• If Iowa GOP rejects first map, that’s a clear signal they plan to gerrymander

    For Immediate Release: 9/30/2021

    Senate Democratic Leader Zach Wahls:

    Let me be clear: There’s no legitimate reason for Legislative Republicans to reject this first map. If Republicans vote down the first map, that is a clear signal they are planning to gerrymander Iowa legislative districts to keep themselves in power. It will be an attack on democracy, and Democrats will fight it every step of the way.”


    This Tuesday, October 5, the Iowa Legislature will consider new state and federal legislative districts which, if approved, would shape Iowa elections for the next 10 years. 

    Today Senate Democratic Leader Zach Wahls spoke at a virtual press conference with Iowa reporters.  Video of his statement is available here: https://youtu.be/ms3W5kgaKZ4


    DES MOINES—At today’s weekly media availability, Iowa Senate Democratic Leader Zach Wahls of Coralville delivered the following remarks, as prepared for delivery:

    “Iowans deserve fair elections, and they know that starts with fair, nonpartisan district maps.  That consensus was clearly reflected by the overwhelming majority of public comments made during last week’s hearings.

    “There are some things for Republicans to like about these maps, and there are some things for Democrats to like – but most importantly – these are nonpartisan maps drawn without interference from politicians or political influence. That’s why I’ll be voting to approve these maps on October 5, and why my Republican colleagues should as well.

    “For the last 40 years, Iowa legislative districts have been drawn on the basis of equal population, compactness, and respecting local civil boundaries when possible.  These maps were drawn by nonpartisan staff without regard to where incumbent politicians live, past election results, or partisan advantage.

    “Iowans want fair maps, maps that make sense and respect county and city boundaries when possible.  That’s what they want and what they deserve.

    “Here’s what Iowans don’t want: They don’t want one party using their political power to rig the game in their favor. They don’t want Republicans to gerrymander and lock Iowans out of their government.

    “As we’ve seen in other states, partisan gerrymandering erodes our democracy, gives outsized influence to special interests, and creates a breeding ground for rampant corruption. Gerrymandering not only strips the minority party of their power, it also hurts Republican voters as well. Voters of both parties want their elected leaders to work together to solve the problems that hard working Iowans face. But a government controlled by a slim minority – and the special interests that fund their campaigns – won’t do anything to fix the challenges that we face as a state.

    “Let me be clear: There’s no legitimate reason for Legislative Republicans to reject this first map. If Republicans vote down the first map, that is a clear signal they are planning to gerrymander Iowa legislative districts to keep themselves in power. It will be an attack on democracy, and Democrats will fight it every step of the way.

    “Hopefully it does not come to that, and Republicans in the legislature have the opportunity to do the right thing on Tuesday and vote YES on the maps.”


  • Iowans support fair, non-partisan maps

    Iowa Senate News Release
    For Immediate Release: September 23, 2021

    “Iowans overwhelmingly support fair, non-partisan maps, and they don’t want politicians making changes to benefit one side or the other.”

    Statement by State Senator Janet Petersen of Des Moines:

    “Iowa citizens have had their say on the first redistricting map. 

    “At both the federal and state levels, the districts have nearly the same number of voters and follow local government boundaries when possible.

    “Iowans overwhelmingly support fair, non-partisan maps, and they don’t want politicians making changes to benefit one side or the other.”

    “For 40 years, Iowa has shown every other state how to do redistricting fairly, without partisan gerrymandering.  Iowa voters pick their politicians; politicians don’t get to pick their voters.

    “Other states, red and blue, should follow Iowa’s lead.

    “The Legislature should do what we did last time.  Approve the new maps and move forward.”


  • Iowa Redistricting Plan 1 Released

    Statement from Senate Democratic Leader Zach Wahls on Iowa Redistricting Plan 1

    “We are currently reviewing Plan 1 to ensure it meets all the legal and constitutional requirements for redistricting. We believe Iowans deserve a fair redistricting process, without interference from politicians, and without partisan amendments. We encourage Iowans to examine Plan 1 and to make their voices heard at three public hearings next week.”


