Iowa Senate News Release
For Immediate Release: January 24, 2018
DES MOINES — A group of Senators introduced legislation today to ensure that state employees – not all Iowa taxpayers – would be financially responsible for egregious and illegal workplace behavior.
“Iowans are disgusted by the harassment, discrimination and retaliation against Kirsten Anderson and other legislative staff by some Republican Senators and staff members,” said Senator Tod Bowman of Maquoketa, the legislation’s main sponsor. “Most Iowans can’t believe they’re on the hook for $1.75 million because of the misconduct and mismanagement of some Republican Senators. Especially in a tight budget year, this money should be put towards our kids’ education, job training programs or mental health care. Taxpayers expect more from their leaders.”
The legislation is proposed in the wake of a jury decision last year to award $2.25 million to former Senate Republican staffer Kirsten Anderson in a sexual harassment lawsuit she brought against Iowa Senate Republicans. Anderson was fired in May 2013, just seven hours after filing a complaint alleging a sexually hostile work environment. Subsequently, Anderson agreed to a reduced award of $1.75 million to avoid a lengthy appeal process.
Under current law, Iowa taxpayers must pay for such awards, and there’s no recourse for state officials to recoup that money from offending state employees.
The legislation introduced today – which is sponsored by all 20 Democratic State Senators and independent Senator David Johnson – would allow the plaintiff to receive an award from the state but would require the Iowa Attorney General to recover the amount of the award from offending state employees.
The legislation applies to state employment cases, which includes hostile work environment cases involving sexual harassment, race, religion, age or disability.
“This proposed legislation is part of the national conversation about preventing sexual harassment in the workplace,” Bowman said. “We must send a message to legislators and other state employees who harass their co-workers or subordinates that their conduct will not be tolerated and that they will be held responsible for their illegal behavior.”
“This legislation is another important step in our efforts to improve the workplace culture in the Iowa Senate and our commitment to making sure the Statehouse is a safe and healthy environment.”
All 20 Democrats and the one Independent in the Iowa Senate have introduced SF 2058, a bill to end privatized Medicaid and put Iowans back in control of a state-run system that provides affordable health care to more than 560,000 citizens.
Since April 2016, when Iowa Medicaid was turned over to out-of-state companies, constituents have complained about the obstacles they face getting care and services.
Hospitals, nursing homes and other health care providers – especially in Iowa’s small towns and rural areas – agree that the privatized system is not working. They aren’t being properly reimbursed for the care they provide. They face red tape and bureaucratic nightmares. Many are in financial jeopardy, and some have even been forced to close their doors.
The state keeps giving private, out-of-state companies more of your tax dollars to run Medicaid. In fact, Governor Reynolds just agreed to give them another $130 million. Yet things continue to get worse.
This is not how health care for sick, injured and disabled Iowans is supposed to work. Privatized Medicaid is not saving taxpayer dollars. Iowans are not getting healthier. The entire system is in shambles.
For the health and safety of our citizens, let’s put Iowans back in control of Medicaid.
Iowa Senate News Release Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen: (515) 281-3901 For Immediate Release: January 12, 2018
Statement from Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen regarding recommendations from Ambassador Mary Kramer
“Today, we received recommendations from Ambassador Mary Kramer for improving the workplace culture in the Iowa Senate. We thank Mary for her commitment to making sure the Iowa Senate will become a safe and healthy environment.
“We agree with her assessment that the Kirsten Anderson case against Senate Republicans ‘shined the light on some disturbing issues present in the work culture of the Iowa Legislature.’
“More important, we agree with Ambassador Kramer’s conclusion that little has changed in the Iowa Senate more than four years after Kirsten Anderson was fired shortly after filing a complaint about the toxic work environment in the Iowa Senate Republican Caucus. As Ambassador Kramer wrote in her report: ‘As of now, there is nothing that has changed to prevent additional inappropriate behavior and ensuing problems.’
