerance policy. Your entire Administration needs to take anti-harassment and anti-retaliation policies seriously and to stop protecting friends who you hired to work for Iowa taxpayers,” Petersen added.


  • Statement on complaint against David Jamison

    Iowa Senate News
    For Immediate Release: April 26, 2018

    Statement from Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen
    on release of harassment complaint against David Jamison

    Redacted complaint by IFA employee

    “For all her talk about zero tolerance and protecting the victims of workplace harassment, it’s clear that Governor Reynolds has been more interested in protecting her friend David Jamison.

    “Taxpayers deserve full disclosure of all complaints against David Jamison during his tenure in state government.

    “Governor Reynolds should also immediately order an external investigation into concerns expressed by the victim that there was a culture at the Iowa Finance Authority where she and other staff feared being retaliated against if they filed complaints. This allegation is eerily similar to those raised by Senate employees during an internal investigation last year.

    “In addition, Governor Reynolds should release the number of harassment complaints brought by state employees since she took office in 2011. Any public information about those cases should also be released immediately.”

    -end –

  • New steps to combat & prevent harassment in Iowa Senate

    Iowa Senate News Release
    Senator Janet Petersen: (515) 281-3901
    For Immediate Release: April 17, 2018  

    Statement from Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen 

    “After footing the bill for a $1.75 million settlement in Kirsten Anderson’s lawsuit against Senate Republicans, Iowa taxpayers expected more leadership from Senate Republicans on the issue of harassment at the Iowa Capitol. The Iowa Senate received a black eye because of the Kirsten Anderson case, the findings of an ‘internal review’ and related media coverage.

    “Senators are finally taking steps today to ensure the Iowa Senate will become a safe and healthy environment. Senate Democrats worked hard on these policy changes because we all have a legal, moral and business imperative to address this serious problem.

    “While updated policies are important, we must remember that policies were in place years ago to protect Kirsten Anderson. The problem was that Senate Republican leaders and staff chose to ignore existing policies and procedures. To make matters worse, they fired Kirsten Anderson seven hours after she filed a harassment complaint, and the perpetrators and those who retaliated against her were allowed to stay in the Iowa Senate on the taxpayers’ dime.

    “All Senators and staff have a high obligation to support and enforce these new policies, and to continue to strengthen the Senate’s harassment prevention policies and the Code of Ethics.  Otherwise, we are doing a disservice to Iowans.”

    -end –


    Senate Democrats have reached agreement with Senate Republicans on strengthening to the Senate’s Harassment Prevention Policy and the Senate’s Code of Ethics.

    Because of these changes, we will move ahead today with reforms that will ensure that:

    1. Victims of harassment will have a clear path to file complaints and have them investigated in a fair, impartial and confidential manner. This includes victims of sexual harassment and other forms of unlawful harassment (e.g., race, ethnicity, age, disability, gender identify, sexual orientation, etc.). Existing Senate policies in this area were inadequate, unclear and needed to be improved.
    2. Victims who step forward to file a complaint about harassment will be protected from retaliation or discrimination by anyone. The same protections will also be available for witnesses and others involved in any investigation. Existing Senate policies in this area were inadequate or non-existent.
    3. There will be a clear process for punishing any Senator, employee or anyone else who takes retaliatory action against someone who has filed a complaint. The same process will also protect witnesses and others involved in any investigation. Existing Senate policies were inadequate or non-existent in this area.
    4. There will be a clear process for disciplining any Senator, lobbyist, media employee or vendor who violates the anti-harassment policies. Existing Senate policies were inadequate or non-existent in this area.
    5. All Senators, staff, lobbyists and media will be required to attend training at least once every General Assembly regarding the Senate’s anti-harassment policies and complaint procedures. 
    6. The Senate Majority Leader, Senate President, Senate Minority Leader, Secretary of the Senate and other staff supervisors will be trained at least once every General Assembly on how to properly receive, investigate and, if warranted, to take corrective action. There was previously no requirement for this kind of training.
  • Statement on election of new Senate Republican Leaders 

    Iowa Senate News Release
    For Immediate Release:  March 14, 2018 


    Statement from Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen 

    “Congratulations to Senator Whitver and Senator Schneider on being selected the new leaders of the Senate Republicans.

    “In the wake of Senator Dix’s resignation, Senators Whitver and Schneider have an obligation to finally get it right and change a culture at the Iowa Capitol that is currently putting lobbyists, special interests, and political arrogance ahead of the interests of Iowa families.

    “Senators Whitver and Schneider should finally take responsibility for the sexual harassment, discrimination and retaliation against former Senate Republican staffer Kirsten Anderson by Republican Senators and staff. After footing the bill for a $1.75 million settlement in Kirsten Anderson’s lawsuit against Senate Republicans, Iowa taxpayers deserve nothing less.

    “Iowa taxpayers’ dollars should have never been used as a slush fund to cover the cost of sexual harassment by Senate Republicans. Senators Whitver and Schneider should turn over all campaign funds raised by Senator Dix to begin to cover the costs of the illegal behavior by their caucus.”