    The Temporary Redistricting Advisory Commission is scheduled to  hold virtual public hearings to gather public input on Plan 1 on the times and dates below: 

    • Monday, September 20: 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
    • Tuesday, September 21:  12:00 noon – 3:00 pm
    • Wednesday, September 22: 6:00 pm – 8:30 p.m. 

    Instructions for registration and submitting public comments were posted today on the Legislature’s website: https://www.legis.iowa.gov/legislators/redistricting


  • Iowa’s 2021 Redistricting Process

    The Iowa Supreme Court issued an order September 14 announcing that the Court’s constitutional duty to “cause a map to be reappointed” will be met by following the redistricting process laid out in Chapter 42. This means redistricting is in the hands of the Legislature. The Court set a December 1 deadline for the Legislature to complete its work. Here’s a link to the order: www.iowacourts.gov/collections/666/files/1398/embedDocument

    Governor Reynolds sent out a news release earlier yesterday announcing that she signed a proclamation convening a special legislative session on Tuesday, October 5, 2021, “to consider and enact a plan of legislative and congressional redistricting in accordance with the framework set forth in chapter 42 of the Iowa Code.”

    Estimated Timeline and What to Expect:

    9/16/21 — At 10 a.m., the nonpartisan Legislative Services Agency (LSA) will deliver packets to the House and Senate chamber that includes a map, a copy of the bill (which describes in detail the boundaries for each district), and a memo regarding data on standards, populations, and deviations for Plan 1.

    9/16/21 — Shortly after it is released to legislators, Plan 1 and accompanying information will be available on the Legislature’s website: www.legis.iowa.gov/legislators/redistricting

    Week of 9/20/21 — The Temporary Redistricting Advisory Commission is scheduled to  hold virtual public hearings to gather public input on Plan 1 on these dates:

    • Monday, September 20: 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
    • Tuesday, September 21:  12:00 noon – 3:00 pm
    • Wednesday, September 22: 6:00 pm – 8:30 p.m.

    Instructions for registration and submitting public comment are available at https://www.legis.iowa.gov/committees/publicHearings.

    14-day deadline to submit report — The Commission is required to submit its report from the public hearings to the Legislature no later than 14 days after the first plan is submitted to the Legislature.

    October 5, 2021 – Special Session on Plan 1

    December 1 – Redistricting process must be complete.

    Here’s the statement that Senate Democratic Leader Zach Wahls released yesterday:

    “We are currently reviewing the order from the Iowa Supreme Court regarding redistricting. As we have said since Day 1, Iowans deserve a fair redistricting process, without interference from politicians, and without partisan amendments. The Legislature should approve Plan 1 during the October 5 special session if it meets all the legal and constitutional requirements.”


  • Special session set for redistricting

    Statement from Senate Democratic Leader Zach Wahls:

    “We are currently reviewing the order from the Iowa Supreme Court regarding redistricting. As we have said since Day 1, Iowans deserve a fair redistricting process, without interference from politicians, and without partisan amendments. The Legislature should approve Plan 1 during the October 5 special session if it meets all the legal and constitutional requirements.”


  • Democrats invest $100 million in Iowa Affordable Housing

    Senate Democratic Leader Zach Wahls released a statement praising President Joe Biden, Congresswoman Cindy Axne, and Democrats in Congress for their historic investment for housing in Iowa:

    “Iowans have another reason to be thankful that President Biden, U.S. Representative Axne, and the Democratic Party passed the American Rescue Plan. Because of their leadership, Iowa is moving ahead with a multi-million dollar effort to increase the availability of affordable housing across our state. This is great news for hard-working Iowans and their families as we work to build back better.”


    100% of this funding was allocated by the Democrats’ American Rescue Plan, which passed without a single Republican vote and over the objections of Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds. 

    The Democrats’ American Rescue Plan investment in housing includes:

    Federal Housing Tax Credit Program – $45 million
    The $45 million investment into the Federal Housing Tax Credit Program is estimated to move approximately 15 housing tax credit projects forward that otherwise would not be able to proceed and is expected to create an estimated total of 700 rental homes for Iowans. Eligible projects include developments that applied for a 2021 9% Federal Housing Tax Credit Program award but did not receive an award of tax credits. Projects will be prioritized based on scoring criteria and must be shovel ready. The financing will be paired with the federal 4% Tax Credit Program.