“That’s why it is critical for Senators Dix and Whitver to move quickly to adopt these recommendations and to involve more staff, legislators, lobbyists and others at the Capitol in making additional suggestions that will improve workplace culture.
“There are several constructive recommendations by Ambassador Kramer, including changes to the policies and procedures that would ensure that:
Victims of harassment have a clear path to file complaints and have them investigated in a fair, impartial and confidential manner. Current Senate policies in this area are inadequate, unclear and need to be improved.
Victims who step forward to file a complaint about harassment will be protected from retaliation or discrimination by anyone. The same protections must also be available for witnesses and others involved in any investigation. Current Senate policies in this area are inadequate or non-existent.
There will be a clear process for punishing any Senator, employee or anyone else who takes retaliatory action against someone who has filed a complaint. The same process also needs to protect witnesses and others involved in any investigation. Current Senate policies are inadequate or non-existent in this area.
There will be a clear process for disciplining any Senator, lobbyist, media employee or vendor who violates the anti-harassment policies. Current Senate policies are inadequate or non-existent in this area.
All Senators, staff, lobbyists and media will be required to attend annual training regarding the Senate’s anti-harassment policies and complaint procedures. Training currently provided to Senators and staff is viewed by most as inadequate or ineffective.
The Senate Majority Leader, Senate President, Senate Minority Leader, Secretary of the Senate and other staff supervisors will be trained at least once every General Assembly on how to properly receive, investigate and, if warranted, take corrective action. There are currently no requirements for this kind of training.
A person would have the option of filing a complaint with an outside firm if they are not comfortable going to designated leaders or supervisors. There is no such option in current policies and procedures.
“In addition, we suggest that Senators Dix and Whitver:
Ensure that all Senators, staff and others in the Capitol are provided with information about the duties and responsibility of the new human resources director, including what specific role she will play in improving the workplace culture at the Capitol and enforcing anti-harassment policies and procedures.
“Because of the national conversation about sexual harassment in the workplace, we call on Senators Dix and Whitver – from this point forward – to adopt a more bipartisan, transparent and open process to solving this serious problem. Otherwise, they are doing a disservice to Iowans, including our staff and our constituents.”
Senate Democratic Leader Petersen’s 2018 Opening Day Address
I love being part of Iowa’s part-time, citizen legislature. We are fortunate to spend most of the year in our districts – close to the people we represent.
Senate Democrats have been meeting with Iowans. We’ve heard what’s on their minds and weighing on their hearts. And we’re ready to get to work on their behalf.
Iowans want their leaders to work together, to lead with civility, and to make good things happen for the people of our state.
Governor Reynolds, Senate Republicans, House Republicans and House Democrats: Senate Democrats look forward to working with you on real solutions to real problems.
Last session, the Legislature did a lot of bad things to good people.
That was a mistake, but it has been a wake up call for Iowans.
As I travel this state, I see more energy than I’ve ever seen before.
Iowans are paying close attention to what their legislators are saying back home…and how they are voting at the statehouse.
It’s great to see so many Iowans engaged in what we are doing at the capitol and holding us accountable for our votes.
Iowans – I hope you will continue reaching out to your legislators, attending meetings at the Capitol, signing up for our newsletters, following us on Facebook and Twitter, and attending our local legislative forums this session.
Let us know what you think about what’s going on here. When you do, it makes a difference!
I am proud to be part of the Senate Democratic team. Our priorities are focused on helping Iowans get ahead in life.
We believe that no matter where you live, you should have access to:
Better-paying jobs with decent benefits;
Strong public schools;
Great cultural and recreational opportunities; and
Affordable and accessible health care
Iowans want us to focus on issues that matter to their everyday lives – and ditch the extreme policy agenda items that give our state a bad reputation.
Let’s focus on helping Iowans increase their pay.
Senate Democrats know that earning a decent paycheck means more than just money to Iowa families.