  • Statement on resignation of Senate Republican Leader 

    Iowa Senate News Release
    For Immediate Release:  March 12, 2018 

    Statement from Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen
    on resignation of Senate Republican Leader 

    “With Senator Dix’s resignation, Republican Senators have an opportunity to finally get it right and change a culture at the Iowa Capitol that puts lobbyists, special interests, and political arrogance ahead of the interests of Iowa families.

    “Republican Senators have an obligation to elect a new leader who will take responsibility for the sexual harassment, discrimination and retaliation against former Senate Republican staffer Kirsten Anderson by Republican Senators and staff. After footing the bill for a $1.75 million settlement in Kirsten Anderson’s lawsuit against Senate Republicans, Iowa taxpayers deserve nothing less.

    “It is shameful that the only person fired in this whole scandal was the victim. No Republican Senators or staff were punished for their wrongdoing in this case. And many staffers have reported that they are still afraid to report harassment at the Capitol.

    “There is a reckoning in our country on the issue of harassment in the workplace. The new Senate Republican leader should be someone who will hold Republican Senators and staff accountable for their actions in the Kirsten Anderson case and take steps immediately to address this issue.”

    -end –

  • Statement on Senate Republican Leader Bill Dix

    Iowa Senate News Release
    For Immediate Release:  March 12, 2018 

    Statement from Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen on Senate Republican Leader Bill Dix

    “The video posted on Iowa Starting Line is a serious matter for Senate Republican Leader Bill Dix to discuss with his family, his fellow Senate Republicans and Governor Reynolds.

    “Because this involves Senator Dix and a lobbyist, there will be questions about the impact of this relationship on legislation.

    “This incident follows Senator Dix’s failure to take any responsibility for the $1.75 million settlement that resulted from the sexual harassment, discrimination and retaliation against former Senate Republican staffer Kirsten Anderson by Republican Senators and staff.”


  • Senator Petersen’s prepared remarks on SF 2281

    Iowa Senate News Release
    For Immediate Release:  February 28, 2018


    Senator Petersen’s prepared remarks on SF 2281,
    extreme abortion restrictions

    I believe every Iowa woman in our state should have the FREEDOM to care for her body without government intervening.

    I believe every Iowa woman should have the FREEDOM to decide if and when she wants to be a parent.

    Unfortunately, that is becoming nearly impossible with Republicans in control of the Iowa Senate.

    It has been a rough two years for Iowa women with Republicans in power.

    Last year, every Republican in the Iowa Senate sponsored and voted for a bill that nearly destroyed Iowa’s Family Planning Network.

    Republicans forced Iowa women to find new health care providers.

    Republicans banned many of the state’s most highly qualified providers from participating in their GOP Family Planning program.

    Republican senators banned Iowa women from seeking medical care from doctors, clinics and hospitals while they continue to go to them or send their own family members to them as part of their health insurance plan that Iowa taxpayer’s cover.

    Republican Senators and staff were found guilty of creating a toxic work environment for former communications director Kirsten Anderson, which resulted in a $1.75 million settlement innocent taxpayers paid.

    On top of that – Republican senators charged taxpayers millions of dollars more for their GOP Family Planning bill that provides less care to fewer women.

    So now, Senate Republicans are back for more – forcing motherhood on Iowa women.

    This bill is dangerous.

    This bill is unconstitutional.

    This bill devalues Iowa women.

    This bill impacts every girl and every woman in our state from the time they get their period to the time they take their last breath.

    This bill puts a 6-week ban on abortion.

    The only exception to this medical ban is if a woman’s life is at stake.


    There are no other provisions in IOWA CODE that say an Iowan cannot access medical care UNLESS it is to prevent death –

    Iowans in prison have more medical rights than Iowa women and girls would have under this bill.

    Even a corpse in Iowa would have more rights than women and girls are given under this legislation.

    Even livestock in Iowa have more health care rights than this bill gives to Iowa women and girls.

    It is hard to believe we are even having this debate on a piece of legislation that devalues the bodies and decision-making skills of Iowa women and girls.

    Imagine if we included men in the Republican’s new definition of MEDICAL EMERGENCY, saying the fate of male reproductive organs didn’t matter unless you were dying.

    This bill tells Iowa women and girls that forced pregnancy is more important than their health and well-being.

    This bill puts forced pregnancy ahead of helping women and girls take care of their bodies.

    This bill doesn’t just impact women, it impacts girls.

    There are no age restrictions in this legislation.

    There is no exception for a 9-year-old Iowa girl who is the victim of rape.

    Under the Republican bill – you would force a child rape victim to have a baby no matter how young she is.

    That is unfathomable.

    Senate Republicans refused to take up legislation to give victims of child sexual abuse more time to go after their perpetrators for civil damages – a bill that could have prevented serial perpetrators from raping more children.

