Government Oversight Committee – All-Bill Summary 2017

All state government oversight-related bills passed by the Legislature & signed into law for 2017. #ialegis #goodgovernment #iagov #transparency #accountability

The following bills were passed by the Legislature and signed into law by the Governor.

SF 499 – Monitoring devices in public places
HF 601 – Confidentiality of cyber-security information

SF 499 prohibits the state or a political subdivision, including a public library, public school or other government office open to the public, from using a monitoring device in a toilet, bath or shower facility, locker room or other space where a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy. The bill defines “monitoring device” as a digital video and audio streaming or recording device. The bill nullifies any local ordinance, rule or other measure that permits using such monitoring devices. This bill is in response to an American Civil Liberties Union complaint against the Iowa City Public Library over privacy concerns with security cameras. In 2013, the ACLU of Iowa obtained recordings from the common areas of men’s and women’s restrooms via a public records request. The footage showed patrons changing their clothes. The epilepsy ward at the University of Iowa may keep cameras/monitoring equipment in their bathroom for safety reasons.
[4/11: 49-0 (Allen excused)]


HF 601 provides for the confidentiality of certain cyber-security and infrastructure information developed and maintained by the government. The bill is at the request of municipal utilities, who thought the provisions were already covered under current law. The Governor has signed a bill regarding protection of cyber-security information for the Iowa Utilities Board. This bill mirrors that language.
[4/5: 50-0]