It means financial stability and family stability.
A good paycheck with decent benefits helps keep families together.
It puts food on the table.
It produces opportunities for our children and for our future.
Iowans working full-time hours deserve paychecks that can support their families.
We can’t afford policies that make Iowa just another low-wage state.
Senate Democrats will work to increase family incomes and help more Iowans get better-paying jobs.
Iowa can do that if we:
Invest in our community colleges
Support apprenticeship and job-training programs that help Iowans get ahead
Invest in safe roads, water and other important community infrastructure
Make sure Iowa families have affordable and safe housing
Help Iowa companies succeed – especially employers providing good-paying jobs in our small communities.
Our state has a growing number of older Iowans, many of whom live alone.
Let’s make Iowa the state that’s known for taking great care of its older population – helping them stay connected to their communities and helping them live happy, healthy and safe lives in their homes for as long as possible.
That starts by protecting Iowans’ retirement accounts.
Senate Democrats believe every Iowan should be able to retire with dignity. We will oppose any effort to dismantle or weaken the retirement security of Iowans.
We must also do everything possible to protect seniors from financial exploitation, neglect and abuse.
Senate Democrats know Iowans want safe drinking water and waterways where we can swim, fish and go boating.
We don’t have 10,000 lakes, but we certainly could make Iowa the “Clean Water State” if we open our minds and open the doors to allow all Iowans to come to the table.
Let’s start the conversation with a message that unifies us instead of tearing us apart. No matter where you live in Iowa, the water coming out of your faucet must be safe to drink.
Safe drinking water is a public health issue. It’s an economic issue. It is an issue affecting all of us. And the solution should involve all of us too.
That means it is time to stop the Republican closed-door “working group” meetings that shut out health officials, shut out environmental experts, and block bipartisan dialogue.
This summer, Senator Rita Hart held a water quality summit in DeWitt. Senator Hart’s meeting included Republicans and Democrats, farmers and city folks, everyone who was interested, including members of the media. Senator Hart and other Democratic legislators have good ideas. We are ready to help craft a bipartisan solution.
Let’s work together to bring both clean water and new job opportunities to Iowans. Let’s make the first bill the governor signs meaningful, not a waste of ink.
Senate Democrats believe in investing in our children and grandchildren. They are Iowa’s future.
It’s time to make Iowa’s public schools #1 again. That means responsibly investing in them. It means backing our teachers and all the professionals who show up for our children in Iowa classrooms every school day, teaching and preparing our kids for the future.
Let’s help young families send their kids to safe, quality childcare settings they can afford. With strong early childhood and preschool programs, we can get those kids off to a great start in school and in life.
Iowa children deserve a mental health system that will take care of them when they need it. Fifty percent of mental illnesses begin before a child reaches adulthood, yet Iowa still has no children’s mental health system in place.
No parent in this state should have to bury their child because we failed to make mental health services a priority.
And let’s recognize that brain health conditions need treatment just like other health conditions. A prison sentence is not treatment. We can and must do better by all Iowans living with mental health conditions.
Speaking of health – this Legislature should act immediately to let Congress know that Iowa’s children, our future, deserve health insurance.
What does it say about our country when Congress can’t even come together to pay for our children’s health insurance program?
Finally, to the babies and children in our state who are not living in safe home environments – we must fix our child welfare system. Iowans were appalled when state leaders remained silent as they saw story after story of abuse unfold around our state.
Not only do we need to protect our children, but we also need to invest in Iowans to grow our economy.
You can’t cut your way to prosperity.
The best ideas for our state come from the people we represent. Let’s push for home-grown ideas — not failed ideas from Kansas and other states.
Let’s start by spreading the sunshine with more homegrown energy – solar, wind, and biofuels.
Local energy means more local jobs and money. Local energy means energy independence and doing our part to stop climate change.