    Workforce Housing Tax Credit Program – $20 million
    The $20 million investment will provide gap financing to current Workforce Housing Tax Credit Program projects to assist with the increased cost of construction building materials. These funds will help ensure that existing Workforce Housing Tax Credit projects are able to be completed, expanding housing opportunities for Iowans.

    Downtown Housing Grant Program – $20 million
    The newly created Downtown Housing Grant Program will provide financial assistance for projects that support local downtown revitalization through the creation of new housing opportunities in communities with populations of 30,000 or less.

    Homes for Iowa – $10 million
    This investment will assist in providing a larger pipeline of skilled workers for our employers and more opportunities for homebuyers to purchase a home in their price range through the Homes for Iowa initiative. Homes for Iowa is a public/private partnership that trains offenders in skilled building trades while building single family homes at the Newton Correctional Facility. The $10 million investment will assist in material costs, the construction of a permanent shop and home moving equipment set-up that will allow the Homes for Iowa program to scale production and training efforts.

    Home Repair Block Grant Pilot Program – $4 million
    The housing stock in Iowa is comparatively older than that in the rest of the country, with an average median home age of approximately 50 years. This investment will provide qualified homeowners with financial assistance for eligible repair expenses to help preserve their homes. The application will be open to eligible organizations and based on program guidelines and scoring criteria.

    Minority Homebuyer Down Payment Assistance Pilot Program – $1 million
    Homeownership is a leading driver of wealth creation, yet minority homeowners in Iowa are underrepresented. This initial $1 million investment will assist in breaking barriers to homeownership by providing 200 eligible Iowa minority households with assistance purchasing a home. The program will provide a $5,000 down payment and closing costs assistance grant when used with an Iowa Finance Authority mortgage program.

  • Statement on Texas Abortion Ban

    Statement by Senate Democratic Leader Zach Wahls
    on Texas Abortion Ban

    “Earlier this week, Governor Reynolds issued a statement saying, ‘I believe and trust in Iowans to make the best health decisions for themselves and their families. I will continue to support individual liberty over government mandates.’

    “The truth is that Governor Reynolds and legislative Republicans have consistently undermined the freedom of Iowans to make their own health care decisions. Today’s news from Texas puts the right to abortion at risk in Iowa and other states.

    “The Roe decision ended a horrific chapter of American history and affirmed the freedom of all women to make their own decisions about their bodies and lives without interference from politicians. It’s time for Iowans to make their voices heard in opposition to the extreme laws supported by Governor Reynolds and legislative Republicans.”


  • “Governor, you need to change course” on COVID & Iowa schools

    Thursday, August 26, news conference statement by Senator Zach Wahls:

    YouTube: https://youtu.be/rdyhqj6qzQc

    Right now, Iowans want two things from our local schools.

    First, they want schools to be open, and to stay open. That’s the best way to get all Iowa kids back on track. Most kids are ready to attend school in person, with their teachers and classmates.

    Second, and this should not be controversial, Iowans want our schools to be as safe as possible. This is not an either or proposition.

    We can do both.

    Studies show that, despite the pandemic, schools allowed to respond to local conditions, can be safe for virtually all students.

    But Iowa has a problem that many other states don’t have.  Governor Reynolds has refused to let Iowa schools make the decisions necessary to protect their students, their teachers, their staff and their parents from COVID-19.

    It is a fact that her state budget, written by Republican legislators, provided zero additional dollars to fight COVID-19 in our state.

    And it is a fact that Governor Reynolds has rejected 95 million federal dollars last April to help Iowa schools reopen safely.

    Since that mistake, we’ve seen new Iowa COVID cases increase sharply. Most new cases, because of the Delta variant, which we know is more infectious than previous variants.

    And we know that Governor Reynolds signed a law banning safe mask policies in Iowa’s schools and in other public places. And when she signed that law, she was surrounded by anti-vaccine conspiracy theorists.

