• Hart invites public to share ideas for Iowa jobs at town meetings

    Iowa Senate News Release
    For Immediate Release: October 10, 2017


    State Senator Rita Hart of Wheatland is organizing town hall meetings on jobs in November.  The events will begin at 7 PM and conclude at 8 PM.

    “Our part of Iowa has opportunities for real growth. We need to work together to promote small business development, entrepreneurship, and educational opportunities.  That’s how we will increase the number of higher wage jobs in our community,” said Hart, a farmer and former teacher.

    “One of the Legislature’s most important jobs is to invest in long-range economic development that ensures future growth and prosperity across all of Iowa,” said Hart, the former Chair of the Senate Economic Growth Committee. “At the meetings, I’ll be listening for ideas that will help create jobs and grow our local economy.”

    The State Senator encouraged people to bring their suggestions.

    “This is a discussion and I hope people will arrive with some suggestions,” said Hart. “The best ideas often appear when we get together and listen to each other.”

    Senator Hart will be holding multiple meetings about jobs and economic development throughout her Senate district. The dates and locations are:

    Date & Time Event Location
    NOV 1
    Wed 7 PM
    DeWitt Town Meeting on Jobs Dewitt Community Center
    NOV 2
    Thu 7 PM
    Lost Nation Town Meeting on Jobs Lost Nation Public Library
    NOV 6
    Mon 7 PM
    Delmar Town Meeting on Jobs Delmar Depot Museum
    NOV 8
    Wed 7 PM
    McCausland Town Meeting on Jobs McCausland Community Center
    NOV 14
    Tue 7 PM
    Clinton Town Meeting on Jobs Clinton Public Library (Iowa)
    NOV 15
    Wed 7 PM
    LeClaire Town Meeting on Jobs Leclaire Library



  • Mathis named “Hero in the Fight” for better mental health treatment in Iowa

    State Senator Liz Mathis

    For immediate release: Oct. 6, 2017

    CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa – State Senator Liz Mathis (D-Hiawatha) has been named a Hero in the Fight by the Linn County chapter of the National Alliance for Mental Illness.

    “Senator Mathis works relentlessly to advocate for our most vulnerable citizens. With Medicaid moving to a managed care system, Senator Mathis has been active in the community, listening to individuals and families about their experiences and making sure no one falls through the cracks. She listens to providers and advocacy groups so that she truly understands how real people are impacted. Her genuine care is evident,” said Kathy Johnson, a member of the board of directors for NAMI Linn County.

    The Heroes in the Fight awards are given each year to those who help fight stigma the stigma of mental illness and promote positive changes to ensure all Iowans have access to affordable and effective mental health treatment.

    “Iowans struggling with mental illness are some of our most vulnerable citizens, but their needs are often overlooked, or they get lost in our complicated health care system. They deserve someone who will stand up for them, fight for them and not quit until we get the job done,” Mathis said.

    Senator Mathis authored legislation with the help of Kent Jackson, director of Behavioral Health for Unity Point, which allows certain patients with schizophrenia to get long-lasting injections of antipsychotic medicine so that they can avoid costly hospital stays and more easily return to their day-to-day life.

    She also created a Children’s Mental Health & Wellbeing Workgroup in 2015 that is building a child mental health care system. The workgroup will be presenting legislation in 2018 that will address children experiencing a mental health care crisis. The workgroup also has encouraged pilot projects for new ways of improving child wellbeing.

    The Heroes in the Fight awards ceremony took place Thursday at Mercy Hospital’s Hallagan Auditorium in Cedar Rapids. Other local award recipients were:

    • Ben Rogers – Linn County Board of Supervisor
    • Ursula Livermore – Eastern Iowa Health Center Medical Director
    • Diane Brecht – Local Provider of SCL services
    • Brad Neff – Volunteer with Family Support and Family-to-Family classes

    NAMI Linn County is the local affiliate of a state and national association dedicated to education, advocacy and support for individuals and families struggling with the impact of a mental illness.


  • Kinney invites Iowans to share ideas for job creation at Sigourney town meeting

    Iowa Senate News Release
    For Immediate Release: October 4, 2017


    State Senator Kevin Kinney of Oxford is organizing a town hall meeting on jobs at the Sigourney Public Library on Monday, October 23.  The event will begin at 6 PM and conclude at 7 PM.

    “Rural Iowans need higher wages. Rural businesses need skilled workers and more customers,” said Kinney, a farmer and retired deputy sheriff.  “At the Sigourney Library meeting, I’ll be listening for ideas that will help create jobs and economic prosperity across our state.

    The State Senator encouraged people to bring their suggestions.

    “This will be a discussion, not a lecture,” said Kinney. “The best ideas often appear when we get together and listen to each other.”


  • Iowa taxpayers’ money going to pay for GOP misdeeds

    Iowa Senate News Release
    Senate Democratic Leader Rob Hogg: (515) 281-3901
    For Immediate Release:  September 28, 2017


    Reaction by Senate Democratic Leader Rob Hogg
    to Iowa taxpayers’ money going to pay for GOP misdeeds

    “Iowans are rightfully disgusted by the harassment, discrimination, and retaliation against Kirsten Anderson and other legislative staff.

    “They are outraged that their tax dollars are going to be used to pay $1.75 million because of the misconduct and mismanagement by Republican Senators.

    “When a jury delivered the verdict against Senate Republicans in July, I called on all Senators to work together to fix this problem. Unfortunately, Senate Republicans have ignored the calls for action and Iowa taxpayers are paying the price.”