Wind and solar energy support more than 7,000 Iowa jobs and nearly 300 Iowa businesses. Ethanol and biodiesel support thousands more jobs and generate wealth for Iowa farmers.
Let’s give all Iowans access to high-speed internet so they can connect to each other, to the world and have tools at their fingertips to create entrepreneurial ventures in towns across our state.
Let’s build more home-grown talent: We can create an Iowa where more of our children and grandchildren will CHOOSE to live, work and raise their families close to home. Too many of the Legislature’s decisions last year told younger Iowans that they just don’t have a future in our state.
Let’s put more resources into our small towns and rural areas: Imagine if the state had taken the $20 million it used to lure Apple – a multi-billion dollar company – to the Des Moines Metro area and instead invested it in Main Street companies and job-creation initiatives in our smaller counties and communities.
Funding our priorities will take work and discipline. Our state budget is in a mess. Iowa taxpayers deserve smarter budgeting practices from Republican leaders.
Too many Iowa families are now paying the price for a state government that is failing to provide essential services and safety net programs for its citizens.
Republicans call the budget cuts “belt tightening” and “finding efficiencies.”
But, in reality, these budget cuts are painful and irresponsible. Not only are they hurting Iowans, they will end up costing Iowa taxpayers more.
Iowans didn’t vote to stop providing Iowa children with hearing aids. Iowans didn’t vote to take away the specialized food and formula program to help babies born with genetic disorders, but these programs were cut back to zero under the Republican budget. Millions of dollars were cut from autism services and mental health services for our children. And we know more painful cuts are being proposed by the Reynolds Administration as “COST CONTAINMENTS” – like cutting new moms off of health insurance and cutting in-home and group care for Iowans with disabilities.
These cuts are bad for Iowa. Iowans don’t want our state to be like Kansas.
In Kansas, Republican legislators were forced to abandon their reckless tax cuts because they failed to deliver the promised increases in jobs and income. It would be irresponsible for Iowa to go down that road. Iowans want us to make wise choices to improve our state. We can’t afford to repeat the mistakes of others.
Senate Democrats believe making smart decisions with Iowa taxpayer dollars will save money in the long-run.
Senate Democrats believe any efforts to reform and cuts taxes must follow these guiding principles:
Iowa’s tax code should be more transparent so everyone can see Iowa’s true competitiveness.
Taxes should be fair for all Iowans.
Any changes should take into account our current budget situation.
Corporate tax credits should be examined.
Changes should be developed with everyone’s input.
Some of the biggest mistakes of the 2017 session — anti-worker legislation, voter suppression and other extreme changes – were cooked up behind closed doors without any input from hard-working Iowans.
Iowans expect legislators to stand up for them. When we know things are not going right, we need to have the backbone and courage to change course.
It’s time to call for an end to Governor Reynolds’ Medicaid privatization mess. Too many Iowans have suffered under it.
We must protect Iowans, our hospitals and our health care providers from the damage caused by Medicaid privatization, especially in smaller towns.
Iowa’s small towns, communities fighting for survival, cannot afford to lose more local doctors, nurse practitioners and health care providers.
Speaking of courage, I’m grateful to Kirstin Anderson and others who spoke out against the sexual harassment in the Iowa Senate Republican caucus. Kirsten is one of the many women across our country who had the courage to stand up and demand respect and fairness in the workplace.
It is disgraceful that Kirsten endured sexual harassment and a toxic work environment by her Republican colleagues in this very chamber. It is also disgraceful that Iowa taxpayers were forced to pay $1.75 million for the bad behavior of the Senate Republican Caucus.
The internal investigation that was conducted following the verdict revealed that many staffers are still afraid to report harassment at the Capitol. That is unacceptable.
But it’s not surprising when the only person fired in this whole scandal was the victim.
Retaliation against a whistle blower is grounds for termination in the Senate’s handbook, but it is clear that rule is being ignored.