    The Governor’s mistakes and political posturing are endangering children and threaten to further disrupt the education of all K-12 students in Iowa.

    Governor, you need to change course. Now, there are a few ways that you should do this.

    First, Iowa’s lucky that the $95 million in rejected federal funds is still available. We can use it for detection, for vaccination, for improved air filtration and circulation systems, and other common-sense steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Iowa’s K-12 schools.

    All the governor has to do is pick up the phone, and call President Biden’s administration, and tell them that she has changed her mind.

    We need to get those federal dollars to Iowa’s schools right away. We’ve wasted enough time during this public health emergency.

    We can request the additional dollars from the CDC. That money will pay for more in-school testing and contact tracing. It will help protect kids, teachers, parents and communities from the continued spread of the Delta variant.

    Finally, the Governor should use her emergency powers to suspend the dangerous mistake that she made last May. That’s when she made it illegal for Iowa schools to make the decisions necessary to protect our communities from COVID.

    The Governor needs to focus on the science, the science.

    Ignore the dangerous nonsense from people like Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene and other anti-vaccine conspiracy theorists in the Republican Party.

    Listen instead to Iowa parents. They just want their kids safely back in their local schools, learning and preparing to take their next steps in life.

    Governor, do what’s right for Iowa kids, and do it today.


  • Iowans need help, not roadblocks

    For Immediate Release:  August 24, 2021  

    State Senator Janet Petersen of Des Moines has organized a joint letter to Governor Kim Reynolds urging specific steps to make Iowa schools safer.  The letter is signed by all 18 Democratic members of the Iowa State Senate.

    “Iowans are begging Governor Reynolds to keep our kids, our schools and our communities safe,” said Senator Petersen. “Other Republican Governors are working to make classrooms safe places for all children. We call on Iowa’s governor to do the same.”

    In the letter, the Senators urge Governor Reynolds to reverse her April rejection of $95 million in federal funds intended to help to reopen Iowa schools safely.  Initially aimed at testing, these federal dollars can now be used to fight COVID-19 in K-12 schools through vaccinations, testing, and upgraded air filtration systems.

    “We strongly urge you to reconsider your decision to reject Reopening Schools funding,” wrote the Senators.  “Iowans want to fight Covid, not mitigation efforts or each other. It’s time to do the right thing to lead our state and country out of this pandemic.” 

    Surprisingly, Governor Reynold’s own budget provided no new dollars to protect schoolchildren, and related federal funds have not been distributed. The Senators wrote:

    “You opted in April 2021 not to use the funds, and the situation in our state has worsened since then.  Those funds are needed more than ever by local schools who want to protect their communities. The changes since April include a dramatic increase in new cases, the Delta variant sweeping the nation and impacting more children, and your law banning safe mask policies in public places.”

    According to the Iowa Department of Public Health, Iowa currently has:

    •     The highest number of virus-related hospital admissions since January.

    •     The highest average number of positive COVID-19 cases since February, before Iowa vaccines were available.

    The letter also urges Governor Reynolds to resume daily reports of Iowa COVID cases and hospitalizations, and an end to statewide law preventing schools following CDC safety guidelines on masks and contact tracing.


    Letter to Gov Reynolds from the Democratic members of the Iowa Senate

    Dear Governor Reynolds:

    Every state leader, no matter their party, should be focused on keeping our children, students and school personnel safe and healthy this year.  Iowa schools and families need our help, not roadblocks, to ensure our kids get an uninterrupted education this year.

    While your state budget provided no additional resources to protect the health and safety of children, the Biden Administration appropriated $95 million for Iowa Schools to help them safely keep their doors open. 

    We strongly urge you to use the $95 million from the American Rescue Plan dedicated to the state in the federal Reopening Schools program.  You opted in April 2021 not to use the funds, and the situation in our state has worsened since then.  Those funds are needed more than ever by local schools who want to protect their communities. The changes since April include a dramatic increase in new cases, the Delta variant sweeping the nation and impacting more children, and your law banning safe mask policies in public places.

