Human Resources – All-Bill Summary 2020

All bills assigned to the Senate Human Resources Committee, passed by the Legislature and sent to the Governor for her signature in 2020.

SF 2119– Controlled Substance Schedules

SF 2119 allows the Pharmacy Board to change the schedule status of cannabis-derived products and cannabis-derived investigational products based on decisions by the Food and Drug Administration and the Federal Drug Enforcement Administration. The bill classifies nine synthetic opioids, one opioid analgesic, 10 synthetic cannabinoids and seven synthetic cathinones as Schedule I substances, meaning they have no known medical use. It classifies all products containing derivatives of barbituric acid as Schedule II. It classifies one central nervous system depressant and one central nervous system stimulant as Schedule IV, and any FDA-approved product containing cannabidiol with no more than 0.1 percent THC as Schedule V. The bill also strikes language regarding medical marijuana programs at the Board of Pharmacy.
[2/10: 48-0 (Excused: Nunn, T. Taylor)]

SF 2120– Prescription Monitoring Program

SF 2120 allows veterinarians to register for and access information from the state’s Prescription Monitoring Program. Some veterinarians can prescribe controlled substances, and there have been instances of pet owners taking the animal’s medication. The bill also expands PMP reporting requirements to all Schedule III and IV controlled substances and to all Schedule V controlled substances except pseudoephedrine. Additional substances that the PMP Advisory Council and Board of Pharmacy determine could be addictive or fatal are also included in the required PMP reporting. The due date for the PMP annual reports is changed to February 1 instead of January 1.
[2/10: 48-0 (Excused: Nunn, T. Taylor)]

SF 2299– Health care background checks

SF 2299 provides that in addition to background record checks being performed by the Department of Public Safety and the Department of Human Services, an entity may have a third-party vendor conduct a preliminary background check pending completion of the required record checks.
[2/24: 50-0]

HF 2197 – Medical Residency Grants

HF 2197 expands specified primary care practice areas to also include obstetrics, gynecology, family medicine, internal medicine and emergency medicine, in addition to psychiatry. The medical residency training state matching grants program requires that a residency program, including federal residency positions at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, offer residents the opportunity to participate in a rural rotation to expose them to rural areas of the state.
[6/13: 49-0 (Hogg excused)]

HF 2220– Definition of “young adult” for PALS program

HF 2220 relates to the definition of “young adult” for purposes of participation in the preparation for adult living program (PALS). Those turning 18 that receive court-ordered care with a relative or another person with a significant relationship will be eligible for PALS. PALS assists young adults who are leaving foster care and other court-ordered services at 18 or older in making the transition to self-sufficiency.
[6/10: 49-0 (Excused: Bisignano)]

HF 2221 Local Board of Health membership

HF 2221 allows health care professionals other than physicians to be members of local boards of health.
[6/12: 49-0 (Excused: Hogg)]

HF 2269 – Medicaid Elder Waiver Cap removed

HF 2269 requires the Department of Human Services to eliminate the monthly budget maximum or cap for individuals eligible for the Medicaid home and community-based services elderly waiver. The department must track the average amount expended per waiver recipient each fiscal year beginning July 1, 2020, and report the information annually to the Governor and the Legislature by October 1.
[6/4: 49-0 (Excused: Hogg)]

HF 2485 – Number of children allowed in child care at one time

HF 2485 directs the Department of Human Services to adopt rules allowing registered child development homes providing care to school-aged children to exceed the child-to-staff ratio when a school-aged child’s school starts late, is dismissed early, is canceled due to inclement weather or structural damage, or during a public health emergency. The child must already be enrolled at the child development home, and the number of children present cannot exceed the child development home’s registration capacity.
[6/13: 47-0 (Excused: Green, Hogg, Lykam)]

HF 2561 – Protections for recipients of anatomical gifts

HF 2561 prohibits a hospital, physician or other person from determining the ultimate recipient of an anatomical gift based upon a potential recipient’s disability, except to the extent that the disability has been found by a physician, following a case-by-case evaluation of potential recipients, to be medically significant to the provision of the anatomical gift.
[6/12: 48-0 (Excused: Feenstra, Hogg)]