There is a reckoning in our country on the issue of harassment in the workplace. The Iowa Senate has the choice: Do something serious to address this problem or be on the wrong side of history.
The Iowa Senate can no longer be a sanctuary for predatory behavior.
We are committed to making the Iowa Senate a safe and healthy work environment.
That’s why I reached out to Ambassador Mary Kramer to offer ideas for better protecting everyone at the Capitol.
I offer my cooperation because we all have a legal, moral and business imperative to address this serious problem.
Finally, as we kick off the 2018 legislative session, let’s stay focused on helping Iowans and leading with civility.
Thank you to my Iowa Senate Democratic colleagues and staff for their support. It is an honor to be part of a team of people who have such a heart for public service. As a new leader, I promise to listen, to learn and to fight for bluer skies in Iowa’s future.
Iowa Senate News Release For Immediate Release: December 15, 2017
DES MOINES — Iowa’s Democratic state legislators are asking Governor Kim Reynolds and Republican lawmakers to work together during the 2018 session to end Iowa’s failed Medicaid privatization experiment.
“We do our best work when we work in a bipartisan fashion” to expand access to affordable health care for many Iowans, Democratic legislators wrote in a letter emailed today to the Governor and every Republican lawmaker.
“For the past 20 months, constituents of all ages have been bombarding Governor Reynolds and Republican and Democratic legislators with real problems caused by Medicaid privatization,” Democrats wrote. “There is clear evidence that Iowans have died as a result of life-sustaining services being cut off to extremely vulnerable individuals.”
The letter also stresses the “financial jeopardy” that Medicaid privatization has imposed on hospitals, nursing homes and other Iowa health care providers, especially in Iowa’s small towns and rural areas.
Democratic lawmakers noted that “privatization is not saving money for Iowa’s taxpayers, and it is not resulting in healthier Iowans. Under Medicaid privatization, the state of Iowa keeps giving the private, out-of-state companies more and more money, while giving Iowa taxpayers less and less.”
Medicaid is a health care safety net that is administered by the states and funded through a federal-state partnership. Roughly 70 percent of Medicaid expenses are for the care of our very poor elderly and severely disabled Iowans. In 2015, the Branstad/Reynolds Administration announced that the state employees running the program would be replaced by for-profit Medicaid managers.
Despite widespread opposition and repeated delays, large, out-of-state companies took over care of the majority of Iowans receiving Medicaid services on April 1, 2016. As of today, three of the four companies initially hired to manage the program have abandoned the project. When AmeriHealth Caritas quit the state last month, the health care of 215,000 Iowans was disrupted.
Governor Reynolds has promised that more managed care organizations are being recruited to replace those that left.
In today’s letter, Democratic lawmakers propose a different approach: “When Connecticut realized its privatized Medicaid was not working, state leaders made the decision to go back to a publicly managed Medicaid system. Connecticut is now seeing much better results with their new model. They are saving money and improving care.”
The letter concludes with this plea:
“More than ever before, we all know that privatized Medicaid is not working for Iowa. For the health and safety of so many, will you work with us to put Iowans back in control of Medicaid? We can and should do better for Iowans. Watching our health care system collapse is not an option.”
Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen responds to media reports about latest Senate Republican response to $1.75 million sexual harassment settlement:
“This is another partisan response to the serious problem of sexual harassment in the Iowa Capitol. Senator Dix, Senator Whitver and other Senate Republicans still have not apologized to Kirsten Anderson for the sexual harassment she experienced and they refuse to acknowledge that she was fired for being a whistleblower.
“Because the only information we have about this new proposal is coming from the news media, it is hard to assess whether this will make the Legislature a safe and welcoming environment for all employees, whether Iowa taxpayers will be protected in the future, and whether the Legislature will take steps necessary to protect the rights of those who raise concerns about harassment.”
Senate Democratic Leader Petersen’s request for the public release of the Iowa Senate Republican sexual harassment investigation.
