• Iowans support fair, non-partisan maps

    Iowa Senate News Release
    For Immediate Release: September 23, 2021

    “Iowans overwhelmingly support fair, non-partisan maps, and they don’t want politicians making changes to benefit one side or the other.”

    Statement by State Senator Janet Petersen of Des Moines:

    “Iowa citizens have had their say on the first redistricting map. 

    “At both the federal and state levels, the districts have nearly the same number of voters and follow local government boundaries when possible.

    “Iowans overwhelmingly support fair, non-partisan maps, and they don’t want politicians making changes to benefit one side or the other.”

    “For 40 years, Iowa has shown every other state how to do redistricting fairly, without partisan gerrymandering.  Iowa voters pick their politicians; politicians don’t get to pick their voters.

    “Other states, red and blue, should follow Iowa’s lead.

    “The Legislature should do what we did last time.  Approve the new maps and move forward.”


  • Survivors Network joins Petersen in call to extend statute of limitations

    We fully agree with the opinion piece written by Iowa State Senator Janet Petersen. Our applause for her willingness to champion window legislation, which will protect the vulnerable and hold child predators and the institutions who enable them accountable.

    For too long, survivors have held the entire liability for the long-term effects of the abuse they suffered. Regardless of when the crime occurred, it is time to shift the cost back where it belongs, to the perpetrator and to the organizations who covered up for them. 

    Attorney General Miller took a positive step forward and investigated the Catholic dioceses in his state, but so far, nothing has been done to hold the Church accountable for the damage it caused.

    SNAP Leaders John Chambers and Paul Koeniguer and SNAP President Tim Lennon made great efforts in Iowa in 2019. They appeared at the state’s capitol with Senator Petersen to demand legislators take the issue of much-needed SOL reform seriously. We welcome the opportunity to be invited once again to the table to discuss this critical cause.

    No boy or girl should be put at risk from known abusers. As victim stories are told and heard across the state, lawmakers should work to deliver justice to those who have been silenced for far too long. 

    When SOL laws are amended, children and communities are safer, and institutions with hidden or recycled perpetrators have a solid incentive to change their behavior.  SOL reforms help hold sexual predators accountable and instill accountability and consequences for any institution that harbors, conceals, or protects them. Reform will help ensure another child will not be the next victim, and Iowa will become a safer place. 

    Governor Reynolds and Attorney General Miller should take the proper next step on the heels of this recent investigative report and pledge their support for window legislation. Senator Petersen has demonstrated leadership in this matter, and SNAP will support survivors and advocates in Iowa who follow her lead in every way possible.


    CONTACT: Michael McDonnell, SNAP Communications Manager (mmcdonnell@snapnetwork.org,  267.261.0578), Zach Hiner, SNAP Executive Director (zhiner@snapnetwork.org, 517.974.9009) Tim Lennon, SNAP President (415-312-5820, tlennon@SNAPnetwork.org), Paul A. Koeniguer, SNAP Iowa (515-865-9673, Paul.koeniguer@focusfirstinc.com), John S. Chambers, SNAP Iowa (515-277-8436, jsc2597@aol.com

    (SNAP, the Survivors Network, has been providing support for victims of sexual abuse in institutional settings for 30 years. We have more than 25,000 survivors and supporters in our network. Our website is www.snapnetwork.org)

  • Petersen stepping down as Senate Democratic Leader

    Iowa Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen announced today that she will not seek reelection as Senate Minority Leader. 

    “It was an incredible experience serving as Iowa’s first female Iowa Senate Democratic Leader,” said Petersen. “I am grateful to my caucus for electing me to the role and for asking me to continue on, but as C. Joy Bell once said, ‘Holding on to something that is good for you now, may be the very reason why you don’t have something better.’ 

    “Election night was rough for Iowa Democrats. Fortunately, Senate Democrats weathered a bad year without losing any ground.  The Iowa Statehouse may be dominated by Trump loyalists for now, but I don’t see Iowans putting up with that type of leadership for much longer. 

    “I look forward to continuing my work on behalf of all Iowans and getting our state back on a better path.” 


    Senator Petersen was re-elected last week to a third four-year term in District 18, which includes the northwest side of Des Moines.

  • Statement on Governor’s latest COVID steps

    Statement from Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen 

    “Governor Reynolds’ latest steps to fight COVID are like buying a smoke detector after your house is blazing out of control. 

    “Iowa has one of the highest positivity rates in the nation, making more schools unsafe to hold in-person classes. Hospitals are above capacity for COVID and non-COVID patients. Iowans are finding it difficult to impossible to get tested for COVID. And the death count is spiking. 

    “For eight months, Governor Reynolds has unilaterally led a COVID strategy,  damaging the Iowa economy and leaving business owners and workers at her mercy. If the Governor had listened from day one to health care experts – including the White House Coronavirus Task Force – more Iowans would be alive today and the Iowa economy would be rebounding.”


  • Senate GOP failed to support bipartisan effort to restore voting rights

    Statement by Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen
    August 5, 2020

    “With the General Election less than 100 days away and in the absence of leadership by Senate Republicans, an executive order was the best way to give a second chance to many Iowans who lost their voting rights when they went to prison.

