• Senate GOP failed to support bipartisan effort to restore voting rights

    Statement by Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen
    August 5, 2020

    “With the General Election less than 100 days away and in the absence of leadership by Senate Republicans, an executive order was the best way to give a second chance to many Iowans who lost their voting rights when they went to prison.

    “However, this is a temporary solution. A permanent solution was blocked by Senate Republicans, who failed to amend the Iowa Constitution to allow more Iowans to vote. Sen. Brad Zaun, Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, waited until the 11th hour of the 2020 session to finally get it through the Judiciary Committee but there was no effort to bring it to a vote by the full Senate.

    “Like most Iowans, we cheered last year when the Iowa House – on a 95-2 vote – approved a key, bipartisan priority: restoring voting rights of felons. We agreed with the Governor when she said the bipartisan vote in the Iowa House was ‘a victory for Iowans who deserve a second chance.’

    “There’s no excuse for Senator Zaun and Senate Republicans dropping the ball on this.”


  • Governor “abusing the power of her office” to force unsafe school reopenings

    Statement by Iowa Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen, 8/5/20

    “Governor Reynolds is abusing the power of her office.  

    “Nowhere in Senate File 2310 does it state that Iowa students, teachers and staff will be required to work and learn in unsafe buildings. In fact, the goal of the legislation was to give school districts more flexibility in online learning, not less.

    “No matter how Governor Reynolds tries to spin it to her advantage, the bill does not dictate the percentage of time Iowans need to spend in buildings. She cooked up that unsafe and unrealistic number herself.

    “I refuse to stand behind Governor Reynolds as she attacks local school board members with threats to yank their local school funding and educational licensure for voting on plans that put the health and safety of students and staff first.

    “I am grateful to school board members, teachers, parents, and students who have stood up to Governor Reynolds’ attempt at a hostile takeover of local control of our public schools.


  • Statement on Gov’s executive order on schools

    Statement from Sen. Herman Quirmbach, Ranking Member of the Senate Education Committee, on Governor’s latest Executive Order

    “Iowa schools are being forced into difficult choices between in-person learning and the health and safety of students and staff.  The reason is that Governor Reynolds is losing the battle against COVID-19, making it more difficult for local school districts to protect Iowa schoolchildren, teachers, and other school employees and still achieve quality education.

    “The Governor is continuing to ignore science, common sense, and the health and safety of Iowans.  Infection rates in Iowa are rising again.  The Governor has ignored CDC guidelines regarding proper business opening timelines and has denied local governments the ability to correct her mistakes and meet the needs of their communities.

    “Instead of making the same kind of mistakes that states like Florida have made — where nearly 1/3 of school kids are now testing positive — the Governor should focus on providing widespread COVID-19 testing and robust contact tracing across the state.  Only when we get serious about knocking down this virus can our kids have a quality education and a safe school environment.”

  • GOP blocked protections for vulnerable seniors; Pandemic intensified damage

    July 10, 2020

    DES MOINES — The Iowa Long-Term Care Ombudsman’s Office has issued a state report showing that there was a sharp decline in Iowa nursing home facility visits, advocacy and training in a 12-month period ending September 30, 2019.

    According to a review of the report by the Iowa Capital Dispatch:
    “…of the nation’s 50 state long-term care ombudsmen, Iowa ranks last in on-site visits made to care facilities. In 2018, the Iowa office visited, at least quarterly, just 10% of all the state’s care facilities. The national average was 72%.” (https://iowacapitaldispatch.com/2020/07/08/state-agency-reports-dramatic-drop-in-advocacy-for-older-iowans/)

    Iowa has a large population of vulnerable seniors living in facilities across the state. During the 2020 session of the Iowa Legislature, a broad group of Iowa organizations supported Senate File 2278, legislation which called for an adequate budget to hire more help, make regular and unannounced visits to the state’s nursing homes and cover costs of those visits.

    “It’s shameful that the Republican majority in the Senate would not move a bill that called for minimum help for our state’s elderly, who live in long-term care facilities,” said Senator Liz Mathis, the ranking member of the Senate Human Resources Committee. “Now during a pandemic, this neglect has laid bare that under-funding at a time of crisis can kill. We have lost nearly 400 Iowa seniors to coronavirus.”

    The Republicans who control the Iowa Senate chose not to hold a hearing of any kind on Senate File 2278. The bill was supported by a broad range of groups and no group registered against it.

    “We have a responsibility to our seniors to make sure there is help when they have concerns about the health care they are receiving,” said Mathis. “We used to be ranked highly among states that advocated for our elderly. Now we are last on the list and because of shortsightedness from the Majority and our most vulnerable have no voice.”

    Link to SF 2278


  • End-of-Session Statement by Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen

    End-of-Session Statement by Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen

    “When the 2020 session reconvened, Iowans were focused on the Legislature accomplishing two goals: Passing a balanced budget and improving the state’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

    “While they passed a budget in the middle of the night, the Republican-controlled Legislature failed to take any meaningful steps to make Iowans safer during this pandemic. In fact, they took away the rights of workers, residents of long-term care facilities and others hurt or killed by COVID-19.