In the wake of a $1.75 million settlement, Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen today called on the top two Senate Republicans leaders — Senate President Jack Whitver and Senate Majority Leader Bill Dix — to release to the public the findings of their internal investigation of sexual harassment.
Here is the text of Senator Petersen’s letter to Senator Dix:
Dear Senator Dix:
I am writing to request that the findings of the internal investigation by the Senate Republicans of sexual harassment be released to the public.
As you know, the Legislature received a black eye this summer and fall after a Polk County jury delivered a $2.2 million verdict against Senate Republicans stemming from a sexual harassment lawsuit filed by former staffer Kirsten Anderson. (Subsequently, the Iowa Appeals Board approved a $1.75 million settlement.)
Since the taxpayers are on the hook for this $1.75 million settlement, the findings of this investigation should not be kept secret. Releasing the findings of your internal investigation would be a first step in making sure the Legislature is a safe and welcoming environment for all employees, protecting Iowa taxpayers, and protecting the rights of those who raise concerns about harassment.
Iowa Senate News Release For Immediate Release: October 31, 2017
Senate Democratic Leader: ‘More bad news for Iowans needing accessible health care’
A statement from Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen on another round of bad news regarding privatized Medicaid system:
“For too long, Governor Reynolds and Republican legislators have been telling Iowans that the privatized Medicaid experiment was a huge success. That’s nonsense!
“Today’s announcement is more bad news for Iowans needing accessible health care, and it’s more proof that Medicaid privatization is a horrible disaster. Privatized Medicaid has proven to be bad news for Iowa families, health care providers and taxpayers.
“The best advice for Governor Reynolds and legislative Republicans is this: ‘You’ve dug yourself into a hole. You need to stop digging.’”
“Governor Reynolds and the Republicans in Washington, D.C., continue to break their promise to provide access to affordable health care to more than 72,000 Iowans.
“Republicans have done everything possible to undermine ObamaCare and they have failed to provide a workable, bipartisan alternative to help Iowans who need health care security.
“Whenever Governor Reynolds is ready to work with legislative Democrats on a workable, bipartisan solution, we’re ready to work with her.”
–Statement by Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen on failure of Governor Reynolds’ stopgap insurance proposal.
Iowa Senate News Release For immediate release: October 22, 2017
Democratic members of the Iowa Senate elected Sen. Janet Petersen of Des Moines today to serve as the new Democratic Leader of the Iowa Senate.
Senator Petersen released this statement:
“I am honored to have the support of my fellow Democratic Senators.”
“Last session, the Republican-controlled Senate passed damaging policies that went after hard-working Iowans and their pocketbooks. Senate Democrats are focused on helping Iowans get ahead. It’s time to get our state moving in a direction that reflects real Iowa values.”
“Senate Democrats are united in supporting hard working families, students, seniors and Iowa’s quality of life. We will work to find common ground with Statehouse Republicans, but we will never back down from our commitment to good-paying jobs, having the best education in the nation, revitalizing our small towns and big cities, and enhancing the quality of life for all Iowans.”
Petersen is in her second term in the Iowa Senate after serving six terms in the Iowa House of Representatives. She represents Senate District 18 in northwest Des Moines.
Throughout her tenure, Petersen has served on a variety of committees, most recently as the ranking member on the Commerce Committee, she also serves on the Government Oversight, Judiciary, State Government and Ways & Means committees.
Petersen was born in Beaverdale and has lived in northwest Des Moines most of her life. She graduated from the University of Northern Iowa with a degree in Communications and earned a master’s degree in Integrated Communications from Drake University.
In 2008, Petersen founded a nonprofit organization with four other central Iowa women called Healthy Birth Day. The organization, best known for its Count the Kicks campaign, is devoted to preventing stillbirths and improving birth outcomes.
Petersen and her husband, Brian Pattinson, have three children.
The next session of the Iowa General Assembly will convene on Monday, January 8, 2018.