    – end –



  • Governor Reynolds’ claim to balance budget ‘without cuts to education’ is astoundingly false

    Sept. 21, 2017

    Statement by Senator Herman Quirmbach of Ames, Ranking Member of the Senate Education Committee

    “Reynolds apparently wants to forget about the nearly 250,000 students who attend Iowa’s colleges and universities, but they really took it on the chin from her budget.  SF 130 resulted in $4.75 million being cut from the community colleges, $9.24 million cut from the University of Iowa, $8.99 million from Iowa State, and $2.52 million from UNI.  Private college students ducked any cut for FY2017, but they lost $2.8 million from their Iowa Tuition Grant scholarship fund for this school year.

    “As a direct result of Reynolds’ education cuts, Regents university students this fall got a ‘welcome back’ surprise of a steep tuition hike.  At ISU, the increase was two and a half times what students had initially been told.

    “Bad enough that Reynolds would levy a ‘tuition tax increase’ on students and their families, but then to fib about it and pretend it didn’t happen is just dishonest.  Iowans deserve better.”


  • Reaction by Senate Democrats to the latest update on GOP’s budget mess

    Iowa Senate News Release
    For Immediate Release:  Wednesday, September 20, 2017


    This is a statement from Sen. Joe Bolkcom, ranking member of the Senate Appropriation Committee

    “This is the third time we have seen a budget shortfall for Fiscal Year 17. Governor Reynolds and legislative Republicans have created a budget mess by failing to grow Iowa’s economy.  They have failed to keep their promises to increase family incomes by 25 percent and to create more than 200,000 new jobs.

    “Economic prosperity and fiscal responsibility can only return if Governor Reynolds and Republican legislators start working in a bipartisan way to make smart investments in Iowa workers and their families.”

    –    end –


  • Quirmbach: GOP’s “tuition tax” will hurt students and weaken Iowa’s economy

    For Immediate Release: Sept. 7, 2017

    State Senator Herman Quirmbach of Ames, the Ranking Member of the Senate Education Committee, released a statement in response to today’s meeting of Tuition Task Force with the Iowa Board of Regents:

    “In a series of meetings, Iowans overwhelmingly urged the Board of Regents not to impose years of sharp tuition increases on Iowa students and their families.

    “Let’s be clear.  During the 2017 session, Republicans balanced the state budget by cutting university funding, forcing a tuition increase this year of more than twice what the Board of Regents had proposed.  Now, instead of ending huge giveaways to out-of-state corporations, Governor Reynolds and legislative Republicans hope a steep, multi-year ‘tuition tax’ on Iowa students will balance Iowa’s busted state budget.

    “However, making college much more costly for Iowa students will only make things worse.  Iowa is in a downward spiral.  Our state’s lack of skilled workers prevents strong economic growth.  The lack of economic growth creates a budget deficit.  Republicans cut education to balance the budget.  Those cuts worsen our skilled worker shortage.

    “The Republican plan to balance the budget through a ‘tuition tax’ on Iowa families will hurt Iowa’s economy and should be rejected.”



  • Hart highlights bipartisan opportunities to reinvest in rural Iowa in letter to Governor

    Iowa Senate News Release
    For Immediate Release: Aug. 2, 2017


    State Senator Rita Hart of Wheatland highlighted several bipartisan ways to reinvest in rural Iowa and small towns in a letter to Governor Kim Reynolds on August 1. Hart, former chair of the Iowa Senate’s Economic Growth Committee, offered ways to revitalize rural Iowa and indicated her strong desire to focus on workforce training.

    “Extraordinary, bipartisan efforts need to be taken during the 2018 session to support efforts that will result in enough highly skilled workers in our small towns and rural communities to meet existing business demands throughout the state as well as create new business opportunity,” Hart wrote in her letter to Reynolds.

    Hart’s suggestions for reinvesting in rural Iowa and small towns include:

    • Ensuring safe, affordable housing for Iowa families.
    • Enhancing cultural and community attractions.
    • Access to reliable high-speed Internet.
    • Encouraging a regional approach to economic development that supports rural revitalization.

    Hart also expressed a willingness to work with Governor Reynolds on workforce training initiatives. She noted that in previous sessions, they had worked together to craft bipartisan solutions, such as keeping tuition affordable at Iowa’s universities and community colleges and funding an adult literacy program.

    “Like many Iowans, Senate Democrats remain concerned about funding cuts to Iowa universities and community colleges that were approved during the 2017 session,” Hart wrote. “Those cuts have a negative impact at a time when we need to invest more in Iowa’s current and future workforce training.”





  • Senator Hart hosting Iowa Water Quality Summit in DeWitt

    Iowa Senate News Release

    Senator Hart hosting Iowa Water Quality Summit in DeWitt on Tuesday, August 1

    More information: www.senate.iowa.gov/democrats/event/iowa-water-quality-summit/ and www.facebook.com/events/734488126736114

    Senator Rita Hart of Wheatland is hosting a non-partisan summit to discuss improving water quality in Iowa.

    The event will be from 6 to 9 p.m. on Tuesday, August 1, at Central DeWitt High School, 425 E. 11th Street, DeWitt. Doors will open at 5 p.m. and several organizations will have informational tables in the atrium.

    A number of local and statewide organizations will participate in the summit.

    “I invite the public to come and learn from the experts and begin to discuss the challenge of balancing the needs of the agricultural economy and wastewater management with the demand for clean water,” said Senator Hart.