    “Instead of relying on ribbon-cutting rhetoric and mystery data, Republican leaders should have listened to Iowans and worked in a bipartisan manner to:

    • Protect the health and safety of ALL Iowans.
    • Stabilize basic economic security needs of Iowa families.
    • Create an Iowa-focused economic recovery plan.

    “The Republican-controlled Legislature took no action to address this crisis. It’s clearly time for new leadership in Iowa.”

    – end –

  • Statement by Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen on passage of Criminal Justice Reforms

    Iowa Senate News Release
    June 11, 2020

    “The death of George Floyd, a black man killed by police in Minneapolis, has sparked protests and conversations about racial injustice in our nation.

    “Iowans are coming together as we’ve never seen before to say ‘enough is enough.’

    “Senate Democrats support these first steps because they will advance equality and justice in our state.

    “We know there is much more work to be done here in Iowa. Senate Democrats pledge to continue working to end racial profiling, enact  criminal justice reforms, and expand voting rights.

    “We also need to address racial disparities in health care, income and educational inequality, and much more.

    “Iowans are calling for social and racial justice. Senate Democrats are ready to make that a reality, and we are so happy to make a first step today in a bipartisan manner.”


    Summary of Senate File 2416, which passed the Iowa Senate June 11, 2020.

    • DIVISION I – Attorney General authority to investigate when officer causes a death
    • DIVISION II – Prohibition on use of chokeholds by officers – adds prohibition and definition
    • DIVISION III – Officers from other states, including reserve officers, applying for jobs in Iowa and Iowa applicants, revocation or suspension
    • DIVISION IV – Requiring de-escalation and prevention of bias training

  • Legislative Democrats’ COVID-19 Recovery Agenda

    News Release
    June 1, 2020

    Focus on Keeping Iowans Healthy and Restoring Financial Security  

    DES MOINES – Democratic lawmakers outlined their plan today to address the needs of Iowa families and business during the upcoming session of the Iowa Legislature. 

    The plan was developed by lawmakers to keep legislators focused during the final days of the 2020 session on addressing problems related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

    “Iowans have worked hard to protect each other from the spread of COVID-19 and deserve to be at the front of the line in our recovery efforts,” Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen said. “We need to stay focused on fixing the problems created by the pandemic and passing a balanced budget.”

    “In these uncertain times, the state needs to be more transparent than ever so Iowans have all the information available to protect their family, open their business, or go back to the office,” said House Democratic Leader Todd Prichard. “When session starts again on Wednesday, the Legislature must also fulfill its duty to provide oversight and make sure our Iowa tax dollars are spent wisely.” 

    In releasing the COVID recovery agenda, the two leaders also said lawmakers must work together to find solutions that balance the physical health and safety of Iowans with their need to work and put food on the table. The full agenda is below.

    COVID 19 Recovery Agenda

    Keeping Iowans Healthy 

    • Access to affordable health care, including mental health
    • Ensure universal access to COVID testing, contact tracing and PPE in all 99 counties
    • Keep hospitals and local health care clinics open 
    • Free coronavirus vaccine once available
    • Support mitigation efforts by cities, counties and emergency management commissions 
    • Prepare for fall COVID resurgence 

     Opening Businesses Safely & Protecting Workers

    • Help small businesses reopen safely and help them stay open 
    • Tests for Iowans returning to the workforce and retesting at workplaces when an employee tests positive
    • Financial security for businesses and workers with COVID positive case
    • Expand whistleblower protections and workers compensation during pandemics, including first responders and health care workers  
    • Expand protections for renters and homeowners during pandemics and severe economic downturns
    • Expand community college opportunities to help Iowans get back to work
    • Paid pandemic leave for workers to stay home when they are sick 

    Kids Learning & Growing Safely

    • Protect K-12 public education funding 
    • Provide universal access to technology and home-based internet for student
    • Provide PPE for all educators and students
    • Increase childcare services for Iowa families
    • Provide timely guidance to schools, parents and students on reopening

    COVID Transparency & Accountability 

    • Expand vote-at-home opportunities statewide
    • Oversight of Test Iowa and other no-bid contracts
    • Require immediate public notification of COVID outbreaks and end threshold reporting requirement
    • Require OSHA inspections and enforcement during health care emergencies

     –  end –

  • New budget estimates mean we must focus on real solutions

    Iowa Senate News Release
    May 29, 2020

    Statement from Sen. Joe Bolkcom, Ranking Member of Senate Appropriations Committee

    “Iowans have sacrificed a lot during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Businesses have closed, workers have been laid off, and too many Iowans have been sickened or killed by this horrible disease.

    “Because of their sacrifices, Iowans deserve to have their state leaders focus on solutions and maintaining key priorities when the Legislature reconvenes next week. This is a health care crisis and an economic crisis.

    “Based on the updated revenue estimates, the Governor and legislators must strategically use available resources– including federal funds and the state’s rainy-day fund – to protect key priorities: education, health care and employment security.

    “We also need to press our federal delegation to provide continued assistance to Iowans who are hurting.

    “Let’s get to work!”