    “However, this is a temporary solution. A permanent solution was blocked by Senate Republicans, who failed to amend the Iowa Constitution to allow more Iowans to vote. Sen. Brad Zaun, Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, waited until the 11th hour of the 2020 session to finally get it through the Judiciary Committee but there was no effort to bring it to a vote by the full Senate.

    “Like most Iowans, we cheered last year when the Iowa House – on a 95-2 vote – approved a key, bipartisan priority: restoring voting rights of felons. We agreed with the Governor when she said the bipartisan vote in the Iowa House was ‘a victory for Iowans who deserve a second chance.’

    “There’s no excuse for Senator Zaun and Senate Republicans dropping the ball on this.”


  • Governor “abusing the power of her office” to force unsafe school reopenings

    Statement by Iowa Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen, 8/5/20

    “Governor Reynolds is abusing the power of her office.  

    “Nowhere in Senate File 2310 does it state that Iowa students, teachers and staff will be required to work and learn in unsafe buildings. In fact, the goal of the legislation was to give school districts more flexibility in online learning, not less.

    “No matter how Governor Reynolds tries to spin it to her advantage, the bill does not dictate the percentage of time Iowans need to spend in buildings. She cooked up that unsafe and unrealistic number herself.

    “I refuse to stand behind Governor Reynolds as she attacks local school board members with threats to yank their local school funding and educational licensure for voting on plans that put the health and safety of students and staff first.

    “I am grateful to school board members, teachers, parents, and students who have stood up to Governor Reynolds’ attempt at a hostile takeover of local control of our public schools.


  • End-of-Session Statement by Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen

    End-of-Session Statement by Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen

    “When the 2020 session reconvened, Iowans were focused on the Legislature accomplishing two goals: Passing a balanced budget and improving the state’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

    “While they passed a budget in the middle of the night, the Republican-controlled Legislature failed to take any meaningful steps to make Iowans safer during this pandemic. In fact, they took away the rights of workers, residents of long-term care facilities and others hurt or killed by COVID-19.

    “Instead of relying on ribbon-cutting rhetoric and mystery data, Republican leaders should have listened to Iowans and worked in a bipartisan manner to:

    • Protect the health and safety of ALL Iowans.
    • Stabilize basic economic security needs of Iowa families.
    • Create an Iowa-focused economic recovery plan.

    “The Republican-controlled Legislature took no action to address this crisis. It’s clearly time for new leadership in Iowa.”

    – end –

  • Statement by Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen on passage of Criminal Justice Reforms

    Iowa Senate News Release
    June 11, 2020

    “The death of George Floyd, a black man killed by police in Minneapolis, has sparked protests and conversations about racial injustice in our nation.

    “Iowans are coming together as we’ve never seen before to say ‘enough is enough.’

    “Senate Democrats support these first steps because they will advance equality and justice in our state.

    “We know there is much more work to be done here in Iowa. Senate Democrats pledge to continue working to end racial profiling, enact  criminal justice reforms, and expand voting rights.

    “We also need to address racial disparities in health care, income and educational inequality, and much more.

    “Iowans are calling for social and racial justice. Senate Democrats are ready to make that a reality, and we are so happy to make a first step today in a bipartisan manner.”


    Summary of Senate File 2416, which passed the Iowa Senate June 11, 2020.

    • DIVISION I – Attorney General authority to investigate when officer causes a death
    • DIVISION II – Prohibition on use of chokeholds by officers – adds prohibition and definition
    • DIVISION III – Officers from other states, including reserve officers, applying for jobs in Iowa and Iowa applicants, revocation or suspension
    • DIVISION IV – Requiring de-escalation and prevention of bias training

  • Petersen: We can take immediate steps to end racial disparities

    By State Senator Janet Petersen

    Problems that have plagued our nation and state for generations are demanding attention, especially following the death of George Floyd, a black man killed by police in Minneapolis.

    Iowans and Americans everywhere are coming together to say “enough is enough.” It’s time that our actions condemn hate and racism. It’s time that our actions advance equality and justice for all.

    There is so much work to be done here in Iowa, but we don’t need to start from scratch. Many bipartisan bills have been proposed and are just waiting to be called up by legislative leaders.

    We can start right away by passing criminal justice reforms before the Legislature adjourns the 2020 session. Iowa has significant disparities in arrests and incarceration of black citizens—only 4% of Iowa’s population is black, but more than 25% of our prison population is black.

    There is strong bipartisan support to restore voting rights to felons who’ve served their sentences. Many of these Iowans have returned home; they’re working, paying taxes and contributing to their communities. They’ve served their time and deserve to participate in their government.

    HJR 14 would amend the Iowa Constitution to do just that. The resolution passed the Iowa House during the 2019 session, 95-2. In the Senate, unfortunately, it stalled in Judiciary Committee.

    We have a lot of work ahead of us to ensure all Iowans are truly free. We must fix unequal treatment under the law, end racial profiling and improve community policing. We need to address health disparities, income inequality, educational opportunities, access to voting and more.

    Senate Democrats are ready to make racial justice a reality for all Iowans.

    Senator Janet Petersen of Des Moines is the Senate Democratic Leader.