    The latest weekly report from the Iowa Department of Public Health is quite grim:

    • The highest number of virus-related hospital admissions recorded since January.
    • The highest average number of positive COVID-19 cases since February. Even more troubling, the weekly average is higher than the same time a year ago – when vaccines were not yet available in Iowa.
    • More than 6,200 COVID deaths and more than 390,000 cases since the pandemic started.

    It is important to note that federal officials have updated the guidance to allow schools to use the funds for detection, mitigation and prevention of COVID-19 in K-12 schools, including vaccine, testing and promotion, and upgraded air filtration systems to improve air circulation.

    Additional resources, such as those from the CDC, would help schools do more testing, identify who may have COVID-19, and better protect kids, teachers, and parents from COVID-19.

    In addition, Iowans deserve access to daily reporting of COVID positive cases and hospitalizations; and local schools should not be banned from following the latest CDC safety guidelines, including masks and contact tracing.

    We strongly urge you to reconsider your decision to reject Reopening Schools funding.  Iowans want to fight Covid, not mitigation efforts or each other. It’s time to do the right thing to lead our state and country out of this pandemic. 


    Sen. Janet Petersen
    Sen. Tony Bisignano
    Sen. Joe Bolkcom
    Sen. Nate Boulton
    Sen. Claire Celsi
    Sen. William A. Dotzler Jr.
    Sen. Eric Giddens
    Sen. Robert Hogg
    Sen. Pam Jochum
    Sen. Kevin Kinney
    Sen. Jim Lykam
    Sen. Liz Mathis
    Sen. Herman C. Quirmbach
    Sen. Amanda Ragan
    Sen. Jackie Smith
    Sen. Todd E. Taylor
    Sen. Sarah Trone Garriott
    Sen. Zach Wahls

  • Republicans threaten safe return to school

    Statement by Senate Democratic Leader Zach Wahls

    As prepared for delivery on August 19, 2021:

    “You just heard from Kim Reynolds, who had an opportunity to denounce Marjorie Taylor Greene’s radical conspiracies. She didn’t do that. That’s because Kim Reynolds and Iowa Republicans are enacting MTG’s right-wing conspiracies into law right here at home.

    We can’t crush Covid and get back to normal because Governor Kim Reynolds, Senator Jack Whitver, and Iowa Republicans have embraced the far-right, fringe ideas that have consumed the Republican Party. Their policies and failed leadership have allowed for the Delta variant to spread unabated throughout our state, causing preventable deaths, sickness, stress, wage loss, and business closings.

    Republican mistakes are why parents all across Iowa are now facing extremely difficult decisions about sending their kids back to unsafe schools.

    It’s fitting the Governor announced the return of INDYCAR to Iowa today: her COVID-19 policies have our state going in circles.

    Democrats understand the importance of getting our kids safely back in schools. Getting our kids safely back in school is critical for getting our lives back to normal.

    Unfortunately, Kim Reynolds and the Republicans in the legislature are preventing our kids from returning safely to in-person school.

    Reynolds and the Republicans in the legislature have tied the hands of parents and school boards. They’ve taken away the voice of parents and local communities who want to do the right thing and protect themselves against the Delta variant.

    Republicans have created a false choice between no in-person school or extremely unsafe schools. I’ve talked to countless parents who are agonizing about sending kids back to unsafe schools, or upending their lives to keep their kids safe at home for virtual learning or home school.

    Governor Reynolds – forcing unvaccinated children back to school isn’t a plan. Continuing to ignore Covid isn’t a plan. Hoping that the Delta variant just goes away isn’t a plan. It’s reckless, it’s dangerous, and it’s putting untold numbers of children, parents, educators, and other staff at severe risk.

    When it comes to stopping Covid, Kim Reynolds is all talk, no action.

    Simply put, Republicans are to blame for the unabated spread of the Delta variant in our state. They’ve politicized mask wearing, rejected common sense safety measures, and spread outrageous conspiracy theories about the Covid vaccines.

    From day one of this crisis, they have failed to take it seriously, and Iowa continues to pay the price for their failures.”