    Yet, in this bill Senate Republicans have no problem going after Iowa doctors – by threatening to put them in prison – for terminating a pregnancy if they believe is in the best interest of the child.

    Why do Senate Republicans have it out for Iowa doctors?

    Apparently the only doctors Senate Republicans trust are COMPANY DOCTORS that keep workers from accessing decent workers compensation for injuries on the job.

    Going after doctors who provide women’s health care is shameful.

    What doctor would want to practice in a state that threatens to put them in prison for doing what is in the best interest of her patient????

    This bill is a direct attack on women’s health care across our state.

    If this bill were to become law, our state may lose its only residency program for OB/GYNs at the University of Iowa – a highly successful program where one-third of the OBG residency graduates remain in Iowa to practice.

    Even if it is able to keep its residency program, it will be a logistical nightmare to ensure our future doctors get the training they need to graduate.

    If there are no places to train future doctors in Iowa on how to safely do an abortion procedure – where will the UI send its residents?

    They will have to go out of state.

    That brings extra costs, extra time and extra headaches for residents.

    What will that equate to for our state?

    It will mean fewer OB/GYN students choosing University of Iowa as a place where they would like to attend medical school.

    It will mean fewer OB/GYNs choosing to practice in Iowa.

    Iowa is already ranked next to last in the nation for OBG physicians per capita with 2/3 of Iowa counties not having a single OBG physician.

    (Iowa is only ahead of Arkansas)

    When you lose doctors in rural Iowa, maternal health care outcomes suffer.

    Iowa is already dangerously low in our number of OB/GYNs.

    I don’t think any of us want our state to be known as a place with poor birth outcomes, more high-risk pregnancies and unhealthy births that result in long-term health issues.

    Our state should be the safest place in the country to have a baby – not the most dangerous place to have a baby.

    A study published last September in the journal of Health Affairs found that 1 in 10 rural counties had lost their OB-GYN wards in the past 10 years.

    Iowa women and girls deserve access to the best medical care possible.

    Iowa woman and girls deserve the ability to take care of their bodies without politicians interfering with their decisions.

    We are already seeing dangerous results of the GOP Family Planning bill that is costing taxpayers millions of dollars more – and resulting in less care for women and less access to family planning.

    This bill – which is unconstitutional – will once again charge Iowa taxpayers with a huge bill.  You’ve already charged them more than $3 million with last year’s GOP Family Planning Bill and $1.75 million to cover the costs of the Senate Republican sexual harassment lawsuit.  And now you are at it again with this bill, which will tie up our underfunded and understaffed court system and cost Iowa taxpayers millions of dollars.

    This bill will not make our state a safe place to have a baby.  In fact, it will do the opposite.

    This bill won’t just impact the Iowa women and girls who are forced into motherhood – it will affect all women and girls needing access to OB/GYNs and safe, accessible reproductive health care services in Iowa.

    This bill is dangerous.  This bill is unconstitutional.

    Tell Iowa women and girls that you believe in them.

    Tell Iowa women and girls you care about their ability to take care of their own bodies.

    Tell Iowa women and girls you don’t believe it is right to inject your power into the most private decision-making moments of their lives.

    Please VOTE NO.

    Your political power doesn’t belong inside an Iowa girl’s uterus or the uterus any Iowa woman.

    – end –

  • Lawmakers Unveil “Putting Iowans First” Plan

    Thursday, January 25, 2018


    Focus On Improving Lives for Everyday Iowans

    DES MOINES – Democratic lawmakers outlined their new plan today called Putting Iowans First.  The plan was developed by lawmakers to keep the 2018 session focused on improving the lives of everyday Iowans.

    “Iowans don’t ask for much. They just want a decent paying job and the chance to lead a happy, healthy life. But we know today that too many Iowans who are working hard are just struggling to get by. Stagnant wages, rising health care costs, and fewer dollars going to job training and public education are hurting Iowa families,” said House Democratic Leader Mark Smith.

    “Democrats believe it’s time to get back to the basics—to help improve Iowans’ everyday lives and give each of us opportunities to get ahead. Our Putting Iowans First plan focuses on better paying jobs, a great education, and affordable health care. Democrats believe that Iowa values include investing in Iowans. It’s a mistake to believe that the state can cut its way to prosperity,” said Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen.

    The Putting Iowans First plan has four parts:

    1. Better-Paying Jobs
    2. A Revitalization of Small Towns and Rural Areas
    3. The Best Education in the Country
    4. A Quality of Life that Makes Iowa the #1 Best Place to Live

    “It’s time to say goodbye to the back room deals and corporate tax giveaways. Our Putting Iowans First plan will bring the focus of our government back to improving the lives of everyday Iowans,” added Smith. “That means affordable job training and new recreational opportunities in rural areas. It means increasing the use of renewable fuels and investing in our public schools again to produce a highly skilled workforce. It also means expanding access to affordable health care.”

    The full plan can be found at http://iowansfirst.com.
